Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Principle of Balance

There is a principle of Balance that governs the universe.
Nature keeps everything in perfect balance. No more - no less. 
No light without darkness - No qualities without defects - 
No goodness without evil - No happiness without sadness.
If there is something in abundance at one place, then there must be less of it somewhere else. 
If there is light in one place, then it's dark at another. 
If someone has more of one thing, then they must be lacking something else. 
Divine Order is always there - although we may not notice it. 
Moving to a new state of consciousness means to accept this truth and learn to be Grateful. 
                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. This topic needs a little more explanation. According to this law, if i am happy and content, does it mean that someone else is miserable and unsatisfied?

    1. It means that the duality exists and it always will - Duality of right and wrong, Goodness and evil - happiness and sadness - Satisfaction and misery - not only in the world but in individual's life as well.
      But you are right. This topic needs little more explanation. I have received several comments & questions about this blog privately also - asking for further clarification - which, according to my understanding, I will try to do in a day or two. Thanks for your continual feedback and support.

  2. 👍👍👍...Rumi said reality is beyond these opposites; where there is neither balance nor imbalance...


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...