Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Even in death, we find disagreement

                                The Funeral
The black vehicle of worn enamel
The hired band playing tunes.
The family - 
Some tears - some whispers 
Some friends with cigarettes between fingers
Some crying, some tiresome, 
Some only thinking of themselves.
           -- Even in death, we find disagreement. 
                                                                              (Writer unknown)

After a person is dead, we start calling it a body. 
We don't call it by their name anymore - even though they might look the same as before. 
We say they - their spirit or soul has left this place - this body.
Have they flown to heaven? 
Have they entered a cycle of transmigration - reincarnation? 
There would be so many speculations, 
but no one would be able to say it for sure - with any vital proof. 
-- Even in death, we find disagreement. 

Some will say they are in heaven now - with God.
Some will say they have taken another body.
And yet, some will say there is nothing after death.
--- Even in death, we find disagreement. 

Eulogies are delivered - Tributes are given. 
Their good qualities and virtues are shared.  
Speakers talk about how wonderful that person was.
Some people in the audience would nod their heads in approval 
- while some others might disagree in their heart. 
--- Even in death, we find disagreement. 

Agreement and harmony are transient states. 
Its duration and quality depend on our resolution. 
Without determination, we cannot maintain the connections we want. 
We may find apparent sympathy and unity at the funerals, 
but Death does not bring love and unanimity in the hearts of all. 
--- Even in death, we find disagreement. 

Therefore, We must do what we need to do while we are alive. 

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