Monday, May 15, 2017

Blissful Memories (Baba Hardev Singh ji)

I took four months off in 1987 to finish my thesis for Ph.D. and went to India. 
As always, I stayed in S. N. Bhavan Delhi for couple of days to see and get blessings from 
Satguru Baba Hardev Singh ji. After enquiring how long I would stay in India, Baba ji said: 
“We are going on a three weeks long tour to your area and I want you to come along.”
I was surprised and asked “which is my area Huzoor?” 
He smiled and said Jammu & Kashmir. Then he said that tour starts early morning on September 1st 
and if the dates of presentation of my thesis does not fall in that period – 
I should come to Delhi by evening of August 31st.  
I said ‘Sat-Vachan’, did Namaskar and left for Chandigarh.
Couple of weeks later, I went to Delhi to be with Baba ji again for couple of days. Obviously, 
He remembered the previous conversation and asked me if I knew the dates for my ‘exam’. 
I said no… not yet. 
Then He reminded me again by saying that his tour to J&K has been replaced for Himachal, 
but the dates are same so I should still reach Delhi on August 31st. After enjoying the bliss 
of being with him for three days, I went back to Chandigarh to finish my work.

Suddenly, on August 30th - when I was getting ready and looking forward to go on tour with Baba ji
 - I received a letter to appear in front of the panel of judges for my thesis – on September 12.

My first thought was “now…how can I go on tour with Baba ji?”
My mother said I should call Baba ji to let him know that I cannot accompany him and apologize. 
I said no – I will go to Delhi and apologize personally. So, I went to Delhi on the eve of August 31st
Baba ji was taking a walk in the Bhavan’s premises with few saints. 
I stood on the side with folded hands. Few minutes later, he looked at me and signaled to join him. 
I did Namaskar, and he said…. “Aa gaye”. I was struggling to find the proper words to say that yes, 
I have come but I will be unable to accompany – when he asked “koi date tan nahin aayi exam di?” 
(Have you received the date for exam yet?)
I said “yes I have. It’s September 12.”
“Oh. September 12? Then you cannot come with me during this tour. “Chalo theek hai. Agali vaar sahi” 
(Well…. it’s ok. You can join me next time.)

I felt so relieved that I did not have to say it. It was like he knew I was having hard time saying it, 
so, he excused me on his own. I apologized by saying “Khima karna Maharaj” (Please forgive me lord)
He said “It’s OK.
Hor? Tayaari ho gayi poori? (Are you all prepared?)
“Not really” I said.
“Kinne din da kumm reh gya?” (How many days’ worth work is still left?)
I was about to say that I needed 2-3 weeks to finish it but I have only 11 days.
But suddenly, something happened - like a flash of thought, and I said:
“Huzoor. Aap ji ne hi taiyaari karni hai – aap ji ne hi exam laina hai te aap ji ne hi exam dena hai”. 
(You are going to do the preparation, you are going to give the exam and you are the one 
who will be taking the exam)
He laughed loudly and said in his typical style “Achha………. Phir chalo mere naal tour te”
 (Really? Then come along with me on this tour)

And without a second thought, I said “Sat vachan ji”. He placed his hand on my back to bless and 
walked away to his room.

I don’t know how did I get that idea - that strength and conviction to say those words. But I am 
thankful to the unseen almighty force that made me say those exact words at that moment. 
I called my mother to inform that I am going on tour with Baba ji. She said “what about your exam?”
I said I don’t know. Whatever happens - let it be. I don’t want to think about it.
“What about clothes?”
Since I had come to Delhi only for a night - to let Baba ji know that I won’t be going with him - 
I had brought nothing except a night suit and one pair of pants and shirt for the next day.
I said I can manage in 2 sets of clothing… won’t be needing more.

Next few days were a total bliss.
Very graciously, Baba ji asked me to travel with him in his car. I forgot all about my thesis and 
appearance in front of the judges. It was a wonderful and blissful time to enjoy the company of 
the Guru in so close proximity.
After 8 days, we reached Kullu and then Manali. It was little cold and next day we were supposed 
to go to Rohtang pass, a very cold place at a much higher altitude. Mata ji noticed that I did not have 
any warm clothes. During the day, she went for sight-seeing and to the market for some shopping. 
When she came back, she handed me a sweater and said “I bought it for you. You will need it 
tomorrow at Rohtang.”
She thought of me while shopping? I was touched.

Next day at Rohtang, she gave me a shawl and said “Wrap this also around you. That sweater is not 
going to be enough in this cold.”
It was very touching to see how she cared for everyone like family.

After we came back to Manali that evening, I had the opportunity to spend some time alone 
with Baba ji and Mata ji. It was one of the best periods of time in my life – to be so close to the Guru 
and get his blessings.
On the morning of September 1o, I got ready and went in front of Baba ji and Mata ji’s room. 
The door was little ajar. Mata ji noticed me standing outside the door and called me in. Baba ji was 
sitting on the bed and playing with little Sudiksha ji. I stood there mesmerized - watching him play 
with his daughter and thinking he is a perfect Guru and a perfect father as well. His face was shining 
with his usual smile.
Suddenly he looked at his wrist watch and said to Mata ji “Parson Rajan ji da exam hai. 
(Day after tomorrow is Rajan ji’s exam). Let’s send him back today.”
“What exam?” Mata ji asked.
“He has to appear for his Ph. D. exam” Baba ji said.
Mata ji looked at me and said “You have a Ph. D. exam in two days? Why are you here then?”
“I told him to come with me.” Baba ji said. “Today he should go back”
So, he remembered it all along? I never said a word about it during the whole tour but obviously, 
he did not forget it.
Mata ji said the bus journey will take almost a whole day. She asked someone to buy a plane ticket 
for me and drop me at the airport. Later, I learnt that she had even called Vivek Shauq ji to pick me up 
at the Chandigarh airport and drop me at my parent’s house in sector 21.

The time, especially the personal moments spent with Baba ji during this unforgettable tour are 
among the most cherished memories of my life.

                                   ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Wow, thank you for sharing your personal memories.
    Gaurav N.

  2. Wonderful my next question to you is how did the PHD go ? 🙏☺

  3. Amazing read - thank you

  4. Wow what a blessed soul you are.

  5. DhanNirankar ji Rajan ji!
    Thank you for sharing this experience santo. You are such a precious Gem of Babaji . May Satguru give us wisdom to learn from you all great Saints .����

  6. What a pleasure to read your experiences and see the photos! You are truly blessed.

  7. Congratulations for enjoying the rare blissful-memories .
    Premjit Singh .

  8. Thank you for sharing the memories and pics

  9. Lovely Memories. I similar situation occurred and I was blessed by His Holiness Hazoor Baba Gurubachan Singh Ji Maharaj in 1980. I will share the details with you in a couple of day. Loves and blessings. Ishwar Chugani - Yokohama Japan.

  10. You are really luckiest Saint who received lot of love with holiness baba ji.........

  11. Very inspiring memories ji, thank you for sharing with us all !

  12. Although this is your personal experience the aura and the benevolence of the Satguru shines through your words.

  13. Rajan Ji thanks for sharing you experiences “Huzoor. Aap ji ne hi taiyaari karni hai – aap ji ne hi exam laina hai te aap ji ne hi exam dena hai” these lines close to my heart and quite similar to Sufi poet Rumi ji feelings...may mathaji bless you

    khud kooza o, khud kooza garo, khud gil e kooza
    (Thou is the Vessel , Thou is the maker, and Thou is the clay used to make it)

    khud rind o subu kush.
    (Thou is the reveler quaffing drinking water from it)

    khud bar sar e aan kooza kharidaar bar amad
    (Thou too is the one who buys the vessel)

    ba shikast ravan shud

    (Thou breaks and left away) --Rumi

  14. Thanks for sharing such an intimate experience Rajan ji .... it's very inspiring 🙏🙏

  15. Thank you for sharing the beautiful experience.

  16. Respected friend
    aap ji sach mein bahut lucky hai jinho nay Satguru ke saath itne din bitaaye - unka pyaar paaya.....Satguru Mata ji ne aap ji ko sweater,shawl Diya.....aap ji ne apni phd exams kee bhi parwa nahi shows your surrenderness in Satguru's my inspiration.......really aap ji bahut lucky hai.....dass bhi apne aap ko lucky samajta hai aap ji ka sang paa last I shall be thankful to nirankar for your company
    Gaurav Jammu ��������

  17. Beautiful memories, thanks for sharing with us.

  18. Nice. I remember you narrating this on your last visit.

  19. Blessed soul
    Precious Memories

    Thankyou for sharing these blessfull memories with us

    Thanx a lot

    Vishal Babbar

  20. Kya baat hai Rajan Ji, thanks for sharing such grt experience..God bless you always


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