Monday, September 18, 2017

Enter Ye in at the Strait Gate:

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in there at.
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it”
                                                                                       (Matt. 7:13-14)

"And he said unto them: Strive to enter in at the strait gate" (Luke 13:23-24)

                  Enter in at the strait gate:
It means direct approach. No side tracks, no shortcuts.
Unfortunately, most people want shortcuts, and an easy way. 
In every religion, most people think that they can enter into the gates of heaven simply by paying - or serving the Godmen, priests or clerics in some way. That the priests will pray for them or do whatever rituals are needed to be done in order to achieve what they want; including happiness and salvation.
But unlike Religion, Spirituality is personal and individual.
God does not need a mediator – everyone can and should approach Him directly - through the strait gate.

                            And the path is narrow:

The road to salvation is narrow; we can only enter ourselves -individually. No one can accompany us.
Guru Kabeer ji said:
 “Kabeer Mukti duaara sankuraa, raai dasven bhai”
(The gate of Mukti, Moksha or salvation is extremely narrow)

 "Prem gali hai saankari, taame do na smaahin".
(The path is so narrow that two cannot enter together)

So, no one can accompany us - not even ego.
No one can take us there. We have to walk our own path and enter in at the strait gate - following the narrow path that leads to it.

Bhapa Ram Chand ji often used to quote a verse from Bhai Gurdas ji:
“Gurmukh gaaddi raah chalaaya”
The path of the devotee is like a gaddi (train) which runs on the fixed railroad tracks.
It cannot reach to the destination if it falls off its tracks.
Bhapa ji would further explain that the tracks are the guidelines that are written in the Holy Scriptures by those who had found the right path and achieved their goal - The path shown by the saints, Gurus and masters who have already traveled this path and experienced it.
Though, we need the proper guidelines - yet, it’s we who have to do what’s required and walk the path. 
No one else can do it for us.

                                         'Rajan Sachdeva'


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...