Friday, June 14, 2019

Science and Religion

Though there are many differences between Science and Religion - there are some similarities as well. 
Both start with some imagination and faith that it would be possible to achieve some specific goals. Every scientific discovery and invention was merely a faith in the beginning that it might be possible to accomplish. For example, some people saw birds flying and wished if they could also fly. For centuries, they imagined and dreamt about flying high up in the sky. They tried many different ways to fulfill their dream. They were laughed at - made fun of - but they had faith. They invariably kept on trying until they achieved the goal by investigating and understanding the laws of physics. Once, they were able to leave the ground - and maintain their aircraft airborne for just a few minutes, and only for a small distance - their imagination and faith turned into Gyana- the knowledge. 
And yet, they did not stop there - they kept on investigating and studying more - to further improve their knowledge and to achieve even higher goals.
Religion also starts with some imagination and faith. However, except for a few like the founders of Vedanta and Gautam Buddha - who encourage the seekers to investigate and ask questions, most religions insist upon believing their doctrines without any logic or proof - and obeying them word by word with complete faith and absolute surrender. They don't want any reasoning or questioning whatsoever. 
That is where science and religion fall apart from each other. 

Besides, science advocates investigating further. It continues to improve and gain more knowledge - whereas religion wants you to stop thinking and follow blindly. 
Furthermore, scientific knowledge is used to benefit the whole world - for humanity in general - not for a few individuals or a particular group of people from the same background.

Since science works for the advancement of physical life, and religion or spirituality deals with the inner - mental and spiritual realms - wouldn't it be wonderful to combine both - Religion and Science?
Starting the journey with faith in the doctrine, then investigating and confirming it with scientific reasoning and questioning until we are satisfied - until the faith turns into Gyana, the knowledge. 
A couple of times I heard Baba Avtar Singh ji Nirankari saying that don't believe in this Gyan just because I am giving it to you. Tomorrow, even if I tell you that this is not right, then do not listen to me. And then he would add a phrase - 'Gurmukh hoye so chetann' - that a Gurmukh - a real seeker or devotee should always stay alert and use his knowledge and judgment in believing and doing the right things.
Until we experience it ourselves, it is merely a belief, not the Gyana.
                          'Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein

  2. if we understand this article - we can take the journey into understanding the gyan in it's pure form. thank you so much Rajan ji


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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