Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Sakaar or Nirakaar? Form or Formless?

                   साकारमनृतं विद्धि निराकारं तु निश्चलम 
                   एतत्तत्वोपदेशेन न पुनर्भव सम्भवः 

     Saakaaram-Anritam viddhi Niraakaaram tu Nicshchalam
     Etat-Tattvopadeshna Na Punarbhav-Sambhavah 

“Know that which has ‘form’ - to be false - And the Formless to be changeless. 
Through this ‘Tattva-Gyaana’ (true knowledge), You shall escape the cycle of Re-birth.”
                                  (Ashtavakra Gita’  Shloka 18 - Chapter one)

That, which remains changeless in the past, present and future, is the Real - and that - which was not from the beginning and will not be in the future, but seems to exist temporarily - is unreal. 
Regardless of how much physical and emotional value we place upon an object - that, which has a physical form is changeable and perishable. 
Whereas only Nirankar, the Formless, remains unchanged and constant.

We should seriously ponder upon the message of the above and other such Shlokas and verses from the Holy Scriptures and do some soul-searching.
We should ask ourselves: 
As the followers of the Nirankari (Formless) Mission, what do we believe in - Nirankar or Sakaar?  Formless or Form?
The very first Shabad of Avtar Vani - which is the fundamental and core philosophy of the Mission - says:
             Roop Rang tay Raikhon Nyaaray - Tainu lakh pranaam karaan
Millions of salutations to You - which is free of Form, color, and dimensions.
We should ask ourselves what we value more - The ‘Formless or a particular physical ‘Form’?
Undoubtedly, the Guru is the medium through which a seeker can endeavor to know the Truth. 
However, we must remember that our goal is to realize the Truth - The Truth, which is Constant, unchanged, and beyond any physical form or appearance. 
To achieve the final goal of life - The Moksha - the Ultimate Liberation, the mind must get detached from any form, shape, frame, or physical structure whatsoever. 
                                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

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Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...