Thursday, November 7, 2024

Rob the Robber -- Ja Thag nay Thagni Thagi

Maaya to Thagni bhayi - Thagat phirai sab Des
Ja Thag nay Thagnai Thagi taa Thag ko Aades
                      " Sadguru kabeer ji "

Maya is a grand delusional - a great robber.
It distracts everyone and robs their peace. 

Salutations to the one who robs this robber - 
the one who can retain the Maya.

Thagni   = Robber
Aades     = Salutations, Regards, Pranaam, Namaskaar


  1. How does one “rob this robber”?

    1. This is genuinely a great question.
      In my opinion , the only way to "rob this robber" is to take back everything this robber has stole from us. What exactly is this? It is our inner peace. We can take back this inner peace by controlling our desires for Maya and setting clear priorities in our life. Where is Nirankar on our priority list? Where is our Sewa, Simiran, Satsung on that list? We define our priorities through our actions. If we are more concerned about our Jobs, how others think about us, or our materialistic possessions then they are prioritized higher. If we instead always are hungry for Sungats , attempt Simiran any moment of the day, and long for Sewa, then this is prioritized higher. If we can prioritize the things that are ever-lasting (Nirankar) over the temporary things (Maya), then we will take control of our minds and desires and TAKE BACK our inner peace from this robber. The moment we take control, we have "robbed this robber" and taken back what belongs to us: OUR peace.

      This is just my opinion.

    2. How does one “rob this robber”?

      With Gyana - with pre-knowledge.
      If you know that someone is going to rob you - and cheat you - then you will be alert and careful in dealing with that person. If you already know their intentions, you will do your best not to let them succeed.

      Similarly, if you know and understand that, eventually, Maya will rob you of your peace and objectives, you can be careful when dealing with Maya.
      Robbing the robber means not letting the robber succeed in achieving their goals.
      Let me know if this answers your question. Thanks.

    3. Yes. By true knowledge alone we can make Maya our servant and not our boss. By being aware, we are “robbing” Maya of the hold it had on us before.

  2. Rev. Rajan Jì, Thanks for sharing all the wonderful thoughts Jì. Pl. keep on blessing Jì.🙏🌹

  3. What wise words! I completely agree.
    The environment that houses this temporary exhistance we call life is filled with Maya. Although this Maya is critical to ensure our survival (we need food , water, shelter, ect.), any love for something that does NOT love us back will rob our peace. If our emotions of hatred, anger, jelousy , envy , and egos are a fire, then a love for Maya can be considered the fuel. And just like a fire requires oxygen to remain lit , this fire will consume our peace to burn. So is there any way we can extinguish this fire? YES! Do Sewa, Simiran, Satsung, and you will feel the cool breeze of love and the cold waters of tranquility calm that fire we possess within.

    Thank you for sharing Ji!


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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