Monday, August 7, 2023

Those who dive deep find Treasure - Jin Khoja tin Paayaa

          Jin Khoja tin paayaa gehray paani paith 
          Main bauri dhoondan gayi - rahi kinaaray baith 
                                                (Sadguru Kabeer Ji) 

Those who dive deep into the ocean - find the treasures.
I also went searching - 
but foolishly stayed sitting on the edge of the shore. 

Pearls are found only by those who dive into the depth of the ocean.
Only they can acquire this treasure.

We have been walking the ocean's edge for a long - 
holding up our robes of ego to keep them dry and unwrinkled - 
holding on to our armors of prestige and ego. 

Kabir ji says that if we want real treasure - 
then we must dive deeper
 - and dive naked - free from the heavy armor that we always carry around.

Too often, we carry the armor of our position – prestige, distinction, and power with us.
Wherever we go - we go with a false sense of superiority over others. 
Wearing the armor of ego - we do not allow our minds to be drenched in the waters of pure love.
In order to save our ego, we are deprived of taking a deep dive into the ocean of the spiritual world - in the pure love of Hari Naam - the Lord's name. 
                           "Rajan Sachdeva "


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...