Wednesday, November 25, 2020

We Talk about ​the ​Soul - But...

We talk about ​the ​Soul -​ but love the body.​
​We claim to be a soul ​but live continually ​​as​ ​a​ body.
We talk about the beauty of the mind - to make the mind beautiful - but spend hours on making the body look beautiful. ​
We talk about simplicity - but live a luxurious lifestyle.
We talk about one thing - but do something else. 

It seems that talking, listening, and attending lectures or seminars about the soul has also become a fashion these days. 
Before we go to attend a seminar on the soul - we go to buy a new dress and jewelry for the body​ to go there. 
I wonder, do we really go there to gain some spiritual wealth or to show off our worldly wealth? To satisfy our ego by announcing to others that we are also spiritually inclined people.

​Which way are we heading?

In the past, Saints like Bhapa Ram Chand ji, Sant Amar Singh ji, Pradhan Labh Singh ji, Rishi Vyas Dev ji, Bhapa Bhagat Ram ji, Prof. Puri, and Giani Joginder Singh ji, etc. to name a few* - who talked about simplicity, themselves lived a quite simple lifestyle.
Simplicity was visible from every aspect of their lives - from their homes, their clothes, food, and attitude - the way they spoke to everyone from their hearts - without any fancy or artificial language.
They were real seekers - and by the grace and the personal guidance of the Satguru - eventually, they became Saints as well. They were uplifted to Sainthood.

As they say - a person is defined by - not what he says, but what he does.

Talking emphatically about things that we don't really want - creates a dilemma - a confusion in our minds - and we can neither achieve our goal nor peace of mind.
                                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Note: * Of course, There were, and are many other such great personalities - however, I have mentioned only a few of those with whom I was close and had personal experiences.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...