Saturday, March 14, 2015

Can Guru be considered God?

Most people do believe that there is some kind of a higher power, a 'Supreme being' who created this universe and runs it in a systematical order.
In English language, there is only one word to describe it, God.

However; in Sanskrit language and Indian scriptures, there are different words to describe IT such as Brahman, Ishwar, Paramaatman or Bhagvaan.

1.     ‘Brahman’ or Brahm is the underlying reality of all existence, which is Formless, attribute-less and incomprehensive.

2.   ‘Paramaatman’ or Parmaatma is defined as the Universal soul or consciousness that is Formless, inactive or a silent witness.

3.   ‘Ishwar’:  It is extremely difficult to focus upon the ‘Incomprehensive Brahman’, so the scriptures gave us a concept of the Formless, Almighty, All-knowing, Most-kind and most merciful “Active Being” and named IT Ishwar; the creator and sustainer with virtuous attributes.  

4.   ‘Bhagvaan’: which has Form and attributes; all great virtues such as love, compassion, kindness and mercy etc.

Bhag, according to Sanskrit dictionary means light, brightness and high. It can be used for Sun and moon also since they are bright and high.
Vaan means: having, owning or possessing.

So, Bhagvaan literally means the one who is ‘Bright’ and ‘high’.  

Technically God’s light shines in everyone but do we see it in ourselves or every being that we see?

It is the Guru, the ‘Enlightened one’, through whom we can see and experience the ‘Light’.

There is a beautiful and meaningful popular story of Lord Rama’s childhood.
One night, mother Kaushalya was holding baby Rama in her arms at the terrace of her palace. A very bright full moon was shining in the sky right in front of them. She pointed her finger toward the bright moon and said “look! There is moon. See how beautiful it is?”
Baby Rama smiled and jumped with open arms to hold the moon in his hand. Though the moon seemed to be so close, it was out of his reach. He tried again and again and started crying; saying “I want it. I want it. I want to hold it.”
Mother tried to console him and to divert his attention but failed.
She asked a maid to bring a big bowl full of water and placed it on the ground in front of Shri Rama. There was a bright image of the moon shining in that clear water and it was also within his reach. He became very happy and started playing with it.

It’s not just a children’s story.
The ancient Indian epics and most scriptures are written in metaphoric language. This story also has a deep meaning.

Though God’s light is present in everyone, it shines bright and clearly in the ‘Enlightened ones’ just like the moon shines in a body of clear water.

Bhagvaan is generally understood to be an incarnation of God, a source of Light and enlightenment; who is ‘higher’ but still within our reach.
Even though “Sab Gobind hai, Sab Gobind hai, Gobind binu nahin koi”, (All is God, All is God, there is nothing but God), it is the Guru who can be considered and seen as God.
“Guru Parmesar eko jaan”

Since it is extremely difficult to focus upon the ‘Incomprehensive Formless God, the scriptures advise us to meditate upon the Guru; Bhagvaan in a human form with attributes; great virtuous qualities of love, compassion and kindness.

“Dhyaan Moolam Gururmurti
 Pooja Moolam GururPadah
Mantra Moolam GururVaakyam 
Moksha Moolam GururKripah”                    
                                                           (Guru Gita)

Gur ki moorat man mahi dhyaan
Gur ke shabad mantra man maan
Gur ke charan riday lai dhaarou
Guru Paarbrahm sadaa namaskaarou 
                                                 (Mehala 5, Page 864)

Therefore, if we are unable to perfectly empty our mind and become ‘nothing’ to meditate upon ‘Nirankar’, we can think and focus on the image and holy words of the Guru.

In the minds of the ‘Bhakta’, Guru and Brahm are synonymous and they can enjoy meditating upon either Nirakaar Ishwar or Sakaar Satguru.

                        “Rajan Sachdeva”


  1. Thanks. Nicely explained.

  2. I second the earlier comment

  3. Do you mean these are different Gods? or different forms of one & the same God?
    If these are different forms of the same God then how and why he takes these different forms? Please explain.

  4. Thank you Mr. Narendra.
    It’s good to know that some people not only read it but they read it carefully with deep understanding. They don't read it just for the sake of entertainment but either they have a great deal of knowledge to question it or they sincerely want to know more.
    I am going to post my reply in main blog since it is long and secondly I do not think many people read comments.


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