Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Living by The Truth

Realization of Truth; the ‘Gyana’, and constant commitment to it brings stability and constant happiness.
Those who remember and stay with the ‘Truth’ at every moment, and constantly experience it - think and act wisely according to the Gyana – do not have fluctuations and instabilities in their mind. Their mind is always calm and peaceful. Not only they enjoy the bliss and constant happiness themselves, they spread it around as well; to everyone they come in contact with.

On the other hand, those, who have the Gyana - who might know the Truth, but do not really experience it - may not be able to retain constant happiness. They might take on falsehood to impress others, and make false claims to prove and defend themselves, but it does not last for long.
Not just the Gyana (the knowledge) but constant commitment for truth brings constant happiness. For those, who are constantly with the Truth, there are no fluctuations in their mind, nor any variations in their happiness and contentment.

“Just like a lamp in a covered sheltered place does not flicker,
Similar is the simile of a yogi practicing yoga (Union with Almighty) with undisturbed controlled mind.”
||Bhagvad Gita 6:19 ||

 Those who are committed to live by the Truth, can neither be influenced by others, nor by the adverse situations they are faced with. Their mind is always focused on the ‘Truth and Truthful Living’.

'Rajan Sachdeva' 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

ये मस्त हवाएं Ye Mast Hawaaen (Strange Habits of Powerful Winds)

कभी उड़ा के गर्दे -पा को आसमां कर दें 
कभी बुझा के चिराग़ों को अँधेरा कर  दें 
अजीब चलन है मद मस्त हवाओं का 'राजन '
कभी उठाएं - कभी गिरा के ख़ाके पा कर दें 

Kabhi udaa ke gard-e-paa ko aasman kar den
Kabhi bujhaa ke chiraagon ko andheraa kar den 
Ajeeb chalan hai mad-mast hawaaon ka 'Rajan'
Kabhi uthaayen, kabhi giraa ke khaak-e- paa kar den 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Jism-o-Jaan Kehte Rahe जिस्मो जां कहते रहे

ख़ाक़ थी -और जिस्मो जां कहते रहे 
चन्द ईंटों को मकाँ कहते रहे 

khaak thi aur jism o jaan kehte rahe

Khaak thi aur jism-o-jaan kehte rahe
Chand eenton ko makaan kehte rahe
                                                                                  ' Sagar Mehadi '

Khaak    --- -               Dust
Jism o Jaan  -            Body & life
Chand eenton ----    Few bricks
Makaan           --        House

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Ye Kya Kartay Ho ?

Patthar dilon ko meet banaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 
Baihron ko sangeet sunaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Jaante to ho ki duniya maati ka khilauna hai 
Phir bhi is say dil ko lagaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Ishq-e-haqeeqi ki chaahat, aur duniya say prem bhi 
Aag ko paani say milaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Ik kamal ka phool hai jo keechad me bhi hanstaa hai
Tum gulshan me sog manaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Pehle kehtay thay ki sab rasmo-rivaayat chhod do
Ab nayi rasmen tum sikhaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Chhodo vehmon bharmon ko pehlay to ye samjhaaya tha
Ab naye bharmon me uljhaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Ungali pakad pakad ke jiski chalnaa tum nay seekhaa tha
Aaj unhi ko hi tum samjhaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Day ke sab ko raushni vo diya aman ka bujh gayaa
Raakh ab maathay say lagaatay ho- ye kya kartay ho 

Jab tumharay paas thay to baat unki maani naa
Ab naam unka le ke samjhaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Man ko saaf kar kay aana chaahiye Satsang me 
Jism ko sajaa ke aa jaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Hum khaloosay dil se hamesha tumhen chahaa kiye 
Tum hami say aankh churaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

Baaten to kartay ho oonchi oonchi tum 'Rajan' magar
Baaton say hi dil ko behlaatay ho - ye kya kartay ho 

                                        'Rajan Sachdeva'

ये क्या करते हो ?

पत्थर दिलों को मीत बनाते हो - ये क्या करते हो
बहरों को संगीत सुनाते हो -ये क्या करते हो

​ जानते ​तो हो ​ कि दुनिया माटी का खिलौना है
फिर भी इस से दिल को लगाते हो -ये क्या करते हो

 ​इश्के हकीकी की चाहत और ​दुनिया से प्रेम भी
आग को पानी से मिलाते हो - ये क्या करते हो

इक कमल का फूल है जो कीचड़ में भी हँसता है
​तुम ​गुलशन में सोग मनाते हो - ये क्या करते हो 

पहले कहते थे कि सब रस्मो रिवायत छोड़ दो
अब नई रस्में तुम सिखाते हो - ये क्या करते हो

छोड़ो ​वहमों भरमों को ​​पहले तो ये समझाया था
 अब नये ​भरमों में उलझाते हो - ये क्या करते हो

उँगली पकड़ पकड़ के जिसकी चलना तुमने सीखा था
आज उन्हीं को ही तुम समझाते हो  -ये क्या करते हो 

दे के सब को रौशनी वो ​दिया अमन का बुझ गया ​
राख ​अब माथे से लगाते हो - ये क्या करते हो

जब तुम्हारे पास थे ​ तो बात उनकी मानी ना
​अब नाम उनका ले के समझाते हो - ये क्या करते हो

मन को साफ़ कर के आना चाहिए सतसंग में
जिस्म को सजा के आ जाते हो -ये क्या करते हो 

हम ख़लूसे दिल से  हमेशा तुम्हें  चाहा किए
तुम हमीं से आँख चुराते हो - ये क्या करते हो 

बातें तो करते हो ऊँची ऊँची तुम 'राजन ' मगर
बातों से ही दिल को बहलाते हो  -ये क्या करते हो 
                                    'राजन सचदेव '

Friday, August 18, 2017

Nice Comment on post "Anger A Zen Story "

New Comment on post "Anger .... A Zen Buddhist Story":

Good story with many lessons and the "anger was within him" is a good one. Another is a lesson on the strength of our focus during meditation that we can all relate to. In the story the monk "after a few hours of undisturbed silence" was still easily disrupted by the bump of another boat. I think we have all experienced a situation where our focus during meditation was disrupted by an external event. We have to question the level of our focus if we are paying more attention to what is going on around us. 
           "Manminder Bhachu"

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Anger .... A Zen Buddhist Story

A monk decided to meditate alone, away from his monastery. He took his boat out to the middle of the lake, moored it there, closed his eyes and began meditating. After a few hours of undisturbed silence, he suddenly felt the bump of another boat colliding with his own.
With his eyes still closed, he felt his anger rising, and by the time he opened his eyes, he was ready to scream at the boatman who had so carelessly disturbed his meditation. But when he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that it was an empty boat that had struck his own. It had probably gotten untethered and floated to the middle of the lake.
At that moment, the monk had a great realization. He understood that the anger was within him; it merely needed the bump of an external object to provoke it out of him. From then on, whenever he came across someone who irritated him or provoked him to anger, he would remind himself, that the other person was merely an empty boat, the anger was within him.

                                                 (A Zen Traditional Story)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Who is Poor?

A wealthy woman goes to a saree store and asks the salesman at the counter: 
"Bhaiya! show me some cheap sarees. It's my son's wedding and I have to give a gift to my maid."

After sometime, the maid comes to the same saree shop and says to the salesman:
"Bhaiya! Show me some expensive sarees please. I want to gift it to my boss on her son's wedding"

Who is poor? 
The rich mistress of the house or the maid servant?
 "Is Poverty in the mind or in the purse?"
It actually depends on “who the gift is for”. 
Usually, we don’t give a cheap gift to wealthy people because they might feel offended if it’s below their ‘standard’. However, we don’t see a need for giving expensive gifts to poor people. They will be happy to receive anything that might be useful to them. 
Shouldn't it be other way around? 
We give expensive things to the rich who don't need our help - Not to the poor - who may actually need them but cannot afford.  
Real Seva is to see and provide what someone needs – or will be happy to have it, but is unable to afford.

                              ‘Rajan Sachdeva’ 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Happy Krishna Janamashtami

Janamaashtami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna, who is considered, not only an incarnation but ‘The Jagat Guru’ as well. The ‘Bhagavad Gita, compiled on his teachings, is one of the greatest and most read book on Dharma in the world, which influenced and shaped all later ‘religions’ and Dharmas of India including Buddhism, Sikhism and their numerous branches as well as Sufism.
            'Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, August 11, 2017

The World is Bad Enough As it is

The world is bad enough as it is .......
You should not contribute to make it any worse. 
                         ' Rajan Sachdeva'

Share Knowledge Responsibly

Today most people consider knowledge as a mere product to be packaged, marketed and sold. Their interest is not in providing benefit to others but in filling their own wallets or fulfilling some other selfish motives.
We live in a world where sharing knowledge unselfishly is not a virtue anymore. 
Today, the new technologies have provided much faster ways to communicate all over the world through the social media. One can send a message to thousands of people instantaneously, simply by clicking a button.
But the question is: Are we doing it responsibly? 
Are we using this wonderful technology for providing true Gyana, useful knowledge to others that can be beneficial to them?
Or to spread false and selfish ideas for some personal gain?

"Faridaa je tu aql lateef hain, kaalay likh na laikh
Aapunday girevaan me, sir neevaan kar daikh"
                                              'Sheikh Farid'

If you are knowledgeable (or if you think you are knowledgeable) then don’t write bad about others to denounce and degrade them.
Instead, we should look into our own mind to see where we stand. 

Before criticizing and denouncing others, one should look into one’s own actions, and motives behind them. 

' Rajan Sachdeva '

Sunday, August 6, 2017

ग़ाफ़िल नहीं रहा Ghaafil Nahin Rahaa

गो  मैं रहा रहीने सितम हाय रोज़गार 
लेकिन तेरे ख़्याल से ग़ाफ़िल नहीं रहा 
                               " ग़ालिब "

Go main rahaa raheen-e-sitam haye rozgaar
Lekin tere khyaal se ghaafil nahin rahaa

                                           "Ghalib "

Raheen ....    Subjected to
Sitam ........   Tyranny
Rozgaar .....  Career, work (to make ends meal)
Ghaafil  .....  Unmindful 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

It's All up to You

Everything in this world can be seen as you wish to. 
Good or Bad; Simple or Complicated; Easy or Difficult.
It's not how things are; it's about how you look up to them.
       .... and how you look up to them.....

                                     is all up to you.

Friday, August 4, 2017

ग़लतफ़हमी Galat-Fehami

        Happiness Comes from Within

बिकती है न ख़ुशी कहीं - न कहीं ग़म बिकता है
लोग ग़लतफ़हमी में हैं कि कहीं मरहम बिकता है

Bikti hai na khushi kahin - Na kahin gham biktaa hai
Log ghalat-fehami me hain ki kahin marham biktaa hai

                                                           'Writer: Unknown'

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Blissful Memories - 9 (Bhapa Ram Chand Ji)

Bhapa Ram Chand ji of Kapurthala often used to go alone on Prachar tours - carrying his own luggage and standing in lines to purchase the train or bus tickets. Seeing his age and frailty Baba Gurbachan Singh ji had asked Bhapa ji to always take someone with him on his future tours – someone who would take care of him. 

Once, Bhapa ji was scheduled to go on a Prachar tour to Shimla while covering some other cities on the way such as Ludhiana, Patiala and Chandigarh etc. Remembering what Baba ji had said, he thought of asking someone to accompany him on this tour. 
I believe it was around 1965- 1966. Bhapa ji’s maternal grandson Gulshan Ahuja ji had recently completed his B.A. and joined the B.Ed. program. Since his college was closed for the summer vacation, Bhapa ji thought of taking him along. 

In those days, right after the entrance of the Nirankari Bhavan Kapurthala, there used to be a small room on the right side in which Bhapa ji used to live. I vividly remember that it was a very simple room with 2 ordinary chairs, a small table and a bed (an old style Chaarpaayi). Most of the times, he used to meet the visitors and devotees also in that same room. Even the family members – coming back from school or work etc. - used to come to his room first - to pay their regards and do Namaskar before going into their quarters.

When Gulshan ji came home that evening - as usual, he first went to Bhapa ji’s room. After doing Namaskar, he said "Bhapa Ji! I want to make a request to you". 
Bhapa ji said that he also wanted to speak to him about something, but asked him to go first.

Gulshan ji - "I heard that you are going to Shimla"
Bhapa ji - yes, I am.
Gulshan ji - Can I also go with you? I have never been to Shimla and it would be an excellent opportunity for me to see the city while attending the Sangats there.
Bhapa ji smiled and asked: “so, this is what you want? It's your desire to go with me and to see Shimla?
Gulshan ji – yes, if you will kindly allow me to accompany you.
Bhapa ji said: "Well – think about it again, and then tell me - That this is your wish to accompany me - not only for the Sangats but for the sightseeing also?
Gulshan ji - yes, Bhapa ji. This will be a good opportunity to do the both.
In a firm voice, Bhapa ji said– OK then - you can come along with me - but you will have to pay for your own bus tickets and take care of your other expenses from your own pocket. 
Gulshan ji said he had already thought of that, and that he was going to take some money from his father for the bus tickets and other expenses. 
“Since this is all settled" Gulshan ji said – "now please tell me Bhapa ji - what did you want to talk to me about?” 
Bhapa ji laughed and said: “I was also going to ask you about the same thing – that if you could accompany me on this Prachar tour to Shimla? But now that you have shown your own interest in visiting Shimla for sight-seeing, I cannot have the Mandal pay for your tickets which comes through the monetary Sewa from all kinds of devotees. 
On the other hand, if you had wished to accompany me just for the sake of Sewa and Prachar – and not with the intention of visiting a famous tourist city and sight-seeing, then it would have been a different matter. Because more than the action, it’s the motive that counts”

                What a great Saint he was – With such high and lofty thinking.                                             
                                        ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

किरदार का ग़ाज़ी बन न सका Kirdar Ka Ghazi Ban Na Saka

मस्जिद तो बना दी शब भर में   ईमाँ की हरारत वालों ने 
मन अपना पुराना पापी था, बरसों में नमाज़ी बन न सका 

'इक़बाल ' बड़ा उपदेशक है - मन बातों में मोह लेता है 
गुफ़्तार का ये ग़ाज़ी तो बना किरदार का ग़ाज़ी बन न सका 
                                                       "अलामा इक़बाल "

Masjid to bana di Shab bhar mein Imaan ki haraarat waalon nay
Man apna puraana Paapi tha, barson mein Namaazi ban na saka

'Iqbal' bara Updeshak hai, Man baaton mein moh leta hai
Guftaar ka ye Ghazi to Bana, Kirdaar ka Ghazi ban na saka
                                                                   " Alama Iqbal"  


Though the mosque was built overnight by the believers
Our heart being old sinner for years, devout could not be

'Iqbal' is a good preacher, fascinates the heart in moments
He did become hero in talk, but one in deeds he could not be.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Blissful Memories - 9 (भापा राम चंद जी कपूरथला )

भापा राम चंद जी कपूरथला वाले अक़्सर प्रचार यात्राओं पर अकेले ही जाया करते थे। स्वयं ही अपना सामान उठाते और स्वयं ही लाइन में खड़े हो कर अपने लिए बस या ट्रेन की टिकट ख़रीदते। उनकी आयु और वृद्धावस्था को देखते हुए बाबा गुरबचन सिंह जी ने कई बार उन्हें किसी को अपने साथ ले जाने के लिए कहा - जो उनका ध्यान रख सके। 
एक बार उनका प्रोग्राम था लुध्याना,पटियाला और चंडीगढ़ होते हुए शिमला जाने का। बाबा जी की बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए उन्होंने किसी को अपने साथ ले जाना ठीक समझा। ये घटना 1965 -1966 के आस पास की है। भापा जी के दौत्र (Maternal Grandson) गुलशन आहूजा जी B.A. की डिग्री मिलने के बाद B.Ed. की तय्यारी कर रहे थे। उन दिनों कॉलेज में छुट्टियां चल रही थीं। भापा जी के मन में विचार आया कि क्यों न गुलशन को ही साथ ले लिया जाये। 
उन दिनों, निरंकारी भवन कपूरथला के अंदर दाख़िल होते ही दाहिनी साइड में एक छोटा सा कमरा हुआ करता था जिस में भापा जी रहते थे। मुझे अच्छी तरह याद है कि उस कमरे में सिर्फ दो साधारण सी कुर्सियां, एक मेज और एक तरफ एक चारपायी थी - जिस पर भापा जी सोया करते थे। 
सब मिलने वाले एवं आशीर्वाद लेने के लिए आने वाले भक्तजन भी अक़्सर उन्हें उसी कमरे में ही मिलते थे। परिवार के सदस्य भी जब बाहर से आते तो पहले उस कमरे में जाकर भापा जी को नमस्कार करने के बाद ही अपने कमरों में जाते थे।
गुलशन जी भी उस दिन शाम को जब घर आये तो हमेशा की तरह पहले भापा जी के कमरे में गए और नमस्कार कर के कहने लगे कि भापा जी - आप जी से इक विनती करनी है। भापा जी ने कहा मुझे भी तुमसे कुछ कहना है मगर पहले तुम कहो।  
गुलशन जी: "मैंने सुना है कि आप जी शिमला जा रहे हो "
भापा जी: हाँ। जा तो रहा हूँ "
गुलशन जी: क्या मैं आपके साथ जा सकता हूँ ? मैंने कभी शिमला नहीं देखा। इस तरह संगतों के साथ साथ मैं शिमला भी देख लूँगा। 
भापा जी मुस्कुरा के बोले "तो तेरा ध्यान है मेरे साथ जाने का "?
गुलशन जी ने कहा "हाँ भापा जी ध्यान तो है अगर आप इजाज़त दें "
भापा जी ने फिर पूछा "अच्छी तरह सोच ले। ये तेरा ध्यान है मेरे साथ जाने का और शिमला भी देखने का ?
गुलशन जी बोले  "जी भापा जी" 
"तो फिर बस की टिकटों का ख़र्च तुझे अपनी जेब से करना पड़ेगा" भापा जी ने कहा। 
इस पर गुलशन जी ने कहा कि उन्हों ने ये पहले ही सोच रखा था कि वो इसका ख़र्च अपने पिता जी से लेंगे और फिर पूछा कि अब बताइए आपने मुझे क्या कहना था ? 
भापा जी ने हँसते हुए कहा कि मैंने भी तुझे यही पूछना था कि क्या तुम मेरे साथ शिमला चल सकते हो? लेकिनअब, चूँकि ये तेरा ध्यान है - तेरी इच्छा है इसलिए अब मैं तेरी टिकटों का ख़र्च मंडल यानि संगतों की नमस्कार में से नहीं कर सकता।  
हाँ .... अगर ये तुम्हारी अपनी इच्छा, और शिमला में घूमने की लालसा न होती और सिर्फ प्रचार की भावना से तुम मेरे साथ चलते तो बात अलग थी। 
                ऐसे महान सन्त थे भापा राम चंद जी - और ऐसी थी उनकी महान सोच। 

                                  'राजन सचदेव '

Hero Worshiping

Our acquired perceptions make us worship certain people and condemn some others. No one is ‘absolutely perfect’ in every sense. The same person can be viewed as a hero or a criminal and antisocial by the different people, groups or communities. For example, Alexander, Ghaznavi, Ganges Khan, Akbar and Aurangzeb etc. are seen as great warriors, conquerors and heroes by many historians, but they are considered cruel captors and looters by the people whose lands were conquered and destroyed. Mahatma Gandhi, who is considered a great hero and the main instrument in bringing independence to India – who also became a mentor to many great world leaders – is also considered a traitor by many Indian scholars and historians. 
So, whether a person is a hero or an anti-social criminal - depends on who is describing, and from which angle he or she is being judged. It all depends upon the perception of an individual or a group of people. 
We believe what we want to believe – either according to our own limited personal experience or whatever we have heard from others - over and over again. 
Remember - opinions are created – they may or may not be the ‘absolute- truth’.  

                           ‘Rajan Sachdeva’ 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

किसी की बात अब

किसी की बात अब कानों में न जाए तो अच्छा है 
तेरी तालीम ही मुझको समझ आए तो अच्छा है

खुदा जाने यह कैसा दौर है, यह कैसी माया है 
समझ कर लेना है क्या, न समझ आए तो अच्छा है

मेरे मुरशिद पै मेरा दिन-ब-दिन ईमान पुख्ता हो
परखने की मुझे नौबत न फिर आए तो अच्छा है 

तेरी कशती से कूदेंगे, तो लाज़िम है कि  डूबेंगे
जो ग़लती से उतर बैठा है लौट आए तो अच्छा है 

तेरी आवाज़ सुन-सुन के, तो कुछ सीखा नहीं 'रौशन'
तेरी खामोशियों को दिल जो सुन पाए तो अच्छा है

                        'रौशन देहलवी '

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...