Thursday, September 21, 2017

What is Belief

When we hear something over and over again....a few hundred or thousand times, 
we start believing it.
And when we hear a different and opposite logic a few hundred times, our belief starts to shatter.

But the belief which is based on personal experience - becomes knowledge
and can not be shattered or weakened.
Therefore, instead of getting swayed by some rumors or hearsay, 
wise people trust their own experience and act accordingly.

                           'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Good advice ji

    Kind Regards

  2. I do respectfully believe that the same applies with the gyan. I think and believe that the gyan gives us the spiritual experience that we need. We're not just told something hundreds or thousands of times to believe it - rather, we're given the actual perspective to experience it for ourselves. It's what makes the gyan so unique, I believe. Please do correct me if I'm wrong. Am your humble daas.

  3. Dear Sohan ji
    Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate that you took this short article quite seriously and mentioned your concern and asked for the clarification.
    Now..... in fact, if you please read it again, that is exactly what I have said in the above article......"But the belief which is based on personal experience - becomes knowledge and can not be shattered or weakened" ......
    Based on personal experience - (not what we have heard hundreds of times).. personally experienced Gyan is a higher state of mind which cannot be altered or shattered...(by rumors even if told hundreds of time)

    1. Thank you for pointing out and clarifying that aspect, Rev. Uncle Ji. I do apologize for my negligence, of not having understood the clear message of that line. I do, however, appreciate your reply, as it has shed some more light upon the importance of personal experience in relation to the gyan. I also seek your blessings for me to be able to develop a faith so steadfast, that it may too never falter under any circumstance.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...