Friday, January 21, 2022

A Pale Blue Dot - by Carl Sagan

NASA Mission was leaving the solar system when, at the request of Carl Sagan, it was commanded by NASA to turn its camera around and take a last photo of Earth across a great expanse of space. 

The following video's accompanying words are spoken by Carl Sagan. 
Please listen to them attentively.


  1. Beautiful video with a life-changing message. Redefines our perspective not only of our own selves but also of our relationship with others and also with our environment. And even the remaining time we have at our disposal!

  2. DEEP!!!!
    Loved it


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...