Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Falling Leaf Says to the Tree

It's the fall season.
The ground is filled with dry fallen leaves in the backyard.
While sitting in my room - through the window, I am looking at more leaves falling from the trees.
I saw some leaves floating in the air for a few seconds before falling on the ground, and I remembered a couple of Dohas - couplets by Sant Kabeer ji that we learned in fifth or sixth grade during the Hindi class. 
                                   पात झरंता यूँ कहै  -  सुन तरुवर बनराय 
                                   अबके बिछुरे नाहीं मिलें - दूर परैंगे जाय 
                               Paat jharantaa yoon kahai - sun taruvar banraai
                              Ab kay bichhuray naahin milen - door parengay jaai.
While floating in the air, the falling leaf says to the tree:
Now that we are departing, we shall never meet again - as I will be taken (by the wind) far away from you.  

The tree replies back by saying:
                              तरुवर पात सों यों कहै, सुनो पात एक बात
                              या घर याही रीति है, एक आवत एक जात
                             Taruvar paat syon yon kahai - suno paat ik baat
                             Yaa ghar yaahi reeti hai - ek Aavat ek Jaat 
 The tree says to the leaf - O leaf, listen to me carefully.
One goes, and another one comes - this is the way of the world.

Almost all trees lose their leaves during fall.
They will stand naked during the winter.
After the winter, however, when the spring approaches, they will start to grow new leaves - and soon, they will be filled with the leaves again.
The cycle continues.
This is the way of Nature.

To the tree, losing leaves does not seem to matter much. 
It continues to live through different cycles.
Similarly, so many people leave this world every day - and so many new get born.
Those who leave, we will never see them again.
But as far as the world is concerned, it does not matter much.  
Just like the tree, the world continues as usual.
                          ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~
Another thought comes to my mind. 

It seems that the tree does not get affected - it's the leaf that loses everything.
Once it falls from the tree, it dies - and is gone forever.
It can never become a part of the tree again.
But is it true?
According to general observation and science, the answer is - No.
The fallen dead leaves eventually turn into fertilizers.
They become food for the new or existing plants, and so - technically speaking, they become part of the trees again.
Nothing is lost forever - though it may seem to be so.
Similarly, consciousness is never lost.
It comes back in a different form - a different shape - in another body and lives on.

Though I see a dark, cloudy - sad, and gloomy picture through the window - but I know in a few months, in spring, everything will be fresh, green, and full of life again.
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '



  1. What a beautiful way to describe the life and mental status these days. Rajan Ji, every reading from your blog is a PRASAD of thoughts.

    1. Vishnu ji -your comments are always very encouraging -Thank you

  2. What a superb way to describe quintessential part of the life and all creations in the world. Rajan Ji you make us understand easily the life’s philosophy. I get soothing feelings on reading your blogs. 🙏💖


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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