Saturday, September 28, 2024

Practice is the Key

Practice is the most important key to achieving the desired goals - 
Not just in the field of Music only - 
But in any field of study, work, or spirituality - or to improve life in general.

Lord Krishna also emphasized two essential points in the Bhagavad Geeta - 
Abhyaas And Vairaagya 

           "Abhyaasena Tu Kaunteya vairaagyen cha grihiyatay"
                                   (Bhagavad Geeta 6 - 35)

Abhyaas - meaning Practice 
and Vairaagya - The elimination of unnecessary wanderings of the mind - Sacrificing the sloth - lethargy and focusing on achieving the goal. 
                                                  " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Practice makes a man perfect ji, in any field

    1. Well..... Actually -- "Proper Practice makes Perfect"
      Wrong practice - or Practicing in the wrong way can actually delay our progress

  2. Proper Practice or say L(labour) U(under) C(correct) K(knowledge) go hand-in-hand n complement each other.

  3. Absolutely right, ji

  4. Absolutely correct ji
    "Proper Practice" is the Key words....thank you Rajan ji 🙏

  5. In practice ( Abhyasa ) I read some thing , every effort is not a practice , Efforts needs 3 criteria to be filled before it’s Called Practice- it’s should be for prolonged period , Continuos and should be focused then efforts becomes practice… Same in Spirituallity - Continous , Every breath and focused on own self 🙏🙏🙏

  6. Very well said like always Ji!

    On a similar note, I have heard so many times that , "Failure leads to success." This is not true. Failure is just a temporary state and it has very low impact on the upcoming future. Failure does NOT lead to success. One can repeat the same failure multiple times with no change to his behavior and expect the same failure to return time and time again.

    The true verion is , "Acting on Failure with the desire to avoid its recurrence leads to success." When we experience a setback or failure, we must:

    1. Fail Fast
    2. Fail Forward

    Failing Fast refers to quick acknowledgement of the failure. Dont spead much time worrying about the failure. Accept it , understand that you are human and mistakes happen. Dont spend time worrying about past mistakes.

    Secondly, Fail Forward refers to creating a plan to learn from and grow from the failure and create change that will not allow repetition of the same failure.

    I found this conversation similar to your wise thoughts about "Proper Practice". Thank you for sharing Ji!


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...