Sunday, January 2, 2022

Empty your-self

The ancient Indian scriptures proclaim:
              ' Vidya Dayaati Vinayam '
Vidya - the Gyana or knowledge makes the person humble. 

It is a mistake to believe that we have acquired all the spiritual wisdom - that we know everything there is to be known.
The more we are filled with such thoughts and egos, the less space is left for Gyana, introspection, and self-analysis.

To become a vessel or a container of True Gyana - we must become humble. 
We must get rid of our egos. 
When we empty ourselves - we will find ourselves filled with bliss - with light and Grace.
                                         ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. O Lord empty me of me so that I may be filled with you

  2. Thank you, Ji. Your words inspired me to write the following:

    जब मैं को अर्पण कर दिया
    तब गुरु से तुझको पाया है
    जब तुझको है अपनाया
    तब सब कुछ तुझमें समाया है

    1. Or the last two lines could be changed to:

      जब तुझको मैंने अपनाया
      तब खुद को तुझमे समाया है

  3. This is the state of Gurusikh who’s so humble like you ����


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...