Sunday, September 22, 2024

Janaazay ko un kay -- A funeral procession

Janaazay ko un kay vo rukvaa kay bolay
Ye lautengay kab tak - kahaan ja rahay hain? 

Answer came -

Aaye thay duniya mein din chaar lay kar 
Jahaan say chalay thay - vahaan ja rahay hain


Seeing a funeral procession, someone asked: 
Where is he going? When will he return?

The answer came -

He came to this world for four days*.
Now - going back to the same place where he came from.

* Four days -- Childhood, youth, adulthood, and old age 


  1. There truly is such a deep spiritual meaning in such a short and beautiful poem.
    We all are aware of the concept of Death and how one day we all shall leave the physical form that we are in. However in the poem when someone asks , "Where is he going? When will he return?" , this symbolizes our general curiosity and denial when we see Death. This curiosity and denial stems from the hope that maybe Death is temporary or reversible , yet it is not.

    The response is even more interesting. "He came to this world for four days." Summarizing an entire life into only four short days puts into perspective how short of a time we have in this world. Within these "four days" we dont have the time to waste on focusing on only worldly possessions and ignoring the One Formless God.

    "Now - going back to the same place where he came from." Life is nothing but a temporary journey away from our true Eternal existance, with Death serving as a return to our eternal state.

    Death is a natural and inevitable part of life, it serves as a reminder to live our life to the fullest every second, while recognizing that we belong to something much greater, timeless and Eternal.

    Thank you for sharing Ji!

    1. Thank you Daman ji for this beautiful explanation


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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