Monday, September 23, 2024

दुआ बदलते रहे -- Changing the Prayers - Dua badaltay rahay

ज़रुरतों के मुताबिक दुआ बदलते रहे
ये लोग ख़ुद नहीं बदले ख़ुदा बदलते रहे 

Zaruraton kay mutaabik dua badaltay rahay 
Ye log khud nahin badalay Khuda badaltay rahay

They kept changing their prayers according to their needs.
Instead of changing themselves - 
They kept changing their Gods.


  1. Wah ji wah sooo true 🙇🏽‍♀️🙏❤️

  2. Well said. Change is inherent part of nature. Weather changes. Sun rises to replace moon. But this shift is without any personal reasons. Only in human beings priorities their self interest over general well being.Shifting goalposts and consequent prayers before GOD for fulfillment thereof is driven by sheer greed. As a consequence of non fulfillment of desired needs, loosing faith is the result.


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