Saturday, September 30, 2017

Vijay Dashmi / Dashehra

On Vijay-Dashmi ..... 

                        Every year   

Ravan's effigy is burnt in every city with great enthusiasm and passion.

The higher the Ravan, more spectacular it will be 

And the greater the noise of burning firecrackers -
                            The more enjoyment the audience will get

 But surrounded by the crowd, the burning Ravan asks:

                                   …  Just one question: -

O’ you …..who burn me today …….

                          Which one is Ram amongst you all?

Suddenly a thought arose in my mind..

       Before we burn the Ravan

We create and build it ourselves …..

     And then make it stand in front of everyone and pretend to 

burn him with great enthusiasm and passion.

     Next year again, 

we make a new Ravan and then burn it.

                            Year after year -

                                                     This cycle continues.

If we stop creating a new Ravan in our mind or life again and again….

   Then there will not be a need to burn it again and again.

 Let's make a resolution on this Vijay Dashami - Dushehra:

That this time we will kill Ravana inside ourselves and burn it forever
                       And we will not let any new Ravan get created in our mind ever again.

                                                              'Rajan Sachdeva'

Note:  Ravana is a symbolic figure representing - heightened ego (wealth, power, learning etc.)
                and the many negative traits of mankind 


विजय-दशमी पर .....  हर साल ..... 

हर शहर में  रावण का पुतला बड़ी धूम धाम से जलाया जाता है 

जितना ऊंचा रावण होगा उतना ही दर्शनीय होगा 

और जलते हुए पटाखों का शोर जितना अधिक होगा 
दर्शकों को उतना ही अधिक आनंद मिलेगा 

         लेकिन भीड़ से घिरा, जलता हुआ रावण 

        पूछता है सबसे  बस एक सवाल: -

                         ए मुझे जलाने वालो........ 

                                                               तुम में से राम कौन है ?

 अचानक मन में  एक विचार  आया ..

       कि रावण को जलाने से पहले हम स्वयं ही तो उसे बनाते हैं 

     और फिर सब के सामने खड़ा कर के धूम धाम से उसे जलाने का नाटक भी करते हैं । 

     अगले साल फिर एक नया  रावण बना लेते हैं और फिर उसे जलाते हैं 

                            हर साल ये सिलसिला ज़ारी रहता है 

अगर हम बार बार अपने मन अथवा जीवन में  नए नए रावण बनाना छोड़ दें 

                           तो बार बार उन्हें जलाने की ज़रूरत भी नहीं  पड़ेगी 

आइये ....... अब की विजय दशमी - दशहरे पर  ये संकल्प करें :

कि  इस बार अपने अंदर के रावण को मार कर हमेशा के लिए जला दें 
                       और फिर कभी अपने मन में कोई नया रावण पैदा न होने दें 

                                                              ' राजन सचदेव '

Friday, September 29, 2017

When Nails Grow Long

When nails grow long, we cut nails – not fingers.
Similarly, when we face problems in life we take care of the problems – not terminate the life itself.  
Every family, every organization; political or religious - every society and country faces problems at some time. Wisdom lies in finding solutions to remove the problems – not destroying the whole family, organization or society. If the system does not work, if some policies fail, then we need to change the system and make new policies – not destroy the whole body. 
Sensible people do not let the nails grow too long. They regularly keep a check and take care of them before they become a danger to others and to their own body as well. If they grow too long, even unintentionally, the long sharp nails can scratch and injure our loved ones and the parts of our own body. 
Similarly, the sooner we take care of the problems in the groups or society, the better it is. The longer we wait, harder it becomes to fix.
      But Remember: 
                          Cut the nails – Not the fingers. 

     ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Thursday, September 28, 2017

नामा-ए-ऐमाल देख Naama-e-āimāl dekh

जब मैं कहता हूँ कि 'या अल्लाह ' मेरा हाल देख 
हुक़्म होता है कि अपना नामा-ए-ऐमाल देख 
                                      'अकबर अलाहाबादी '

Jab maiñ kehtā hooñ ki yā allāh merā haal dekh
Hukm hotā hai ki apnā naama-e-āimāl dekh
                                     'Akbar Allahabadi'

नामा-ए-ऐमाल Naama-e-āimāl  ---- List of deeds / actions / Karma

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Eat First

Yesterday l went to a restaurant. l saw there was a free Wi-Fi service, so l asked for the password. The waitress told me eat first, so l placed my order. After eating, l asked again for the password, and again, she said eat first. Feeling frustrated, l ordered black coffee. While drinking coffee, l asked another waiter for the password. He also told me eat first. Then angrily, l walked to the restaurant manager and asked for the password. Without even looking at me, he said eat first. l was about to explode, when I suddenly saw a sign on the wall "Wi-Fi password - “eat first".

After reading the above story on the web, I thought - 
Most of us do not try to really understand whatever is told to us. We merely listen to the words and translate them to understand in our own way... according to our own perception. We often miss the open door which is right in front of us and keep searching everywhere for a way-out. We continuously keep asking for directions without actually following them. We keep on praying and asking for blessings without taking a single step forward. We do not want to make any effort on our part. Often, in our mind, the act of devotion and prayer is more like going to a restaurant. We go and sit in a restaurant – place the order and the desired food is prepared and brought to us. 
We expect the same when we worship and pray to God. That our desires will be fulfilled simply by asking - without any Karma - without any effort or action from our part.

                                        ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The story of watermelons

The story of watermelons  By:  Manohar Parrikar

"I am from the village of Parra in Goa; hence we are called Parrikars. My village is famous for its watermelons. When I was a child, the farmers would organize a watermelon-eating contest at the end of the harvest season in May. 

All the kids would be invited to eat as many watermelons as they wanted. Years later, I went to IIT Mumbai to study engineering. I went back to my village after 6.5 years. 

I went to the market looking for watermelons. They were all gone. The ones that were there were so small.

 I went to see the farmer who hosted the watermelon-eating contest. His son had taken over. He would host the contest but there was a difference. 

When the older farmer gave us watermelons to eat he would ask us to spit out the seeds into a bowl. We were told not to bite into the seeds.

 He was collecting the seeds for his next crop. We were unpaid child laborer, actually. He kept his best watermelons for the contest and he got the best seeds which would yield even bigger watermelons the next year. 

His son, when he took over, realized that the larger watermelons would fetch more money in the market so he sold the larger ones and kept the smaller ones for the contest. 

The next year, the watermelons were smaller, the year later even smaller. In watermelons, the generation is one year. 

In seven years, Parra's best watermelons were finished. In humans, generations change after 25 years. It will take us 200 years to figure what we were doing wrong while educating our children."

Unless we employ our best to train the next generation, this is what can happen to us. We must attract the best into the teaching profession".

Each one of us are responsible to offer our best to next generation! 

If we don't pass on right things to next generation, they will be misguided.

                                             By:  Manohar Parrikar

 Manohar Parrikar - Defense Minister of India - is known for his humility and is one of the ministers in the Modi cabinet who rose through the ranks despite having no political background. Stories about his life have been an inspiration for many.

Friday, September 22, 2017

What We Really Want... And Why

There are three basic fundamental aims or objectives that more or less every living creature wants to achieve. However, these desires or objectives are most prominent in the life of human beings. Those three are:
1. To live – Survival 
2. To gain knowledge
3. To achieve happiness

                                 1. No one wants to die
Survival – to survive is the first and foremost yearning, which every creature on the earth has. It’s a natural instinct. All big or small creatures, when faced with a life-threatening situation - either run, hide or fight with their opponents - in order to survive. However, humans - possessing the faculty of higher knowledge can apply many more strategies to ensure their survival. From early on, like some other species of animals, they lived and moved in groups to keep themselves safe from the predators. They learned how to do farming, to make sure there will be enough food for everyone. From making tools for hunting to making weapons of mass destruction of the enemies – from finding medicines to fight diseases, to developing surgical skills to improve health etc. are all part of the ‘survival’. 
Not only to prolong life but to find immortality has been a major desire of human beings since the dawn of civilization.
Finding or discovering the ways to achieve ‘immortality’ is the first and foremost common goal of both; science and the spiritual philosophies. Whereas science looks for the ways to achieve physical immortality – spirituality is concerned about the immortality of the Soul. But nevertheless – 'Immortality' is the primary goal.

                                2.  To Gain Knowledge
Humans are curious by nature. As soon as their motor skills improve, newly born babies start exploring and curiously observing everything around them – by rapidly moving their eyes or continually turning their necks to all sides - or by staring at a certain object for long. Since everything they see around is new to them – every sound, smell and touch is also something new to them - they try to grasp and understand as much as they can according to their limited capabilities at that age. The only experience they have so far – right from the time of birth - is of taste through the mouth. Therefore, they put everything they can get hold of into their mouth – in order to know and experience it with the only way they have known so far*. 

As soon as they start speaking, toddlers have never-ending questions to satisfy their curiosity. They constantly keep asking the parents or older siblings about everything they see. “What is this, what is that, what is that?" 
"What, Why and How" … seem to be their most favorite dialogues at that age. Almost all parents face this kind of frustrating situations when the children keep asking same question over and over– sometimes even to the point of their annoyance. But nevertheless, children will keep on asking until they understand it completely, or at least - partially. 
Later, the level of man’s curiosity expands to much wider surroundings. All fields of education, scientific or spiritual - from simple inquiries to the deeper meaning of life - are the extensions of this basic desire - the desire to know more. All technologies and scientific discoveries – from simple things to exploration of the universe are the results of this basic human nature – ‘To gain more knowledge’.

                              3. To achieve happiness
Third basic thing everyone wants is to find happiness. We try to get more education, achieve more skills and work harder to be able to make more money to ensure security and happiness in the future – discover new technologies and invent new gadgets in order to live more comfortably and happily. Traveling, tourism, sports and all kinds of entertainments and modes of pleasure are for the sake of happiness. If possible, we even want to consume our food - though it’s a basic requirement for survival - in different forms and varieties to derive more pleasure out of it. 

In other words, everything we do after ensuring our survival, is either to gain knowledge or to achieve happiness. 

Now the question is: why is it so? Why do we always crave to achieve these three objectives?

The answer can be found in the ancient Hindu – Vedantic philosophy, which is the base and root source of all the later Indian religions such as Jainism, Sikhism, Nirankari and Radhasoami etc.  
Some of the basic concepts of Vedanta - which are also followed by all the other above-mentioned religions or philosophies – are:
                  Ekah Brahm – Dviteeya naastay
         1. There is only Brahm – one Almighty God - perceived in different forms. 
        2. I am soul not the body. 
        3. Soul is part of the Brahm – not a separate creation.
        4. There are three major characteristics of Brahm or Ishwar:
             Sat, Chit and Aanand (in short – Sadchidaanand)
             Sat - Imperishable, Immortal
            Chit – All knowing, Omniscient 
            Aanand – All bliss, happiness 

Since Aatma, the soul is Ansh of Brahm (part of God) it wants to achieve or regain all the above-mentioned three qualities which were lost after being separated from its Mool (original source) meaning Brahm or God. 
Therefore, my basic instincts and my objectives are: 
          I am Aatman and 
         My basic Swaroop (characteristic) is Sat-Chita-Aanand
         And that is what I want to be – Sat-Chita-Aanand
         Immortal, All-knowing and Ever Blissful.

                          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Thursday, September 21, 2017

What is Belief

When we hear something over and over again....a few hundred or thousand times, 
we start believing it.
And when we hear a different and opposite logic a few hundred times, our belief starts to shatter.

But the belief which is based on personal experience - becomes knowledge
and can not be shattered or weakened.
Therefore, instead of getting swayed by some rumors or hearsay, 
wise people trust their own experience and act accordingly.

                           'Rajan Sachdeva'

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Choose Your Battles Wisely...

An elephant took a bath in a river and was walking on the road. 
When it neared a bridge, it saw a pig fully soaked in mud coming from the opposite direction. The elephant quietly moved to one side, allowed the dirty pig to pass and then continued its onward journey.
The unclean pig later spoke to its friends in arrogance, “See how big I am; even the elephant was afraid of me and moved to one side to let me pass”.
On hearing this, some elephants questioned their friend, the reason for its action. Was it out of fear?
The elephant smiled and replied, “I could have easily crushed the pig under my leg, but I was clean and the pig was very dirty. By crushing it, my leg will become dirty and I wanted to avoid it. Hence, I moved aside.”

This story reveals :
Realized souls will avoid contact with negativity not out of fear, but out of desire to keep away from impurity though they are strong enough to destroy the impurity.
We do not need to react to every opinion, every comment, or every situation.
Kick the drama and keep going ahead on your journey.

Choose your battles wisely... Not everything deserves your time and attention

                                        (Received from: Aashi Ahuja ji)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

क़तरा एवम दरिया Qatra vs Dariya (Drop vs Ocean)

दरिया में यूँ तो होते हैं क़तरे-ही-क़तरे सब
क़तरा वही है जिसमें कि दरिया दिखाई दे

क्यों आइना कहें उसे - पत्थर न क्यों कहें
जिस आइने में अक्स न उनका दिखाई दे

कैसी अजीब शर्त है दीदार के लिये
आँखें जो बंद हों तो वो जलवा दिखाई दे

                                      (कृष्ण बिहारी 'नूर ')

                Qatra vs Dariya (Drop vs Ocean)

Dariya me yoon to hote hain qatray hi qatray sab

Qatraa vahi hai - jis me ki dariya dikhaayi day

Kyon aaina kahen use - pathar na kyon kahen 

Jis aainay me aqs na unka dikhaayi day

Kaisi ajeeb shart hai - deedaar ke liye 

Aankhen jo band hon to vo jalvaa dikhaayi day 

                        By: Krishan Bihari 'Noor' 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Gurmukh Gaaddi Raah Chalaaya

Bhapa Ram Chand ji often used to quote a verse from Bhai Gurdas ji:
“Gurmukh gaaddi raah chalaaya”
The path of the devotee is like a gaddi (train) which runs on the fixed railroad tracks.
It cannot reach to the destination if it falls off its tracks.
Bhapa ji would further explain that the tracks are the guidelines that are written in the Holy Scriptures by those who had found the right path and achieved their goal - The path shown by the saints, Gurus and masters who have already traveled this path and experienced it.
One must stay on the right path and adhere to the guidelines as directed by the Enlightened ones.”

After one such congregation, when he mentioned this verse in his discourse, I respectfully asked:
Bhapa ji! There were no trains or buses during the time period of Bhai Gurdas ji. There were no railroad tracks in those days. How could he give such example?
He smiled and said: Have you ever been to a village or visited a farm?
I said - yes.
“Have you ever noticed two deep and long parallel groves on the dirt road that leads to the village from the main road or into the farms?” He asked.
I said yes Bhapa ji and I always wondered who made them.
He said “no one really made them intentionally. When the ox-driven carts move on these narrow dirt roads over and over everyday, their wheels inevitably create these tracks. Over the period of time, these tracks become so deep and solid that once the driver or owner of the bullock-cart guides the bulls and places the wheels in the tracks, the cart stays in the tracks. The bulls keep moving on the right path on their own - without being guided by the owner.”  
Then he further added - “that is the kind of ‘Gaaddi Raah’- ‘the wagon and the tracks’ Bhai Gurdas ji was talking about - but this example fits perfectly on today’s railroad tracks, which is easier for everyone to understand these days - especially the younger and urban audiences.
             That evening, I understood that the old metaphors - when translated or converted with current technology and today’s life style - could convey the message more properly - in a better way.
It would certainly make more sense to the new generation at least, because it would be easier for them to understand the old concepts if they can relate to them - with the things they know or have seen personally. 

                                     ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Enter Ye in at the Strait Gate:

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in there at.
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it”
                                                                                       (Matt. 7:13-14)

"And he said unto them: Strive to enter in at the strait gate" (Luke 13:23-24)

                  Enter in at the strait gate:
It means direct approach. No side tracks, no shortcuts.
Unfortunately, most people want shortcuts, and an easy way. 
In every religion, most people think that they can enter into the gates of heaven simply by paying - or serving the Godmen, priests or clerics in some way. That the priests will pray for them or do whatever rituals are needed to be done in order to achieve what they want; including happiness and salvation.
But unlike Religion, Spirituality is personal and individual.
God does not need a mediator – everyone can and should approach Him directly - through the strait gate.

                            And the path is narrow:

The road to salvation is narrow; we can only enter ourselves -individually. No one can accompany us.
Guru Kabeer ji said:
 “Kabeer Mukti duaara sankuraa, raai dasven bhai”
(The gate of Mukti, Moksha or salvation is extremely narrow)

 "Prem gali hai saankari, taame do na smaahin".
(The path is so narrow that two cannot enter together)

So, no one can accompany us - not even ego.
No one can take us there. We have to walk our own path and enter in at the strait gate - following the narrow path that leads to it.

Bhapa Ram Chand ji often used to quote a verse from Bhai Gurdas ji:
“Gurmukh gaaddi raah chalaaya”
The path of the devotee is like a gaddi (train) which runs on the fixed railroad tracks.
It cannot reach to the destination if it falls off its tracks.
Bhapa ji would further explain that the tracks are the guidelines that are written in the Holy Scriptures by those who had found the right path and achieved their goal - The path shown by the saints, Gurus and masters who have already traveled this path and experienced it.
Though, we need the proper guidelines - yet, it’s we who have to do what’s required and walk the path. 
No one else can do it for us.

                                         'Rajan Sachdeva'

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Ik duniya mein sab rehtay hain - Ik duniya sab ke andar hai

Ik duniya mein sab rehtay hain - Ik duniya sab ke andar hai 
Is duniya se miltee jultee - phir bhee is say alag thalag
ik duniya sab ke andar hai 

Is duniya ko apane andar sab chhupaa ke rakhtay hain 
dekh na lay koyi, sab kee nazron se bachaa ke rakhtay hain 

Koyi kitna paas bhee aa jaye - dil mein bhee chaahay samaa jaye 
Phir bhee is duniya pay ham pardaa hee daalay rakhtay hain 

Dartay hain ki andar kay bhaavon ko koyi jaan na lay
Chhupay huye is andar ke maanav ko koyi pehchaan na lay

isi liye ham chehray par koyi nayi naqaab chadhaatay hain 
ik din mein hee dekho kitnay hee chehray badlaatay hain

Andar chaahay nafarat ho baahar se prem jataatay hain 
Andar hai abhimaan, baahar nimrataa dikhlaatay hain 

Kehatay hain kuchh aur zubaan say, dil mein hota hai kuchh aur 
mukh se maangen bhakti, dil mein hai shakti mil jaye aur 

Baahar say dikhtay bharay puray, lekin andar say reetay hain 
Andar aur baahar kee duniya kayi rangon mein jeetay hain 

Auron kee nazron say to ham isay bachaa kay rakhte hain 
Lekin khud bhee apnay andar jaanay se ham dartay hain 

Kabhee jo andar ka maanav apnaa ehsaas dilaata hai 
main bhee hoon, mujhako bhee dekho - ye aavaaz lagaata hai 

Uskee aavaaz dabaane ko ham khud ko aur uljhaatay hain 
Shor badhaa kay baahar ka andar ka shor dabaatay hain 

Dartay hain ki antas hee kaheen aaeena hamen dikhaa na day
Asleeyat jo hai hamaaree - vo tasveer dikhaa na day 

iseeliye ham shaayad kabhee akelay baith nahin paatay
Aur apnay hee andar kee duniya ko dekh nahin paatay

Auron kee ya khud kee nazron say to isay bachaa lengay 
Antaryaamee Prabhu say lekin kaisay isay chhupaa lengay 

Ik duniya mein ham rahatay hain - Ik duniya apnay andar hai 
baahar kay jag se miltee jultee -phir bhee is say alag thalag
Ik duniya apane andar hai 

Antar aur baahar mein choonki farq banaa hee rehtaa hai 
isee liye hee jeevan mein uljhaav sadaa hee rehtaa hai 

Andar aur Baahar kee duniya jis din ik ho jaayegi 
"Rajan" us din hee jeevan mein parm shaanti ho jaayegi

                                                "Rajan sachdev "

इक दुनिया में सब रहते हैं - इक दुनिया सब के अंदर है

इक दुनिया में सब रहते हैं, 
                            इक दुनिया सब के अंदर है 
इस दुनिया से मिलती जुलती, 
फिर भी इस से अलग थलग,
                            इक दुनिया सब के अंदर है 

इस दुनिया को अपने अंदर सब छुपा के रखते हैं 

देख न ले कोई, सब की नज़रों से बचा के रखते हैं 

कोई कितना पास भी आ जाए

दिल में भी चाहे समा जाए 
फिर भी इस दुनिया पे हम परदा ही डाले रखते हैं 

डरते हैं कि अंदर के भावों को कोई जान न ले 

छुपे हुए इस अंदर के मानव को कोई पहचान न ले

इसीलिए हम चेहरे पर कोई नक़ाब चढ़ाते हैं 

इक दिन में ही देखो कितने ही चेहरे बदलाते  हैं

अंदर चाहे नफरत हो बाहर से प्रेम जताते हैं 

अंदर है अभिमान, बाहर नम्रता दिखलाते हैं 

कहते हैं कुछ और ज़ुबां से, दिल में होता है कुछ और 

मुख से माँगें भक्ति, दिल में है शक्ति मिल जाए और 

बाहर से दिखते भरे पुरे, लेकिन अंदर से रीते हैं 

अंदर और बाहर की दुनिया कई रंगों में जीते हैं 

औरों की नज़रों से तो हम इसे बचा के रखते हैं 

लेकिन ख़ुद भी अपने अंदर जाने से हम डरते हैं 

कभी जो अंदर का मानव अपना एहसास दिलाता है 

मैं भी हूँ, मुझको भी देखो, ये आवाज़ लगाता है 

उसकी आवाज़ दबाने को हम खुद को और उलझाते हैं 

शोर बढ़ा के बाहर का अंदर का शोर दबाते हैं 

डरते हैं कि अन्तस् ही कहीं आईना हमें दिखा न दे 

असलीयत जो है हमारी वो तस्वीर दिखा न दे 

इसीलिए हम शायद कभी अकेले बैठ नहीं पाते 

और अपने ही अंदर की दुनिया को देख नहीं पाते

औरों की या खुद की नज़रों से तो इसे बचा लेंगे 
अन्तर्यामी प्रभु से लेकिन कैसे इसे छुपा लेंगे 

इक दुनिया में हम रहते हैं, इक दुनिया अपने अंदर है 

बाहर के जग से मिलती जुलती, 
फिर भी इस से अलग थलग,
                            इक दुनिया अपने अंदर है 

अंतर और बाहर में चूँकि फ़र्क़ बना ही रहता है 

इसीलिए ही जीवन में उलझाव सदा ही रहता है 

 अंदर और बाहर की दुनिया जिस दिन इक हो जाएगी 

"राजन" उस दिन ही जीवन में परम शान्ति हो जाएगी 

                                      "राजन सचदेव " 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

समझदार - बुद्धिमान कुत्ता

एक शाम गिरिधारी लाल अपनी दुकान बन्द कर ही रहा था कि एक कुत्ता अंदर आ गया 
कुत्ते के मुॅंह में एक बैग था जो उसने काउंटर के सामने फर्श पर रख दिया 
गिरिधारी लाल ने कौतूहलवश उस बैग को खोल कर देखा तो उस में सामान की एक लिस्ट और कुछ पैसे रखे थे 
गिरिधारी लाल ने पैसे लेकर लिस्ट में लिखा सामान उस बैग में भर दिया 
कुत्ते ने बैग मुॅंह मे उठाया और चला गया

गिरिधारी लाल आश्चर्यचकित होकर जल्दी से दुकान बंद करके कुत्ते के पीछे पीछे चल पड़ा -
ये देखने के लिए कि इतने समझदार कुत्ते का मालिक कौन है 
कुत्ता बस स्टाॅप पर जाकर खड़ा हो गया -  थोडी देर बाद जब बस आई तो उसमे चढ़ गया 
गिरिधारी लाल  भी उस बस में चढ़ गया
कंडक्टर के पास जाकर कुत्ते ने अपनी गर्दन आगे कर दी - उस के गले के बेल्ट में पैसे और उसका एड्रेस था 
कंडक्टर ने पैसे लेकर टिकट कुत्ते की कॉलर बेल्ट मे रख दिया
अपना स्टाॅप आते ही कुत्ता आगे के दरवाजे पे चला गया और पूॅंछ हिलाकर ड्राइवर को इशारा किया, 
और बस के रुकते ही उतरकर चल दिया 
गिरिधारी लाल भी उसके पीछे हो लिया 
अपने घर पहुँच कर कुत्ता घर के दरवाज़े को अपने पैरों से खटखटाने लगा।
गिरिधारी लाल बड़े आश्चर्य से ये सब देखता रहा   
तभी मालिक ने ग़ुस्से में बड़बड़ाते हुए दरवाजा खोला और पास पड़ा हुआ एक डंडा उठाकर कुत्ते को मारने लगा 
आष्चर्य-चकित गिरिधारी लाल ने आगे बढ़ कर मालिक को रोका 
और पूछा कि वो इतने समझदार कुत्ते को मार क्यों रहा है - जो उसके लिए इतने सारे काम करके आया है ?
मालिक ग़ुस्से में बोला .. "मेरी नींद ख़राब कर दी - साला घर की चाबी साथ लेकर क्यों नहीं गया?

गिरिधारी लाल सोचने लगा कि जीवन की सच्चाई भी यही है .. 
लोगों की अपेक्षाओं (expectations ) का कोई अन्त नहीं है 
आप कितना भी अच्छा कर लो लकिन जहाँ आप चूके वहीं पर लोग आप की बुराई करने लगते हैं 
और पिछली सारी अच्छाईयों को भूल जाते हैं 

इसीलिए भगवद गीता में भगवान कृष्ण कहते हैं कि "निष्काम भाव से अपने कर्म करते चलो"

लोग तो कभी भी आपसे संतुष्ट नहीं होंगे ।।                                  

बात तो तब है​ ​....Baat To Tab Hai

बात तो तब है​ ​कि अपने दिल ​कुछ ​इस तरह मिले ​हों 
घर  मेरा जग​मगा​ उठे ​- ​जब दीप तेरे घर जले ​हों ​ 

​तेरे ​ ​ग़म ​को ​मेरी ​खुशी ​​इस तरह ​से ​​दे सहारा 
किआँख तो​ हो मेरी   -​ ​उसमें ​आंसू​ बहे​ तुम्हारा ​
                                                   (लेखक : अज्ञात )

Baat to tab hai ki apnay dil kuchh is tarah mile hon 
Ghar mera jagmagaa uthay jab deep tere ghar jalay hon 

Tere gham ko meri khushi is tarah say day sahaaraa
Ki aankh to ho meri - us men aansu bahay tumhara 
                                                                 (Writer: unknown)

Friday, September 15, 2017

Be Generous to Give and Open to Receive

As important as it is for us to learn how to give unconditionally, it is also important that we allow others to give to us. A person who refuses to receive love, support, wisdom, or care - can stop the flow of positive energy just as much as someone who doesn’t want to give it. 
On couple of occasions, when I was touring with him, Bhapa Ram Chand ji told me that refusing to accept an unconditional gift or any kind of help or seva from others is also a sign of EGO. By refusing to accept their gesture of love and kindness, we are not only hurting their feelings; their sentiments, but showing our sense of superiority as well. 
Be open to gracefully receiving from others; whether it’s a gift, a compliment or just a friendly advice. 
Giving and receiving – both are integral part of the life. 
With a newly born child, parents are all about giving and loving, and the child is completely at the receiving end. But over a period of time, the roles are reversed. The parents reach at the ‘receiving end’ when they become too old and helpless. This is the time when the children have to take up the role of ‘giving’. Now it’s time for them to become ‘providers and care-takers’. Considering the physical anatomy and capabilities of humans at different stages of life, this seems to be a normal law of the Nature. By understanding and adopting this natural law, we can create a more balanced and energetic lifestyle - by giving generously, and receiving gracefully. And more importantly - knowing ‘when to give and when to receive’.
                                                                                       'Rajan Sachdeva' 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

रिक्शा - संत अमर सिंह जी पटियाला

भाई साहिब अमर सिंह जी पटियाला वाले संगत के किसी काम से पैदल कहीं जा रहे थे।
उनके बड़े बेटे हरवन्त सिंह उनके साथ थे।  
" पिताजी, आप रिक्शा कर लो - सिर्फ एक रुपया  खर्च होगा  - इतनी दूर पैदल जाना है, थक जाओगे " हरवंत सिंह ने कहा। 
उस समय सामने एक मशहूर समोसे बनाने वाले की दुकान पर ताज़े समोसे बन रहे थे।  
भाई साहिब अमर सिंह जी ने कहा  "बेटा हरवन्त !  ये जो सामने इतने स्वादिष्ट समोसे बना रहा है, किसका दिल नहीं करता होगा 
कि दो रुपये खर्च करके समोसे खा लिये जायें।  मगर एक गरीब गुरसिख अपना मन मार लेता है, समोसे नहीं खाता।  उस पैसे को 
बचा कर संगत में सतगुरु के चरणों में नमस्कार कर देता है। 
अब ऐसी नमस्कार की माया में से मैं अपने आराम के लिये  एक रुपया भी खर्च करूं तो मेरा दिल कांपता है बेटा।

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...