Saturday, December 7, 2019

Words are the most powerful tool

Words are the most powerful tool we have as human beings - an instrument of magic. 
But they are like a double-edged sword: They can create the most beautiful environment or destroy everything around us.
The human mind is like the fertile ground, and thoughts are like seeds. They grow once they are planted. 
But thoughts are not visible - it's the words that capture our attention. The power we possess depends on the words we choose and how we use them. Our words can make us free or enslave us.
They are pure magic, and this magic is so powerful that even a few words can change a life or destroy millions. 
The words spoken by Lord Krishna became Bhagavad Geeta - which inspired millions of people for thousands of years to come. The words uttered by Buddha still inspire millions of people around the world.
On the other hand, one of the reasons for the Mahabharata is believed to be the wrong words used by Draupadi to make fun of Duryodhan and his brothers. 
A few years ago, in Germany, by the use of some powerful words, a man manipulated an entire country, which led to a world war that cost millions of lives and great destruction. All of that was a result of the power of his spoken words.
Choose your words wisely - and use them carefully and sensibly. 
                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. So true Rajan Ji. Thanks for sharing your valuable thoughts on this topic ....

  2. Thank you for sharing the wisdom

  3. Beautiful as usual. Thank you ji.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...