Thursday, December 31, 2015



Those who think I am proud... 

I apologize. 
Please forgive me.

 Those who think I've ignored them... 

 I apologize. 
 Please forgive me.

 Those who felt offended by my attitude or character... 

 I apologize. 
 Please forgive me.

 Those who I hurt by words or action... 

 I apologize. 
 Please forgive me.

 Those whose promises I didn't fulfill... 

 I apologize. 
 Please forgive me.

 Those who felt I am too serious and not friendly... 

 I apologize. 
 Please forgive me.

 Those who I didn't visit or called during this year... 

 I apologize. 
 Please forgive me.

Please bless and pray for me for improvements in the future.

'Rajan Sachdeva'

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

समझौता Samjhauta

ज़िंदगी - तुझसे हर क़दम पे समझौता क्यों किया जाए 
शौक़ जीने का इतना भी नहीं कि मर मरके जिया जाए  
जब जलेबी की तरह उलझ ही रही है तू - ऐ ज़िंदगी 
फिर क्यों न तुझे चाशनी में डुबो कर मज़ा ही लिया जाए 

Zindagi,Tujh se har qadam pe samjhauta kyon kiya jaaye 
Shauq jeenay ka itanaa bhi nahin ki mar mar ke jiyaa jaaye 
Jab jalebi ki tarah ulajh hi rahi hai tu ae zindagi
To kyon na tujhe chaashni me dubo kar mazaa hi liya jaaye 

                                  'Writer unknown'

And the wise man said (Old concept with new approach)

Now days, there are so many talks, books, seminars and lectures available on the subject of “Living in the present moment”. Many people find it something ‘new’ and fascinating. The presentation of this concept by the new and educated generation, especially the professional speakers and writers is wonderful; however, this concept has always been very prominent in the Eastern cultures. Though, with the western influence, the life styles are rapidly changing in the eastern countries as well but nevertheless, it is still present in the rural and orthodox families of India.

Eat when you eat

There is a big contrast between the eating habits of newer and older generations, especially among those who follow the western styles. Now days, in most families, it’s a tradition to eat together at the end of the day, and talk at the dinner table. Everyone talks about how their day was and what their plans are for the next day. Children are encouraged to participate in discussions and talk about their problems at the dinner table. If anything comes up during the day, and since most people are busy with their own routine all day, they will tell their spouses, parents or children “OK. We’ll talk about this at the dinner”.

Lunch meetings are very common in the corporate world. Presentations are made, business deals are discussed, future plans and decisions are made while eating lunch.

On the other hand, when we were growing up, we were told to eat quietly. Talking was strictly prohibited while eating. Even if we had something important to discuss about, the parents would say “We’ll talk about it later, not while eating.” The only time we could speak was if we needed something, like more roti or subzi etc. 

It was a common scene in almost every home where mothers would make fresh Roti (bread) while the family members would sit on the kitchen floor next to her and the mothers made sure that everyone focused just on eating and enjoying the food. In lager families, since it was difficult to provide fresh roti to everyone that fast, she would feed them in separate groups; two, three or four at a time. Then either grandmother, sister or someone else would take over the cooking to make fresh rotis for her. Traditionally, it was more important to eat quietly and to concentrate on eating - and for mothers to feed fresh rotis to everyone - than everyone sitting together to eat.  

If anyone talked or questioned this tradition, then simply an old and famous Sanskrit mantra was recited in reply “Annam Devo Bhavah”, meaning food is the life giver, provider of life energy and one must respect it like god and pay attention to it when eating.
“If you do not pay attention to your food, then the food is not going to pay attention to your needs and provide you what it is supposed to”, they would add.

I am sure whoever started this tradition must have known the reason behind it but obviously, the simple older generation could not explain it in more scientific and psychological way like the newer and educated generation does. And who is going to listen these days to “Annam Devo Bhavah” and ‘respect your food’?

So, though it’s the same old concept, the new psychological approach, the attractive presentations and logics appeal to everyone. One is willing to accept and follow an ideal if he is convinced with its logic. The older generations followed it simply for the respect of old cultural traditions and now people need reason and logic.

But regardless of the reason, the outcome depends upon the action. Ironically, because it’s a new trend of the ‘new age’, it’s a new fashion these days to talk about “living and being in the present moment” over the ‘lunch breaks’ and at dinner tables; while eating their food. 

And the wise man said:
“Eat, when you eat, and talk when you talk”

                         ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Monday, December 28, 2015

And The Wise Man Said

 A man approached an elderly man and said:
"I am told that you are a wise man ...
Please tell me what things have made you wise that are not available to others."

The old man replied, "When I eat, I just eat; I sleep when I'm sleeping, and when I speak I just talk".

The man was surprised.
"Well … that is also what I do but why am I not wise”? He asked.

"I do not think so," replied the old man.

“You see…when you eat, you are planning what you're going to do later.

When you sleep, you remember the problems that you had during the day, and imagine what problems you might have when you wake up.

When you talk, you are thinking about what you are going to say next.

And while listening to me, you are judging and thinking what question you're going to ask next, or how you will answer me before I even finish talking.”

Just eat when you eat. 
Sleep without worrying for the next day.
Speak, but not for the sake of winning an argument.
Listen, but do not be judgmental.
Do, but not for the sake of credit and ego.

The secret is, not only to be aware of what we are doing, but being ‘fully present’ in the present moment.

                                    ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Friday, December 25, 2015

जितनी झोली थी Jitni Jholi thi

Denay waalay nay to koi qasar na chhodi 'Rajan'
Jholi jiski jitani thi - vo utanaa lay gayaa

देने वाले ने तो कोई कसर न छोड़ी 'राजन ' 
झोली जिसकी जितनी थी - वो उतना ले गया 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Marnay hi tay paayiye pooran Parmaanand

“Kabeer Jis marnay tay jag daray, Mere man Aanand
  Marnay hi tay paayiye – pooran Parmaanand”
                                                 (Guru Kabeer ji)

“The whole world is afraid of ‘death’ -
  But my heart finds solace and peace in it.
  It’s only after the ‘death’, that one can attain absolute bliss”

Many people find this statement by Guru Kabeer ji strange and confusing.
Some people find it pessimistic, because they think that Kabeer ji is talking about the physical death. They think it means that no one can find peace and true happiness while living in the physical world, and that the death is the only solution for all the pains and sufferings, and the only way to achieve everlasting happiness.

Mirza Ghalib also said:

“Ghame hasti ka ‘Asad’ kis say ho juz margh ilaaz
  Shamma har rang me jalti hai sehar honay tak “
                                  (Asad Ullah Khan ‘Ghalib’)

Who else has the ‘cure’ for this sorrowful existence other than the death? (Only death can provide freedom from sorrows and sufferings)
Under any circumstances, the ‘shamma’ (candle) has to keep burning till the dawn (end of the night).

Is this what Kabeer ji also meant?

The answer should be an affirmative ‘No’.

We must remember that all the Rishis, Sages, Gurus and Saints of the East always talked only about the spirit and spiritual world even when they used the worldly metaphors. So we should always look for the meanings of their statements in the context of spirituality.  

Now, in the context of spirituality, this couplet is usually translated something like this:

“In order to find everlasting happiness and bliss, one has to die (for the cause of the religion)”.
Unfortunately, such concept can be and has been used by many opportunists and cult leaders to misguide and misuse the simple and trusting vulnerable folks all over the world. Misguided and brainwashed people genuinely start believing that by dying or killing themselves for the sake of their religion; in the name of god, they will instantaneously go to heaven and live happily ever after.  They believe that true happiness can only be found in the heaven after the death. That killing others or themselves in the name of God will guarantee their entrance into the heaven, where God will reward them with every possible mean of happiness.  

Even in the recent past, we have seen that some cults leaders have made their trusting folks believe that absolute obedience to their leaders; shutting their brains and following the orders without questioning, even dying for them, is the only way to achieve the ‘Bliss’.

I would like to remind again that the Gurus only talk about spirit and mind, not the body, but they have to use the physical and worldly example to make their point.

So going back to the original couplet, Kabeer ji must be talking about the ‘death’ of the mind, not the body.

To understand it more clearly, we need to explore ‘what is mind’.
I like to think of ‘mind’ as a vessel full of all sorts of thoughts, concepts and ideas that we have collected since the birth and even before; in the form of genes, heredity, or according to the eastern thought, ‘Sanskaars’ from the previous lives.

Many of the concepts and ideas that we have learned or adopted from our parents, ancestors, social and religious communities or  from books and teachers are very dear to us and we strongly hold on to them. They believe those ideologies will provide them protection and happiness; therefore they guard them very carefully.

But the ‘Aanand’ or the ‘Parmaanand’ which is ‘Bliss’, is different than happiness -‘khushi’ or ‘prasannataa’.

Kabeer ji is talking about the ‘Bliss’, not the ordinary happiness which depends on physical conditions. Physical conditions bring happiness and sadness as well. Bliss on the other hand is pure serenity, ‘Turiya-avastha’ which is void of all so called happiness and sadness.

It’s the death of all conceived concepts and ideas that will bring tranquility and bliss. Just like an empty vessel makes no noise inside, an empty mind also becomes calm and quite, and feels no pain, sadness or happiness. That is ‘Bliss’.

Is it possible to achieve such a state? One may wonder.

Usually, when we get rid of the old concepts, we replace them with some new ones and the cycle continues. All concepts are binding, like a chain and they keep the mind imprisoned and restless.

The state of ‘Bliss’, the state of ‘Turiya-avastha’ can only occur in complete emptiness of the mind that is: after the death of all ‘concepts and ideas’.

“Marnay hi tay paayiye – pooran Parmaanand”

                                   ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

"कबीर जिसु मरनै ते जग डरै - मेरे मन आनंद 
   मरने ही ते पाईये - पूरन परमानन्द "


 "ग़मे हस्ती का 'असद' किस से हो जुज़ मर्ग़ इलाज़ 
    शम्मा हर रंग में जलती है सहर होने तक "
                             (असद उल्लाह खान 'ग़ालिब')


Sunday, December 20, 2015

It ain't what you don't know

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. 
It's what you know for sure 
that just ain't so.
                                            "Mark Twain"

Saturday, December 19, 2015

बात करता है वो मुझसे आँखें नीची करके अब

पिछली बार जब हम कुछ दिन के लिए अपने बेटे से मिलने गए तो मैंने उस में एक बदलाव देखा .....  
मैंने देखा कि अब वो हमेशा मुझसे आँखें नीची कर के बात करने लगा था।  मुझसे बात करते हुए उसने कभी आँख ऊपर नहीं उठाई।  
उस पर मैंने ये शेर लिखा :

बात करता है वो मुझसे आँखें नीची करके अब 

बात करता है वो मुझसे आँखें नीची करके अब 




    बेटा मेरा क़द में मुझसे ऊंचा हो गया 

                                'राजन सचदेव'


"आँख नीची करके बात करना " is an expression in North India, which means '' to speak with great respect and reverence. 

Baat kartaa hai vo mujh say ......

Last time when we visited our son, I noticed a change. 

I noticed that he always spoke to me with lowered eyes ..., never raised his eyes while talking to me.

And I wrote this Sher (couplet):

Baat kartaa hai vo mujh say aankhen neechi kar ke ab

Baat kartaa hai vo mujh say aankhen neechi kar ke ab




Beta mera qad me mujh say oonchaa ho gayaa

                                                   'Rajan Sachdeva' 


"Aankh neechi kar ke baat karna" is an expression in North India, which means '' to speak with great respect and reverence. 

Blessed are those

Blessed are those who leave this world peacefully
Without suffering. 
                                                    'Rajan Sachdeva'  

Friday, December 18, 2015

Hayaat - Sirf Behare Haadsaat hi to hai

Ye Hayaat Faqat behar-e-Haadsaat hi to hai 
Aur Maut  Gham-e Zeest se Nijaat hi to hai 

Behtay hain aankh se agar aansu to behnay day
Baadal say ho ya aankh say barsaat hee to hai 

Maayus hai kyon ae dil-e-be-sabar is qadar
Aakhir guzar hee jaayegi ye raat hi to hai 

Jaisee guzar rahi hai zindagi guzaar lo 
Socho zaraa ye chaar din ki baat hi to hai 

Na dekh kisi ghareeb ko nafarat ki aankh say
Vo bhi to aakhir aadmi ki zaat hi to hai

Vo hai agar ghareeb to uska hai kya qasoor
Vo zair-e-baar-e-gardish-e-halaat hi to hai 

Qudrat nay bakhshi hai agar 'Rajan' ye zindagi
To maut bhi qudrat kee ik saugaat hee to hai 
                                           'Rajan Sachdeva'
                                                      December 17, 2015  
                                       (On the death of an old acquaintance) 

Hayaat : Life 
Behare-Haadsaat : Flow of continuous Incidents, like a river
Gham-e Zeest: Pains and Sufferings of life
Nijaat : Release. to be relieved, Riddance, Freedom,
Maayus : Sad, Discouraged
Zair-e-baar-e-gardish-e-halaat : Downtrodden, suppressed by circumstances, under the weight of unfavorable circumstances
Qudrat : Nature
Saugaat : Gift

ये हयात फ़क़त बहरे हादसात ही तो है

ये हयात फ़क़त बहरे हादसात ही तो है 
और मौत ग़मे-ज़ीस्त से निजात ही तो है 

बहते हैं आँख से अगर आँसू तो बहने दे 
बादल से हो या आँख से बरसात ही तो है 

मायूस है क्यों ऐ दिले बे सबर, इस क़दर 
आख़िर गुज़र ही जाएगी ये रात ही तो है

जैसी गुज़र रही है ज़िंदगी - गुज़ार लो 
सोचो ज़रा ये चार दिन की बात ही तो है 

न देख किसी ग़रीब को नफ़रत की आँख से 
वो भी तो आख़िर आदमी की ज़ात ही तो है 

वो है अगर ग़रीब तो उसका है क्या क़सूर 
वो ज़ेरे - बारे - गर्दिशे - हालात ही तो है 

क़ुदरत ने बख़्शी है अगर ' राजन ' ये ज़िंदगी 
तो मौत भी क़ुदरत की इक सौग़ात ही तो है 
                                 ' राजन सचदेव '  
                                         17 दिसंबर 2015  
                          (on the death of an old acquaintance)

हयात :             ज़िंदगी  Life
बहरे-हादसात :  घटनाओं का बहाव - घटनाओं का समंदर  Sea or flow of Incidents
ग़मे-ज़ीस्त :       ज़िंदगी के दुःख Pains and Sufferings of life
निजात :           मुक्ति, छुटकारा Release, Relieved, Discharged, Freedom 
ज़ात :              आस्तित्व Being
सौग़ात :           तोहफ़ा , भेंट  Gift
ज़ेरे-बारे-गर्दिशे-हालात : बुरे हालात के भार के नीचे दबा हुआ - Downtrodden, Defeated, oppressed by - or buried under the  weight of unfavorable circumstances

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Log miltay aur bichhadtay rahay

Log miltay aur bichhadtay rahay
Umar bhar ye silsilaa chalta rahaa

Kabhi Sabro-shukar ka aalam rahaa
Aur kabhi shikvaa gilaa chalta rahaa 

Jism ka har ang saath chhod gaya
Saanson ka par kaarvaan chalta rahaa 

Mil sake na kabhi kinaare dariyaa ke
Darmiyaan ka faaslaa chalta rahaa 

Kaun ruktaa hai kisi kay vaastay
Main gira to kaafilaa chalta rahaa 

Manzil vo paa letaa hai 'Rajan' ki jo 
Rakh ke dil me hauslaa chalta rahaa 

                          'Rajan Sachdeva'
                               December 16,2015
These lines came to my mind after seeing Shri Ramesh Nayyar ji (Gaurav Nayyar's grand father) in the hospice on December 16,2015. I had known him and his family and often visited them when they lived in Pathankot Punjab and I was in Jammu. 

लोग मिलते - और बिछड़ते रहे

लोग मिलते - और बिछड़ते रहे 
उमर भर ये सिलसिला चलता रहा

कभी सबरो-शुकर का आलम रहा 

और कभी शिकवा गिला चलता रहा  

मिल सके न कभी किनारे दरिया के 

दरमियाँ का फ़ासला चलता रहा 

जिस्म का हर अंग साथ छोड़ गया 

साँसों का पर काफ़िला चलता रहा 

कौन रुकता है किसी के वास्ते 

मैं गिरा- तो काफ़िला चलता रहा 

मंज़िल वो पा लेता है 'राजन' कि जो 

रख के दिल में हौसला चलता रहा 

                     'राजन सचदेव' 

                                  16 दिसंबर  2015 
नोट :
ये चंद शेर अचानक मेरे ज़हन में उस वक़्त उतरे जब मैं श्री रमेश नय्यर जी को hospice में देख कर वापिस आ रहा था।  नय्यर जी और उनके परिवार से मेरा संबन्ध तब से है जब वो पठानकोट में रहते थे और मै जम्मू में।

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

खज़ाना कम नहीं होता Khazaana kum nahin hota

आँखों के बरसने का कोई मौसम नहीं होता 
रो लेते हैं - पर दामन हमारा नम नहीं होता 
मैं अपने दुश्मनों के बीच भी महफूज़ रहता हूँ 
प्रभु की मेहरबानी का खज़ाना कम नहीं होता 

Aankhon ke barsanay ka koi mausam nahin hota 
Ro lete hain par daaman hamaara num nahin hota 
Main apnay dushmano ke beech bhi mehfooz rehtaa hoon 
Prabhu ki meharbaani ka khazaana kum nahin hota 

                                         (Writer unknown) 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How different are we?

We all have the same beginning-that is ‘Birth’
​We all have the same end-​that is ‘Death’​

When we are infants
We need others for our survival
When we become too old and sick
We need others for our survival.
Though we think that we may not...​
​We need others in between as well.

So how different are we from others?

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Qatraa hoon - Samandar ke Lehaje me (in Roman Script)

Qatraa hoon - Samandar ke lehaje me baat kartaa hoon
Khudaaya reaham kar, main bad-gumaan hone se dartaa hoon 

Bakhoobi jaantaa hoon yoon to sab kamzoriyaan apni 
Magar ye kya- ki phir paakeezgi ka dam bhi bhartaa hoon

Yoon to jaane - pehchaane hi hain ye raastay meray
Magar har baar usi muqaam pay aa kar phisaltaa hoon 

Mujhay maaloom hai duniya to maati ka khilona hai 
Magar phir bhi isay paanay ki khatir kyon machaltaa hoon 

Ye meri bad-naseebi hai ya be-parvaayi hai 'Rajan'
ki jo na chaahiye karnaa vahi main kar guzartaa hoon 
                      'Rajan Sachdeva'

Teri Aarzoo - Teri Justajoo (in Roman Script)

 To the Satguru
Teri Aarzoo - Teri Justajoo 

Kabhi Kabhi main tanahaa baitha 
Teri tasveer nihaartaa hoon 
Man hi man pukaartaa hoon
Tujhe dil me utaarta hoon 
Tera har rang - 
har roop nihaartaa hoon 
Teri baaten vichaartaa hoon 

Aur dil me uthati hai ye aarzoo 
ki tera saath mil jaaye
Tere saath meri zindagi ki shaam dhal jaaye 

Tere saath baithun - tere saath khaaun 
Jahaan bhi tu jaaye, tere saath jaaun
Tere sang chaloon, tere sang hansoon 
Chhod apna des, tere sang basoon

Tere saath Ghoomun - Tere qadam choomun 
Dekhun teri soorat, teri muskuraahat
Suntaa rahoon tere qadmon ki aahat 
Rakhvaa loon apane sar pay
pakad kay teraa haath
Khichvaa loon sainkdon hi main photo tere saath

Magar phir khyaal aata hai 
ki ye sab kuchh paakar bhi
Kya mai tujhko paa loonga ? 

Nahin ......
Kyonki tu ye sab to nahin hai
Ye baaten jism ki baaten hain
Aur tu jism to nahin hai

Aur agar kahin aesa bhi ho ......

ki Tu bhi karay mujhko kabhi yaad
Karni na paday mujhay kabhi koi faryaad 
Khud hi tu lay ke chalay mujhko apanay saath 
Rakh day kabhi pyaar say kandhe pay meray haath 
Kabhi muskura kay tu bulaa lay apnay paas
Honay na paaye kabhi judaayi ka aehsaas 
Teri baaton me kabhi - Mera bhi zikar ho 
Mai kaisa hoon, kahaan hoon - Tujhko ye fikar ho 
Poochh lay kisi say tu mera bhi kabhi haal 
Teray bhi zehan me kabhi ho meraa khyaal ......

Magar phir sochtaa hoon -
ki ye sab kuchh ho bhi jaaye agar
To kya Tu mera - aur mai tera ho jaaunga?

Shayed nahin .......
Kyonki tu ye sab bhi to nahin hai
Ye baaten jismo-dil ki baaten hain
magar tu - jismo-dil bhi to nahin hai

Aur ye sab kuchh honay par bhi
Aarzooen, Tamanaayen - Meri hasraten
Kabhi pyaar ka aehsaas - kabhi nafraten 

Dilo-dimaagh me chhaai huyi qadoorten
Hasad ki aag me jalti huyi vo pinahaa soorten

Khatm ho jaayengi kya?
Mit jaayengi kya  ?
Ye be-sabari, ye maghroori khatm ho paayegi kya ?
Aur meri hasti teri hasti me mil jaayegi kya ?

Mujhe yaad hai ki tunay kabhi kahaa tha 
"Tu kisko dhoondtaa hai ?
 Kiski hai justajoo?
Tu mujh me hai - main tujh me hoon
Tu mai hai - aur Main hoon tu"

Aur agar ye sach hai -
to mujhe teri justajoo kyon hain?
Agar hum ek hain - to dekhnay me do kyon hain? 

Saath hote huye bhi tu mujhe lagataa door hai
Ye meri aakhon ka hai qasoor?
                                              Ya dil ka qasoor hai ?

Magar jab gaur se dekha - to raaz ye khulaa
Aur Haqeeqat ka aakhir - pataa ye chalaa
Ki qasoor kisi ka nahin -
Mai khud hi kho gayaa tha 
Gafalat ke neend may hee, be-khabar so gayaa tha 

Ye raasta bhi maine Khud hi to chunaa tha
Ye jaal hasraton ka - Khud hi to bunaa tha
Jo divaaren banaayin thin hifaazat ki khaatir
Unhi me reh gyaa tha mai qaid ho ke aakhir

Isiliye to khatm na ho paayi justajoo
Na poori ho saki tujhe paane ki aarzoo

Haan .....
Magar ye hasarat poori ho to sakti hai
Zehaanat ki qaid se Rihaayi ho to sakti hai
Teri hasti me meri hasti - kho to sakti hai 
Meri zaat, teri zaat say - ik ho to sakti hai

Magar na jaane ye sab kab hoga?
Kabhi hoga bhi - ya nahin hoga 

Par main jaanata hoon khatm ho sakti hai justajoo
Agar vo yaad rahe mujhko teri pehali guftagoo

Jab tune ye kahaa tha .......

"Tu mujh me hai main tujh me hoon
Tu mai hai - aur -  Main hoon tu "

Jismon ki qaid say - jab oopar uth jaata hoon me
Tab teri is baat ka matlab samajh paata hoon me

Aur tab achaanak hi mujhe 
yoon mehsoos hota hai 

ki mai tujh me hoon - Tu mujh me hai 
Tu sab me hai - sab tujh me hai 
Sab Tu hi hai -  Sab Tu hi hai 
Sab Tu hi hai - Bus Tu hi hai

     'Rajan Sachdeva'

Justaju .....         Search
Tanhaa ......        Alone
Hasaraten ........ Desires
Qadoorten ......   Animosities
Hasad  ............... Jealousy 
Pinhaa ..........      Hidden
Maghroori ........ Ego
Zehaanat .....      Thoughts / Ideology 
Zaat  ..............  Pesonality / Being 
Guftagoo ....     Conversation 

The theme of this poem was inspired from a poem written by Dr. Jagdish Sachdeva, Michigan

तेरी आरज़ू - तेरी जुस्तजू ​​ (Teri Aarzoo - Teri Justajoo)

                                        सतगुरु के नाम 
                            तेरी आरज़ू -  तेरी जुस्तजू ​

कभी कभी मैं तन्हा बैठा ......
तेरी तस्वीर निहारता हूँ
तुझे मन ही मन पुकारता हूँ
तुझे दिल में उतारता हूँ
तेरा हर रंग -​
हर रूप निहारता हूँ
तेरी बातें विचारता हूँ
और दिल में उठती है ये आरज़ू
कि तेरा साथ मिल जाए
तेरे साथ मेरी ज़िंदगी की शाम ढ़ल जाए
तेरे साथ बैठूं - तेरे साथ खाऊं
जहां भी तू जाए, तेरे साथ जाऊं
तेरे संग चलूँ , तेरे संग ​हसूँ ​
छोड़ अपना देस, तेरे संग बसूँ
तेरे साथ घूमूं - तेरे क़दम चूमूँ
​देखूं तेरी सूरत ​- तेरी मुस्कुराहट ​  ​
सुनता रहूँ तेरे क़दमों की आहट
रखवा लूँ पकड़ के मैं सर पे तेरा हाथ
खिंचवा लूँ मैं सैंकड़ों ही फोटो तेरे साथ 

मगर फिर ख़याल आता है .......
कि ये सब कुछ पाकर भी
क्या मैं तुझ को पा लूँगा ?
नहीं .......

क्योंकि तू ये सब तो नहीं है
ये बातें जिस्म की बातें हैं
और तू जिस्म तो नहीं है

                                  और ... अगर कहीं ऐसा भी हो ......

कि तू भी करे मुझको कभी याद
करनी ना पड़े मुझे कभी कोई फ़रयाद
ख़ुद ही तू ले के चले मुझको अपने साथ
रख दे कभी प्यार से कंधे पे मेरे हाथ
कभी मुस्कुरा के ​तू ​ बुला ले अपने पास
​​होने न पाए कभी जुदाई का एहसास
तेरी बातों में कभी ​- मेरा भी ज़िकर हो
मैं कैसा हूँ, कहाँ हूँ ​ - तुझको ये फ़िक़र हो
​पूछ ले किसी से तू मेरा भी कभी हाल ​
तेरे ज़ेहन में कभी ​- ​मेरा भी हो ख्याल ......

मगर फिर सोचता हूँ -

कि ये सब कुछ हो भी जाए अगर
तो क्या तू मेरा - और मै तेरा हो जाऊँगा ?

शायद नहीं .......
क्योंकि तू ये सब ​भी ​तो नहीं है

ये बातें भी जिस्मो -दिल की बातें हैं
और तू जिस्मो-दिल ​भी तो नहीं है

और ये सब कुछ होने पर भी -
आरज़ूएँ, - तमन्नाएँ - मेरी हसरतें
​कहीं प्यार का एहसास - कहीं नफ़रतें ​
दिलो दिमाग़ में छायी हुईं क़दूरतें
हसद की आग में जलती हुई वो पिन्हां सूरतें
ख़त्म हो जाएँगी क्या ?
मिट जाएँगी क्या ?
ये बे-सबरी, ये मग़रूरी ख़त्म हो जाएगी क्या ?
और मेरी हस्ती तेरी हस्ती में मिल जाएगी क्या ?

मुझे याद है कि तूने कहा था .....
"तू किसको ढूंडता है ? किसकी है जुस्तजू
तू मुझमें है, मैं तुझमें हूँ - तू मैं है - और मैं हूँ तू "

अगर ​ये सच है ​ ...
तो मुझे तेरी जुस्तजू क्यों है ? 
​अगर हम एक हैं - तो ​देखने में दो क्यों हैं

​साथ होते हुए भी मुझे तू लगता दूर है
ये आँखों का है क़सूर या दिल का क़सूर है ?

मगर जब ग़ौर से देखा तो राज़ ये खुला
और हक़ीक़त का आखिर पता ये चला
कि ​क़सूर किसी का नहीं ​ -
मैं ख़ुद ही खो गया ​था ​
ग़फ़लत की नींद में ही बेख़बर सो गया ​था
ये रास्ता भी मैंने खुद ही तो चुना था
ये जाल हसरतों का खुद ही तो बुना था
जो दीवारें बनाईं थीं हिफ़ाज़त की ख़ातिर
उन्हीं में रह गया ​था ​मैं क़ैद हो के आख़िर 

इसीलिए तो ख़त्म ना हो पाई जुस्तजू
और न पूरी हो सकी तुझे पाने की आरज़ू

हाँ - -
मगर ये हसरत​ ...... ​पूरी हो तो सकती है
ज़हानत की क़ैद से रिहाई हो तो सकती है
तेरी हस्ती में मेरी हस्ती खो तो सकती है
मेरी ज़ात तेरी ज़ात से ​- इक हो तो सकती है

मगर न जाने ये सब कब होगा ?​
कभी होगा भी - या नहीं होगा ?

पर मैं जानता हूँ - ख़त्म हो सकती है जुस्तजू
अगर वो याद रहे मुझको तेरी पहली ग़ुफ़्तग़ू
जब तूने ये कहा था .....

"तू मुझमें है, मैं तुझमें हूँ ,तू मैं है - और मैं हूँ तू "

जिस्मों की क़ैद से कभी जो ऊपर उठ जाता हूँ मैं
तब तेरी ​इस ​बात का मतलब समझ पाता हूँ मैं

और तब अचानक ही मुझे, यूँ महसूस होता है
कि मैं तुझ में हूँ ...... तू मुझ में है
तू सब में है ..... सब तुझ में है
सब तू ही है - सब तू ही है
सब तू ही है ​ - बस तू ही है

​      'राजन सचदेव '
        12 /12 ​/ 2015 

जुस्तजू .....         Search
तन्हा  ......        Alone
क़दूरतें  ......   Animosities
हसद   ............... Jealousy 
पिन्हा  ..........      Hidden
मग़रूरी  ........ Ego
ज़हानत  .....      Thoughts / Ideology 
ज़ात   ..............  Pesonality / Being 
गुफ़्तगू  ....     Conversation 

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...