Thursday, December 19, 2019

We forget to appreciate what we have

Usually, we keep on chasing after what we don't have. 
We keep on thinking about it continually - but forget to appreciate and enjoy what we already have. 

Just because we don't have a few things that we want, we usually forget all the others that we have. 
We keep on complaining about what we don't have, or what our friends or loved ones didn't do - or don't do for us. We become bitter and keep on complaining all the time and blaming others for our dissatisfaction. We tend to forget all the other things that they have done and continue to do for us. 
We keep on grieving for what they don't do - but never appreciate what they do.
Love and Respect are earned, not demanded.
Constant complaints to friends and loved ones about what they don't do might push them farther away, and they might even stop doing what they are already doing for us. 
What if we don't get the one thing which we want - and the other things that we have, are also lost? 

Earlier, our parents and grandparents used to teach us some lessons by telling us stories. 
One such story was:
A man was distributing Laddoos as Prasaad outside a temple. People would extend their hand in front of him, and he would place one Laddoo on it. One boy, thinking that the man is looking at the hands only - and not at the faces - took one Laddoo and quickly turned his arm behind his back, and extended the other hand forward. 
The man said, hey - you have already taken one Laddoo and refused to give him another one. 
Suddenly, a dog came behind the boy and clutched the Laddoo, which he was hiding behind his back. 
Trying to get more, he even lost what he had received. 

Let's not try to hide or forget, and be ungrateful for what we have. 
                              'Rajan Sachdeva'

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