Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sat-Sangatvay Nis-Sangatvam

In his famous, beautiful poetical composition known as 'Bhaj-Govindam' - Aadi Shankaracharya talks about human nature - regardless of time and place, and how to achieve the ultimate universal truth.
 In one of the later verses, he says:
                   सत्संगत्वे नि:संगत्वं,  नि:संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वम् ॥    
                   निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्वं, निश्चलतत्वे जीवन मुक्तिः ||

               "Sat-Sangatvay Nis-Sangatvam 

                Nis-Sangatvay Nir-Mohatvam
                Nir-Mohatvay Nischal-Tatvaam
                Nischal-Tatvay Jeevan Muktih"

Keeping the company of Saints - noble and righteous people results in being free from the company - company of vices and delusions, wrong or excessive worldly desires etc.
The state of being 'Nis-Sangatavam' - free of all company can also be translated as the Thoughtless state of mind - known as freedom from mind.

Which in turn results in being free from the 'Moha' or attachment - attachments with ill thoughts and vices - wrong beliefs, assumptions and dogmas - and thus not getting confused or perplexed and going away from the desired destination of achieving the Truth. 

This state of mind - being free from the attachments - further results in knowing and having union with the 'Unchangeable Truth'; the one and only Reality.

Knowing and establishing one's self in the Unchangeable Truth ultimately results in achieving the Jeevan-Mukti; Liberation while living in the world and from the repetitive cycle of birth and death.
As long as one is attached to a certain thing, a person or a particular personality, a particular dogma, a certain situation or environment - one is bound and cannot be called as Jeevan-Mukta.
Being free from any kind of binding is the Jeevan-Mukti - the Living-Salvation - the True Liberation.
                                                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Sat                 --                Truth
Sangatwam --                 Keeping the company of
Nis-Sangatvam --          Not having any company
Nis-Sangatvay --            By not having any company
Nir-Mohatvam --           Free of attachments

Nischal --                        Unchangeable 
Tatvam --                        Reality, The Truth.
Jeevan --                         Life
Mukti --                          Salvation, Liberation.
Jeevan-Mukti --            Living Salvation or Liberation

1 comment:

  1. The last para is powerful..a long way to go...may Lord Nirankar get me there.


मन मैला तन ऊजरा Man Maila Tan Oojara

मन मैला तन ऊजरा, बगुला कपटी अंग।  तासे तो कौआ भला, तन मन एक ही रंग ॥                  संत कबीर जी महाराज  Man Maila Tan Oojara -  Bagula Kap...