Thursday, September 5, 2024

Happy Teacher's Day


An awe-inspiring teacher is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget.
Teachers have a direct impact on their students. They love educating students.
They strive to educate - inspire the students to learn more and to induce positive changes in their lives. 

From the first day of school to the end of our academic education - we all learn from many different teachers.
However, there are just a few who cling to our memory for the rest of our lives.
Because they take personal interest and responsibility for our progress.
Teachers help build the characteristics of an individual, a society, and a nation.
The teacher is a candle that burns itself and gives light to others.

They take the hands of the students, open their minds, and touch their hearts.
Such heartful teachers become role models for the students.

That is why - in ancient Indian traditions - the teacher or the Guru was given the utmost respect and highest honor by the society.

Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gururdevo Maheshvaraa
GururPaarbrahma Parmeshvar, Tasmai Shri Guruvay Namah
                                                              (Guru Geeta)

Guru Eeshar, Guru Gorakh Brahmaa, Guru Paarvati maai
                                               (Japuji Sahib)

Mother, Father, and the Guru were given the status of God ij Indian cultures.
 "Matri Devo Bhavah - Pitri Devo Bhavah - Gurur Devo Bhavah"

The great Gurus - the good teachers do not simply teach -
They plant the seeds of knowledge in the minds of their disciples and students that last a lifetime.
They guide and support the disciples personally at every step to understand - to apprehend the subject thoroughly and inspire them to improve and rise to such heights where the sky is the limit.

Find a great teacher - a Guru - who will help you personally - by guiding you at each step of your life on a personal level - answering all your questions and removing any doubts that you might have.

A proficient and experienced teacher will never tell you to stop asking questions - to stay quiet or be withdrawn and believe every word without any doubt whatsoever.
Good teachers will always encourage you to ask questions until you are fully satisfied.
Because the teachers who are indeed wise, do not advise you to simply enter the house of their wisdom. 
They lead you to the threshold of your own mind.

Great Gurus and Good teachers encourage their students to become as knowledgeable as them - or even better than them.
Real Gurus or Good teachers never become jealous of their students.
In fact, they feel proud of their students if they rise and become even better than the teachers.

There is a beautiful prayer in Yajur Veda - also found in Taittarey, Mandukya, and Shvetashvatara Upanishads - which explains the beautiful relationship between the Guru and the Shishya - the teacher and the disciple.
It says:

ॐ सह नाववतु - सह नौ भुनक्तु - सह वीर्यं करवावहै
तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै
                  ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
Om Seh Nau-Avatu Seh Nau Bhunaktu
Seh Veeryam Karavaavahai
Tejasvi Naav-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvishaavahai

Meaning: May the Brahman (Almighty Lord) protect us both (Teacher & Disciple);
May He nourish us both;
May we both work in harmony with great vigor;
May our study be illuminating and fruitful;
May we - Guru and Shishya - the teacher and disciple - never be jealous of each other.

Millions of people, all over the world, acknowledge and honor this day by celebrating it in different ways. However, the greatest tribute to them would be to learn, understand, and adapt their teachings in our lives.

And the most important thing for teachers is that they should engage, motivate, and inspire students to learn.

I was fortunate to have a few such great teachers in my life - who not only helped me in my professional career as a teacher - but helped me in every sphere of my life - to broaden my horizons - to remove the walls of narrowmindedness - to get out of the limited, confined space and become open and broad-minded and think universally.

My salutations and attributes to all my such teachers - all my Gurus, who helped me personally to reach where I am - to be what I am today.

Let's appreciate the vital role that teachers play in shaping our future.
The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.
                               'Rajan Sachdeva'



  1. Dhan Nirankar Ji My Dear Rev. Rajan Uncle Ji👣🌸🌹🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♂️
    Shukrana For Everything Ji.🙏🏻😊
    Wishing you a Very Happy and Blissful Teacher's Day ji.YOUR presence in my life is truly a blessing ji.Thank you for being a source of Enlightenment, Immense Love and beacon Inspiration ji.
    🌿🌱My heartfelt thanks to you for drawing my attention towards affluence of Gratitude, Recognition and Appreciativeness for the benevolent benefactor, Satguru Nirankar ji. Please Bless me ji that dass stay illumined in the Divine light & able to intensify devotion towards the three pillars of spirituality ji & be conscious of the Divine Presence 24X7 ji. Able To Foresee Good & Have acceptance In Nirankar Will ji.
    Please Forgive my all Gustakhiyaan ji, Do not open the book of my sins.Keep my sins in veil ji.
    Bless me with good intentions, so that without any deceit in mind, live life in a pure manner inside out & also become a boon for mankind ji.
    LOVE You..∞ From The Bottom Of My Heart Ji🙏🏻♥️♥️
    Eternally Yours Ji,

  2. Happy teachers day! Thank you for everything 🙏🙏

  3. 🙏🏻 Happy Teacher’s Day. Pranam

  4. Teaching is a fine blend of Head, Heart, Hand. It has in-built mechanism of memory, meaning and metaphor. In contemporary scenario of assistive technology, algorithm, macine learning , augmented reality, fast paced consumerism coupled with deep seated social media penetration, teacher's role in shaping " GROUNDED, WELL BEHAVED, MATURE, SELF CONTROLLED, FUTURE HUMAN RESOURCE" is to regularly evolve so as to stay relevant while ensuring individual as well as nation's all round prosperity and development in letter n spirit. HAPPY TEACHERS DAY.
    Dr.J.K.Gulati, Chairman, District Child Welfare Committe, Jalandhar n Retd HOD, University Business School, GNDU, Jalandhar.

  5. You are our most beloved music teacher. We with all the gratitude wish you happy teacher’s day.
    I dreamed several times about our music class. The time is always ticking and old good times are the memories.

    1. Thanks. I also miss those group classes. Everyone was very friendly and the classes were fun too

  6. I am Very very thankful for all great articles & educating us, you are a great teacher in our life. 🙏🙏🕉🕉🕉🕉


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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