Sunday, September 29, 2024

भगवान 'खोजने' से नहीं मिलते khojnay say nahin miltay Bhagwan

 भगवान 'खोजने' से नहीं  - 
     उनमें  'खो-जाने'  से मिलते हैं  

भगवान को पाने के लिए स्वयं को खोना पड़ता है 


Bhagvaan khojnay say nahin - 
Un men "Kho-jaanay" say miltay hain 

God is not found by 'searching' -
He is found by 'losing' - by getting lost in Him.

To find God, we have to lose our Self - our Ego.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Practice is the Key

Practice is the most important key to achieving the desired goals - 
Not just in the field of Music only - 
But in any field of study, work, or spirituality - or to improve life in general.

Lord Krishna also emphasized two essential points in the Bhagavad Geeta - 
Abhyaas And Vairaagya 

           "Abhyaasena Tu Kaunteya vairaagyen cha grihiyatay"
                                   (Bhagavad Geeta 6 - 35)

Abhyaas - meaning Practice 
and Vairaagya - The elimination of unnecessary wanderings of the mind - Sacrificing the sloth - lethargy and focusing on achieving the goal. 
                                                  " Rajan Sachdeva "

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

सही हिसाब Right Calculations

रब ने यारो देखो कैसा सही हिसाब किताब लगाया 
सबको खाली हाथ भेजा और वापिस ख़ाली हाथ बुलाया 

Rab ne yaaro dekho kaisa sahee hisaab kitaab lagaaya 
Sab ko khaali haath bheja aur vaapis khaali haath bulaaya

                          English Translation

See - how precisely God has calculated everything.  
He sends everyone empty-handed - 
                 and brings them back also empty-handed. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

दुआ बदलते रहे -- Changing the Prayers - Dua badaltay rahay

ज़रुरतों के मुताबिक दुआ बदलते रहे
ये लोग ख़ुद नहीं बदले ख़ुदा बदलते रहे 

Zaruraton kay mutaabik dua badaltay rahay 
Ye log khud nahin badalay Khuda badaltay rahay

They kept changing their prayers according to their needs.
Instead of changing themselves - 
They kept changing their Gods.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

जहां से चले थे

जनाज़े को उनके वो रुकवा के बोले 
ये लौटेंगे कब तक - कहां जा रहे हैं ? 

                  जवाब मिला 

आए थे दुनिया में दिन चार लेकर 
जहां से चले थे  - वहां  जा रहे हैं 

Janaazay ko un kay -- A funeral procession

Janaazay ko un kay vo rukvaa kay bolay
Ye lautengay kab tak - kahaan ja rahay hain? 

Answer came -

Aaye thay duniya mein din chaar lay kar 
Jahaan say chalay thay - vahaan ja rahay hain


Seeing a funeral procession, someone asked: 
Where is he going? When will he return?

The answer came -

He came to this world for four days*.
Now - going back to the same place where he came from.

* Four days -- Childhood, youth, adulthood, and old age 

Vedas and Science -- वेद और विज्ञान

A fascinating and factual video on Vedas and Science by Gaurav Thakur 
- based on thorough research.

गौरव ठाकुर द्वारा गहन शोध पर आधारित एक दिलचस्प और जानकारीपूर्ण वीडियो  


Saturday, September 21, 2024

किसी के वास्ते राहें कहाँ बदलती हैं The roads never change for anyone

किसी के वास्ते राहें कहाँ बदलती हैं 
तुम अपने आप को ख़ुद ही बदल सको तो चलो 
                       " निदा फ़ाज़ली "

Kisi kay vaastay raahen kahaan badalti hain 
Tum apnay aap ko khud hee badal sako to chalo 
                           " Nida Fazli "

The roads never change for anyone.
You must change yourself if you want to proceed. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Shiva and Shakti are One

                 " Na Shiv Shaktirahito - Na Shakti: Shivavarjita 
                  Ubhayorasti Taadatmyam Vahnidahakayoriva "

Neither Shiva is without Shakti, nor Shakti is without Shiva. 
There is an identity between the two - just as there is an identity between the fire and the fuel.
There is harmony between the two – there is unity. 

The ancient Sanatan Hindu philosophy does not see God and Nature as opposites. 
They are not opposite to each other but complementary to each other. 
There is harmony between the two.

For example, there is harmony between fire and fuel. 
Fire cannot exist without fuel, and wood and fuel contain fire within them. 
When they come in contact with a spark of fire, they also transform into fire.

Similarly, God and Nature are not opposite - they are complementary. 
There is harmony between the two. 
Nature (Shakti) cannot exist without Shiva (God). 
Nature is God's power. It's created and operated by the divine power.
And it is through nature that we get to know and experience God. 

If seen from a scientific point of view, it means that energy and matter are complementary.
Energy can convert into matter and matter into energy.

Usually, we do not see the power of nature.
But suddenly, when some natural calamities like severe storms, tornados - hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, etc. strike, we start seeing the immense power of nature, and immediately we start realizing our helplessness in front of nature.

In the above Shloka - Shiva can be seen as the symbol of energy and Nature as His power.
Nature is created and driven by energy - the Shiva.
And Shiva is experienced by the power of nature.

In short - God and nature are complimentary.
Nature is in God and God is in nature.

             Sakal vanaspati manh baisantar sakal doodh mein ghee 
             Taisay hee Hari basay nirantar ghat ghat Maadho jee

Just as fire is present in the trees, plants, and woods -
Just as ghee (butter) is present in the milk -
In the same way, Hari (God) is also present in everyone - everybody and everything. 
                                                      " Rajan Sachdeva "

न शिव शक्तिरहितो न शक्ति: शिववर्जिता

                   न : शिव शक्तिरहितो न शक्ति: शिववर्जिता।
                   उभयोरस्ति तादात्म्यं वह्निदाहकयोरिव ।।

शब्दार्थ :
न शिव शक्ति के बिना हैं और न शक्ति शिव के बिना  
दोनों के बीच ऐसा ही तादात्म्य है जैसे अग्नि और ईंधन में ।।

भावार्थ :
न शिव शक्ति के बिना हैं और न शक्ति शिव के बिना - दोनों के बीच तादात्म्य है - एकत्व है। 
ये एक दूसरे के विपरीत नहीं बल्कि एक दूसरे के पूरक हैं। दोनों में सामंजस्य है - सामन्वय है। 

ऐसे ही जैसे अग्नि और ईंधन के बीच तादात्म्य और सामन्वय है। 
ईंधन के बिना अग्नि का आस्तित्व नहीं - और लकड़ी एवं ईंधन में अग्नि का अंश प्रचुर रुप में विद्यमान रहता है जो अग्नि को प्रज्वल्लित करने में सहायक होता है  - और ज़रा सा अग्नि का संग मिलते ही स्वयं भी अग्नि में ही परिवर्तित हो जाता है। 

वैसे तो देखने में लकड़ी अथवा पेट्रोल में हमें अग्नि दिखाई नहीं देती लेकिन अनुरुप परिस्थिति - अर्थात अग्नि का संग मिलते ही हमें उनमें अग्नि का प्रज्वल्लित रुप स्पष्ट दिखाई देने लगता है। 

इसी प्रकार ईश्वर और प्रकृति एक दूसरे के विपरीत नहीं बल्कि पूरक हैं। दोनों में तादात्म्य एवं सामन्वय है। 

ईश्वर अर्थात शक्ति के बिना प्रकृति का कोई आस्तित्व नहीं। ईश्वरीय शक्ति से ही प्रकृति का उद्भव एवं संचालन होता है। 
और प्रकृति के द्वारा ही हमें ईश्वर का परिचय एवं अनुभव प्राप्त होता है। 

वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से देखें तो इस का अर्थ होगा कि एनर्जी और मैटर (Energy & Matter) अर्थात ऊर्जा एवं पदार्थ एक दूसरे के पूरक हैं - ऊर्जा पदार्थ में और पदार्थ ऊर्जा में परिवर्तित हो सकते हैं और हो जाते हैं।  
यहां ऊर्जा को शिव और प्रकृति को शक्ति के रुप में देखा जा सकता है। 
ऊर्जा अर्थात शिव (ईश्वर) से ही प्रकृति संचालित होती है और प्रकृति की शक्ति से ही ऊर्जा अर्थात ईश्वर का अनुभव होता है। 

साधारणतया हमें प्रकृति की शक्ति का कोई एहसास नहीं होता। 
लेकिन अकस्मात कोई प्राकृतिक आपदा - जैसे भयंकर तूफ़ान और बवंडर - हरिकेन (hurricane), सुनामी, बाढ़ और भूचाल इत्यादि आने पर हमें प्रकृति की असीम शक्ति प्रकट रुप से दिखाई देने लगती है और तुरंत ही हमें प्रकृति के सामने अपनी असहायता का एहसास भी होने लगता है। 

सारांश यह - कि ईश्वर एवं प्रकृति एक दूसरे में परिपूर्ण हैं। 
ईश्वर में ही प्रकृति है और प्रकृति में ही ईश्वर है। 

           सकल वनस्पति मंह बैसंतर सकल दूध में घीअ 
           तैसे ही हरि बसे निरंतर घट घट माधो जीअ 

जैसे सभी पेड़ पौधों एवं लकड़ी में अपरोक्ष रुप में अग्नि विद्यमान रहती है 
जैसे दूध में अप्रत्यक्ष रुप में घी मौजूद है 
उसी तरह हर घट में - हर प्राणी एवं हर शै में हरि - अर्थात निराकार ईश्वर भी अपरोक्ष रुप में सदा विद्यमान रहता है। 
                                           " राजन सचदेव "

Thursday, September 12, 2024

कभी देखें न औरों की बुराई

कभी देखें न औरों की बुराई - वो नज़र देना 
हमेशा ख़ामियां अपनी परखने का हुनर देना 

निरोगी तन असीमित मन सही किरदार भी देना 
सबर देना - शुकर देना - दुआओं में असर देना 

कभी मोहताज़ मत करना मुझे जीवन में ऐ दाता 
हैं जितने स्वास 'राजन' पुरसकूं शाम-ओ-सहर देना 
                   " राजन सचदेव " 

असीमित मन    = विशाल हृदय Open, Broad Mind 
किरदार            =  कर्म  Action, Deeds 
पुरसकूं             =   शांतिपूर्ण     Peaceful 
शाम-ओ-सहर  =   सायं काल और प्रातः (रात दिन) 

Never see faults in others -- Na Dekhen Auron ki Buraayi

Kabhi dekhen na auron ki buraayi - Vo nazar dena 
Hamesha khaamiyaan apni parakhnay ka hunar dena 

Nirogi Tan aseemit Man Sahi kirdaar bhee dena 
Sabar dena Shukar dena Duaaon mein asar dena 

Kabhi mohtaaz mat karnaa mujhay jeevan mein ae Daata 
Hain jitnay Swaas 'Rajan' Pur-Sakoon Shaam-o-Sehar dena 
                        " Rajan Sachdeva "

Khaamiyaan                = Errors, Follies, Faults, Weaknesses
Aseemit Man               = Big Open Mind, Broad Mind 
Kirdaar                         =  Action, Deeds 
Pur-Sakoon                 =   Peaceful 
Shaam                          = Evening
Sehar                           =  Morning
(Shaam-o-Sehar        = Day & Night)

                          English Translation

Grant me the vision that never sees the faults in others -
and the aptitude that judges my own flaws. 

Grant me a healthy body, an open & broad mind, and righteous deeds.
Grant me patience and gratitude - bestow results to my prayers.

Never make me dependent on others during my life - O' Lord 
Whatever breaths I have left - Grant me peaceful days and nights.  
                              " Rajan Sachdeva "

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Intellectual Humor

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, a great Teacher, Philosopher, and former President of India - in whose honor Teachers Day is celebrated, was an exceptionally witty man.!!

The King of Greece came to India on a State visit. 
President Radhakrishnan welcomed him at the Palam Airport.

"Your Majesty.. you are the first King of Greece to come to India on "Invitation"..!!
The last time, Alexander the Great came "Uninvited.”

Gandhiji said: Do not drink Milk because it is the essence of Beef.

Radhakrishnan replied: In that case, we all are Cannibals - For we drink our Mothers' Milk, which is the essence of Human Flesh.


Winston Churchill while having a cup of tea said to Dr. Radhakrishnan: 
Sugar is the only English word where "S" is pronounced as "Sh" ..!!

Dr. Radhakrishnan jested: "Are you Sure?" 


Once Winston Churchill hosted a State Banquet in honor of Dr Radhakrishnan who washed his hands before eating and used his hands for having the food while Churchill used Spoons and Forks..!!

Churchill advised Dr.Radhakrishnan to use Spoon and Fork because they were more hygienic.

Radhakrishnan replied..
Since nobody can use my hand to eat, my hand is more hygienic than any Spoon or Fork you use..!!

On one of his travels, Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was asked a question by someone in the audience.

What's the difference between a Station Master and a School Master..?

The question was irrelevant and bordering on impertinent, too..!!
However, the brilliant Dr. Radhakrishnan replied calmly...

While a Station Master minds the Train, 
A School Master trains the mind..!!

Classic Wit seems to be losing its class and might vanish from our dictionary soon. 
                              "  By Unknown author "

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

हम सब हैं कठपुतली साधो

हम सब हैं कठपुतली साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली
कोई गोरी कोई काली साधो कोई मैली कोई उजली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली

ज्यों चाहे ये हम को नचाए 
छिन में हंसाए छिन में रुलाए  
नाचना होगा उस लय में ही जैसी बजेगी डफ़ली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली

कोई हंस कर कोई रो कर नाचे 
कोई पा कर कोई खो कर नाचे 
नाच रहे हैं सब उस धुन में जैसे नचावे मुरली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली

अपने बस में कुछ भी नहीं है 
जीवन का बस खेल यही है 
जैसे राखे रहना होगा बनके इसकी पुतली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली 

जिस रंग राखे उस रंग रह लें 
जो होता है हँस के सह लें 
जीवन धागा बुनना होगा बन के इसकी तकली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली

कौन जाने कब छूटे किनारा 
धारा में मिल बन जाए धारा  
ढूंढो उसे वो लहर किधर है अभी तो थी जो उछली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली

ज्ञान की नैया गुरु खेवैया 
जाना है उस पार रे भैय्या 
भीड़ भिड़ैया में दुनिया की देखो जाए न कुचली   
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली 

रब में सब हैं - सब रब माहिं 
इस से  बाहर कुछ भी नाहिं 
इस में जीना इस में मरना ज्यों सागर में मछली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली

उजली चादर बुनने आए 
अष्टकमल का चरखा लाए 
सत की पूनी, नाम का तकला, सुमिरन की कर सुतली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली

जन्म जन्म से नाच रहे हैं 
माया में रच पाच रहे हैं 
सदियों से जो उलझी 'राजन' सुलझा लें वो गुथली 
रे साधो सुलझा लें वो गुथली 

हम सब हैं कठपुतली 
साधो हम सब हैं कठपुतली
                 " राजन सचदेव "  

अष्ट कमल = आठ पंखुड़ियों वाला कमल = पाँच तत्व और तीन गुणों से मिल कर बना शरीर 
पूनी    =  कपास की पूनी जिस से चरखे के तकले पर सूत काता जाता है  Cotton ball 
सुतली =  तकले पर काती हुई सूत की अट्टी  A roll of yarn spun on a spindle  (Used for Spindle or Twine)
रच-पाच     =     उलझे रहे हैं      Entangled in Maya - in illusions 
गुथली         = गुत्थी 

We are all Puppets - Saadho - Ham Sab hain Kathputli

Ham sab hain kathputli 
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

koyi gori koyi kaali Saadho koyi maili koyi ujali 
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Jyon chaahay ye ham ko nachaaye 
Chhin mein hansaaye chhin mein rulaaye 
Naachna hoga us laya mein hee jaisi bajegi Dafli 
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Koyi hans kar koyi ro kar naachay 
koyi paa kar koyi kho kar naachay 
Naach rahay hain sab us dhun mein jaisay nachaavay murli
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Apnay bas mein kuchh bhi nahin hai 
Jeevan ka bas khel yahi hai 
Jaisay raakhay rehna hoga ban kay is ki Putali 
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Jis rang raakhay us rang reh len 
Jo hota hai hans kay seh len 
Jeevan dhaagaa bunanaa hoga ban kay is ki takali 
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Kaun jaanay kab chhootay kinaara 
Dhaara mein mil ban jaaye dhaara 
Dhoondo usay vo lehar kidhar hai abhi abhi jo uchhali
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Gyan ki naiyaa Guru khevaiyaa 
Jaana hai us paar ray bhaiyya 
Bheed bhidaiyaa mein duniya ki dekho jaye na kuchali
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Rubb mein sab hain - sab Rubb maahin 
Is say baahar kuchh bhee naahin 
Is mein jeenaa is mein marnaa jyon saagar mein machhali
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Ujali chaadar bunanay aaye 
Asht-kamal ka charkhaa laaye 
Sat ki pooni, Naam ka Taklaa, Sumiran ki kar sutali 
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli 

Janm janam say naach rahay hain 
Maaya mein rach paach rahay hain 
Sadiyon say jo ulajhi 'Rajan' Suljhaa len vo guthali
Saadho - suljhaa len vo guthali
Ham sab hain kathputli 
Saadho Ham sab hain kathputli                    
           " Rajan Sachdeva " 

Kathputli          = Puppets
Takali                = Spinning needle or rod 
Dhaara              = Stream
kuchali             = Crushed
Pooni                = Cotton ball
Taklaa               = Spindle
Sutli                  = Roll of Thread
Rach paach      = Entangled
Guthali             = Knot, Riddle, Mystery

                          English Translation

We are all puppets 
Sadho, we are all puppets
Some are fair, some are dark, some are dirty, some are clean 
Sadhho, we are all puppets

As It sees fit, It makes us dance
Sometimes to laugh - Sometimes to cry 
We have to dance in the same rhythm as the drum plays.
Sadhho, we are all puppets.

Some dance happily, some dance crying.
Some on gaining, some on losing
Everyone is dancing to the tune of the flute.
Sadhho, we are all puppets.

Nothing is in our control.
It's the way of the game of life.
We have to live as it comes - like a puppet
Because we all are puppets

We must yield to the circumstances. 
Whatever happens, we should bear it with a smile
and weave the thread of life, becoming its spindle
Sadhho, we are all puppets.

Who knows when we will leave the shore 
- merge with the stream and become the stream.
Where is that wave that jumped up just a moment ago?

Gyan is the boat - Guru is the boatman (driver)
We must go to the other side - brothers
Don't get crushed in the crowd of the world's illusions.

Everyone is in God - God is in everyone 
Nothing is outside of God.
We live in Him and die in Him - like a fish in the ocean.

Came in the world to weave a pure and bright sheet
Brought with us the spinning wheel of Ashta Kamal
Make Truth the cotton ball, Naam (the pure name) spindle, and weave the twine of Sumiran.

We have been dancing from birth to birth - 
always entangled in Maya.
Let's untangle that knot that has entangled for centuries.
Sadho, untangle that knot.
                           "Rajan Sachdeva" 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

मिच्छामी दुकडम -- क्षमा याचना

मिच्छामी दुकडम -- क्षमा याचना

Michhami Dukkadam

Sincerely Seeking Forgiveness
        From all - For everything
        Not Just Today - But Everyday
        And Always
                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Lord Ganesh - Symbol of Physical and Spiritual worlds

Lord Ganesh, also known as Ganapati is one of the most well-known Hindu deities.

He is considered the Lord of beginning and good fortune, and the remover of obstacles.

Ignorantly translated in English as the Elephant God Ganesh is seen as a strange phenomenon in the western world by the Non-Hindus or the suspicious nonbelievers.
However, in reality, these deities, Gods are not as they are shown in the images.
They are extremely representational. The various markings, colors, faces, and features hold deep significance.
Even the objects surrounding them have great meanings.
By paying close and earnest attention to the symbolism presented in the seemingly strange images of the gods, we can understand the hidden meaning behind these images.

The literal meaning of Ganesha (Gan+Esha) and the Ganpati (Gan+Pati) is the Lord of people and the leader of people respectively.
Just as the images of most other Hindu deities, Ganesha's symbolism has deep meanings in both, the physical and the spiritual worlds.

                        Ganpati's Symbolism in the Physical world

Much of the symbolism of the Ganpati in the Physical world represent the qualities of a great leader, relating to the welfare of society and safeguarding people from the physical and subtle obstacles. These qualities can be applied to all political, social, or spiritual leaders - to lead their subjects and followers efficiently.

The elephant, a native animal of India is a symbol of strength and power, and is mostly, friendly and protective.
Since Ganesh, the ruler or the leader is all about protection and power, therefore he is portrayed with an Elephant head - showing that a good leader should be as strong and confident as an elephant - to lead his followers.

His large head symbolizes his intelligence and thinking ability - to be able to think out of the box.

The smallmouth and the large ears show that he may talk less and listen more to those who come to him asking for help.

The small eyes mean that he should overlook the shortcomings and mistakes of the followers and continue to guide and lead them regardless.

His one tusk represents working for one reason only - the welfare of others.

A large stomach Shows that a good leader can keep the secrets of others within himself and not condemn anyone in public. 
It shows that he can consume and digest all the good and bad done by others.

Long and flexible trunk - Just like an elephant gathers his food with his long and flexible trunk, a good leader should be able to find large resources with his far-reaching but flexible approach.

Ganesha's four hands:
a symbol of multitasking - holding various objects in each hand
These objects are particularly important for symbolizing how a good leader can help his followers to progress throughout their lives.
In one hand he holds a rope, which represents the leader's ability to help pull everyone up - from poverty and misery to a better and prosperous life.
In another hand he holds an ax, to destroy the bad elements - including false concepts and traditions present in the society.
In his third hand, he holds a bowl full of sweets, a promise to bring true and favorable results for the people - to help them achieve the fruits of their actions.
His fourth hand is shown in the blessing mudra - assuring his follower's safety and protection.

Ganpati rides the mouse:
A mouse is shown held under Ganpati's foot.
The mouse is a symbol of stealing and collecting which belongs to others. It lives in the house - steals and collects food in its hiding place. 
Ganesha, Ganpati, the good leader keeps such people under his control and does not let them steal what belongs to others - which is earned by others.

       Ganesh as a symbolism of individual spirituality

Ganesha - Gan+Esha means the lord of people or a group.

In the context of spirituality, Mind - the Consciousness can be seen as the lord of the senses - the five Gyanendriya and the five Karmendriya.
The various organs of the Ganesha and the objects around him convey deep messages to the seekers of the truth.

                                           The large head 

Symbolizes the intelligence - the Gyana and Vichar-Shakti, the thinking ability of the spiritual person or the seeker of Truth.

                                                  Small mouth and the large ears

The small mouth and the large ears represent the concepts of Mauna (silence) and Shravanan (Listening).
They show that the Gyani or a seeker talks less and listens more to the true teachings of the enlightened ones.

                                                        Small Eyes

His small eyes are a sign of concentration and one-pointed focus. 
He has the ability to avoid seeing the faults of others and focusing on his own personal goal of achieving liberation.

                                             Ek Dant - One tusk 

Represents retaining the good, and positive only - and throwing away the bad or negativity around him.

                                         Large Belly

A large stomach - means a large capacity to digest. 
Life is a combination of Sukh and Dukha - pleasure and pain. 
The Gyani can peacefully handle and digest all the good and bad in life.

                                        Four Hands 

Ganesha's four hands represent multitasking - holding various objects in each hand.
These objects are also important for symbolizing how a good and strong mind can control the senses to progress on the path of spirituality.

In one hand he holds a rope, which represents the ability to pull himself up from all negativity - towards the ultimate goal of realization and liberation. 
He holds an ax in another hand - to cut all attachments with the impermanent and material world which everyone continually tries to grasp.
In his third hand, he holds a bowl full of sweets, meaning he only holds and retains the sweet - only the good and positive, which is necessary for spiritual development.
His fourth hand is often shown in the blessing mudra, which is also the symbol of Abhaya or fearlessness.

A Gyani is free from the fear of false concepts and notions - and continues his spiritual journey - not because of fear, but with the knowledge of Truth. 
Nor he frightens others by inculcating fear in their minds. 
He neither intimidates anyone nor gets frightened by them or by the circumstances.

                                     Mouse under his foot

The mouse is a symbol of greed - of stealing and collecting.
Ganesha, the Gyani mind keeps greed - a natural human tendency under his control. 
He earns his living by honest means - not by cheating. 
He lives a life of simplicity and purity.

By understanding the symbolism presented in the seemingly strange images of the gods, we can learn the proper ways to progress and achieve Enlightenment and Liberation.

May we all see the Truth and continue our journey by learning and understanding the real meanings of the Scriptures, traditions, and rituals - instead of making fun or following them blindly.
                                           'Rajan Sachdeva' 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Origin of Teachers Day

Teachers Day was started in India in 1962 in honor of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.

In 1962, when Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was serving as the President of India - a suggestion was made to celebrate his birthday (September 5th) as Radhakrishnan Day.
However, he declined it by saying: 
Instead of celebrating it as my birthday, it would be my proud privilege to observe it as Teachers Day.

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan (September 5, 1888- April 17, 1975) - India's first Vice-president and then the President of India from 1962 to 1967, was a great philosopher and teacher. His contributions to the field of education and Indian philosophies are exemplary. He was one of the greatest scholars of Indian and Western philosophies in recent times and wrote several volumes on Indian philosophies, and Vedanta - including commentaries on Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and Brahm Sutras.

Happy Teacher's Day


An awe-inspiring teacher is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget.
Teachers have a direct impact on their students. They love educating students.
They strive to educate - inspire the students to learn more and to induce positive changes in their lives. 

From the first day of school to the end of our academic education - we all learn from many different teachers.
However, there are just a few who cling to our memory for the rest of our lives.
Because they take personal interest and responsibility for our progress.
Teachers help build the characteristics of an individual, a society, and a nation.
The teacher is a candle that burns itself and gives light to others.

They take the hands of the students, open their minds, and touch their hearts.
Such heartful teachers become role models for the students.

That is why - in ancient Indian traditions - the teacher or the Guru was given the utmost respect and highest honor by the society.

Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gururdevo Maheshvaraa
GururPaarbrahma Parmeshvar, Tasmai Shri Guruvay Namah
                                                              (Guru Geeta)

Guru Eeshar, Guru Gorakh Brahmaa, Guru Paarvati maai
                                               (Japuji Sahib)

Mother, Father, and the Guru were given the status of God ij Indian cultures.
 "Matri Devo Bhavah - Pitri Devo Bhavah - Gurur Devo Bhavah"

The great Gurus - the good teachers do not simply teach -
They plant the seeds of knowledge in the minds of their disciples and students that last a lifetime.
They guide and support the disciples personally at every step to understand - to apprehend the subject thoroughly and inspire them to improve and rise to such heights where the sky is the limit.

Find a great teacher - a Guru - who will help you personally - by guiding you at each step of your life on a personal level - answering all your questions and removing any doubts that you might have.

A proficient and experienced teacher will never tell you to stop asking questions - to stay quiet or be withdrawn and believe every word without any doubt whatsoever.
Good teachers will always encourage you to ask questions until you are fully satisfied.
Because the teachers who are indeed wise, do not advise you to simply enter the house of their wisdom. 
They lead you to the threshold of your own mind.

Great Gurus and Good teachers encourage their students to become as knowledgeable as them - or even better than them.
Real Gurus or Good teachers never become jealous of their students.
In fact, they feel proud of their students if they rise and become even better than the teachers.

There is a beautiful prayer in Yajur Veda - also found in Taittarey, Mandukya, and Shvetashvatara Upanishads - which explains the beautiful relationship between the Guru and the Shishya - the teacher and the disciple.
It says:

ॐ सह नाववतु - सह नौ भुनक्तु - सह वीर्यं करवावहै
तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै
                  ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
Om Seh Nau-Avatu Seh Nau Bhunaktu
Seh Veeryam Karavaavahai
Tejasvi Naav-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvishaavahai

Meaning: May the Brahman (Almighty Lord) protect us both (Teacher & Disciple);
May He nourish us both;
May we both work in harmony with great vigor;
May our study be illuminating and fruitful;
May we - Guru and Shishya - the teacher and disciple - never be jealous of each other.

Millions of people, all over the world, acknowledge and honor this day by celebrating it in different ways. However, the greatest tribute to them would be to learn, understand, and adapt their teachings in our lives.

And the most important thing for teachers is that they should engage, motivate, and inspire students to learn.

I was fortunate to have a few such great teachers in my life - who not only helped me in my professional career as a teacher - but helped me in every sphere of my life - to broaden my horizons - to remove the walls of narrowmindedness - to get out of the limited, confined space and become open and broad-minded and think universally.

My salutations and attributes to all my such teachers - all my Gurus, who helped me personally to reach where I am - to be what I am today.

Let's appreciate the vital role that teachers play in shaping our future.
The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.
                               'Rajan Sachdeva'


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...