Saturday, December 28, 2019

Value of having good people around

The value of having good people around us is not only what we get from them, but the better person we will become because of them. 
The company we keep is crucial in shaping our understanding of life and the world. 
Therefore, keeping a good company is vital, especially at a young age, when the mind is quite impressionable and vulnerable. 

However, finding good people and friends might be a challenge, because many times, people are not as they appear to be. We may like some people who are fun to be with - but they may not necessarily be good for us. The important thing is - in difficult times, would they guide us properly, and help us unconditionally in whatever capacity they can? 
When we are vulnerable, it's easy to follow a shady path when guided and pointed toward the wrong direction. 
That is the power of association. Therefore, we must learn to value the support of good people around us. 

More than finding good people in life, harder is to keep association and relationship with them for long. 
Sometimes we lose good people over some small silly things - because of our self-centeredness and ego. 
Before breaking a pleasing relationship, we should ask ourselves - 
- is it worth losing it? 


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...