Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Remembering or to Experience ?

We often hear from people that we should remember God. 
Is just remembering Him enough? 
In fact, just remembering something does not do much.
The experience does. 
Remembering that I have money in my bank won't help -unless I use it.
Remembering there is food in my fridge won't help - unless it goes in my stomach. 
Remembering that I have a job won't help - unless I work. 
Remembering that I have an infant child in the crib does not help - unless I pay attention and take care of the baby.
Similarly, just remembering The Almighty may not be enough - unless we experience Him within our hearts - feel his presence within ourselves and all around us.
                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '  


  1. Thank you for sharing. That's how our life should be after getting brahmgyan.

  2. Very True. Like Avtarbani says "Amal Na Hatthe Kariye Jekar Kam Ni koi Sar Sakda"🙏

  3. Yes Gurudev even one step further when He becomes Us or we become Nirankar that is the real experience...no longer is presence of something else there...the mind merges, thought merges in the Formless Supreme

  4. Hazur thank you so much for this vision.

    Remembrance of lord is a theoretical concept unless we experience his presence in our each sphere of life .


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...