Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Gyan Ka Soorya .... The Sun of Enlightenment

When the sun rises, darkness disappears.
Similarly, upon receiving the Gyan; the Knowledge of Truth, the darkness of delusions 
and ignorance disappears and without any effort, the devotee becomes free from the false 
attachment with “Naam and Roop”; the ‘Name and Form’.

Gyana - the sacred knowledge establishes the devotee in ‘Truth’, and by dwelling upon 
‘Nirakaar - PaarBrahm’, the Formless, all-pervading ultimate Reality’- his mind becomes 
free - beyond the turbulence of fear and attachments and attains the state of pure bliss and 
If on the other hand, we are still attached and bound with ‘Naam-Roop’; with ‘Name and Form’, 
then this is indicative that the bright sun of enlightenment has not yet risen. And if it has, then 
it might have been engulfed by the clouds of doubts and greed. Not just of worldly wealth, but 
greed or longing for ‘name and fame’ also takes us far away from the ‘Truth’, and the darkness, 
that previously was a result of our delusions or lack of clarity, lingers on.
The Satguru enlightens the seekers towards this Truth by giving the sacred Gyan and encourages 
them to dwell upon Nirankar– Formless Almighty - the ‘Ultimate Realty’. This has been the way 
of the past Satgurus as well, which is clearly defined in the Holy Scriptures. It is the duty of the 
devotee to look within himself and be constantly introspecting to make sure if his mind is established
in Truth – with Nirankar, or is it still attached with worldly forms of temporary existence?

Rising above the clutches of ‘Naam and Roopa’, and establishing the mind in Truth is the core 
essence of Gyana and Bhakti.                                        
                                          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Absolutely wonderful. Bang on 100%

  2. Very true! So simple, Thank you

  3. Very true ji.. we are caught in "Naam" and "Roop" .. Kindly bless so we connect to the truth..



Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...