Monday, January 31, 2022

Intelligence vs Wisdom

Intelligence leads to arguments.
Wisdom leads to settlements.

Intelligence is the power of will.
Wisdom is power over the will.

Intelligence is heat - it burns.
Wisdom is warmth - it comforts.

Intelligence is holding on.
Wisdom is letting go.

Intelligence leads you.
Wisdom guides you.

Intelligence is the pursuit of knowledge - 
it tires the seeker.
Wisdom is the pursuit of truth - 
it inspires the seeker.

An intelligent man thinks he knows.
A wise man knows there is more to know.

An intelligent man always tries to prove his point.
A wise man knows there really is no point.

An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice.
A wise man keeps his counsel - until asked.

An intelligent man understands what is being said.
A wise man understands what is left unsaid.

An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something.
A wise man speaks when he has something to say.

An intelligent man sees everything as relative.
A wise man sees everything as related.

An intelligent man is always insistent.
A wise man is ever consistent.

An intelligent tries to control the flow.
The wise go with the flow.

An intelligent is aggressive and pretentious.
The wise are humble and earthly.

An intelligent is lofty and ambitious.
The wise is simple and practical.

An intelligent preaches to others.
The wise reach the others.


Discussion vs Argument рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдмрдиाрдо рдмрд╣рд╕

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...