Wednesday, September 25, 2024

सही हिसाब Right Calculations

रब ने यारो देखो कैसा सही हिसाब किताब लगाया 
सबको खाली हाथ भेजा और वापिस ख़ाली हाथ बुलाया 

Rab ne yaaro dekho kaisa sahee hisaab kitaab lagaaya 
Sab ko khaali haath bheja aur vaapis khaali haath bulaaya

                          English Translation

See - how precisely God has calculated everything.  
He sends everyone empty-handed - 
                 and brings them back also empty-handed. 


  1. I think this applies to materialistic belongings only or do we leave behind our karmas as well? 🙏

  2. Perfectly right ji. All things, owned or possessed, remain there only including even physical form. Only your deeds remain etched in memory forever amongst survivors especially nears n dears. However, it's always emphasised that one need to do good in lifespan. It's based upon assumption amongst Hindu ideology that present deeds decide one's birth in future. It's cycle of 84 lac birth-re-birth cycle.

  3. Such beautifully said. We enter and leave empty-handed. All of our possessions, relationships, and worries stay behind. Over our temporary lifetime, we used our multiple senses to enjoy all the pleasures and experience all the pains that are present in this Myah filled world, yet ultimately none of them truly mattered.

    So the true question is, if none of our materialistic achievements, or personal relationships come with us upon Death, then what really was the purpose of life? What was the true purpose that we came into this human body for?
    The true purpose of this life is to know one-self and know God. Through this and a life of living this God-knowledge, one can achieve something that isnt limited to this life, Salvation.

    Thank you for sharing Ji!


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...