Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Chandrayaan lands on the Moon - Science and Spirituality

For centuries, India has been leading in the field of Spirituality - Aadhyatmikta - 
Now it has entered to explore new scientific adventures as well.

Life should be a combination of both - Science and Spirituality. 

Science helps us think rationally and logically. 
It helps us to make progress in the physical world - to make our lives more comfortable and enjoyable. 
Spirituality keeps us on the path of righteousness.  

Science is constantly striving to discover new technologies to help us live longer and healthier lives.
Spirituality helps us maintain the values of humanity.

While Science is taking us to the moon and other planets - 
Spirituality keeps us grounded on the Earth - 
Inspires us to maintain a healthy relationship - not only with society and people – but with all living beings - including nature as well.

Science and spirituality both have an important role to play in our lives.
And it seems that we're trying to move forward in both these directions now.
May Almighty help us to make progress in both these realms.
                            "Rajan Sachdeva " 


  1. well said Rajan ji

  2. Like Work-Life balanced blend leads to smooth sailing in both personal & professional space, similarly Science & Spirituality constitutes synergetic energy to lead hassle-free lifespan. Another thought provoking read Professor Sahib.

    1. Thank you Dr. Gulati ji --- You are always so kind 🙏

  3. Very correct ji. If science goes with spirituality, it can benefit more.

  4. I agree with hundred percent 🌹🌹

  5. Truly relatable ji science and spirituality both important for life 🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...