Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Law of Attraction

                                The Law of Attraction:
It is said that we can attract whatever we wish for - if our desire is strong enough.
However, I believe we don't always attract what we want - We attract what we are. 
Just like we attract like-minded people - people who are similar to us - we attract things and sensations that are similar to our nature - to our lifestyle. 
If we are angry all the time, then how can we attract and create peace in our surroundings?
If we are angry, we will attract more anger - not peace. 
How can we attract love and respect if we continually keep complaining about everything - and keep criticizing everyone all the time? 
If we want to attract respect, then we must stop complaining and nagging all the time. 
Become what you wish for, and you will attract the same from the universe. 
                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '

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