Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Let's understand some Facts

Let's understand some central truths - the common heritage of the Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and the Sikhs alike.  

Here are some prevalent facts shared by all:

There is only one Almighty, all-pervading eternal Parmaatma - commonly known as God, or the Supreme Consciousness- the origin of all existence. 
The Supreme Universal consciousness - whose glories the Vedas cannot express - before whose majesty the universe with its countless galaxies of billions of suns and stars is as a drop. 

Atman, also immortal - birthless, and eternal is a part of this Supreme Universal Soul that resides within all living creatures - from lowest to the highest - evolved or unevolved forms of life. 

Understanding this fact, and seeing God - the Supreme in everyone and selfless service towards all is our foremost duty.

All the religions mentioned above believe in the theory of karma.
We create our destiny by choosing the course of our actions. 
Interestingly though, contrary to popular beliefs, none of their holy scriptures believe in some special place somewhere up in the sky called heaven and hell. Everything is here on the earth - in the physical and mental spheres of life.

Knowing and experiencing the 'Truth - the 'Reality and establishing a direct connection with it is the leading goal of human life. 

Truth can be known from the Guru - the enlightened one - who has already experienced it.

After knowing, a direct and personal relationship must be established with the Supreme to enjoy the bliss. 

Unfortunately, most people do not know the facts about other religions because they do not want to read the holy scriptures other than their own. Not knowing the facts about others, we think that we are better than the others. That creates differences, discrimination, and even hatred and hostility towards others. 
Find out the facts before criticizing others.
                       May Nirankar, the Supreme Lord bless all. 

     'Rajan Sachdeva'


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...