Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Ravan being a Gyani is not important

Ravan being a Gyani is not important. 

It is not important that Ravan was a great scholar and a Gyani Pandit.
The important thing is that a Gyani and a great scholar can also become a Ravan.

Along with Gyan and knowledge, sentiments and actions must also be pure. 


  1. Good point ji.

    Ravan was Ravan before he also became a gyani/pandit. Regardless of the latter, he was still Ravan. These are inherent qualities (nature/fitrat) that don't just change regardless of how much you know. If one is born with such traits, it takes Will, tremendous amounts of hard work, effort and practice to change and improve oneself. Or so I've heard, Guru Kripa can change a person. Thanks you 🙏🏻

  2. Totally agree! One does not become Panditji by shuffling the pages of Mahagranth! Kabir, Narsinh Mehta, BullehShah few to mention acquired highest level of conciousness without proclamation of being Gyani or Pandit!

  3. Extremely well said.
    In order to reach a destination, there are 3 prerequisites:

    Firstly, you must be positioned on the correct path.
    Secondly, you must follow the path in the correct direction.
    Lastly, you must follow this correct direction until you reach your destination.

    Relating this to the path of Spirituality, recieving the Gyan is only the first step in our journey to the destination (Salvation). As soon as we recieve the Gyan, we are positioned on the correct path, and the way becomes lit for us. However, just because we are on the correct path, doesnt mean we are headed to the correct destination. Every path has 2 directions. One that takes you to your destination, and one that takes you in the direct opposite direction. After recieving the Gyan , we must actually start taking the steps in the correct direction through our actions, deeds, and sentiments.
    Finally, simply walking in the correct direction for a small duration will not lead us to our destination. For example, even a boat can sink in the river only a few yards from its destination. Similarly, we must do our absolute best to stay on the correct path AND walk in the right direction UNTIL we reach the destination ( which is reached when this temporary existince called life is over).

    Thanks for sharing Ji!

    1. The point of my earlier comment is to illustrate that possessing the Gyan is only the first step towards Salvation. The true journey starts when our actions, deeds, and sentiments push us in the correct direction along this path.

  4. You are absolutely right


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...