Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Why do people criticize others

The reason people criticize others is that they think they know more than others.

Those who keep on complaining about others think they are better than them.

It's all because of their ego. 

However, the fascinating thing is that everyone does it. Everyone criticizes others and complains about them. 

The only difference is that some do it openly - in public or with a few selected ones - while others do it within their own minds - without uttering a word. 

The Vedas proclaim:

                    Ekah Satya - Bahudhaa Vadanti Viprah

There is only one Truth - explained differently by the wise. 

In other words, there is no need to criticize or complain. 

One can approach and reach the destination in one's own selected way - the way one finds suitable. 

For example, people prefer and enjoy different types of food. Everyone has his or her own choice. The purpose is to fill the stomach with food and get energy from it. But how they do it, with what type of food - is a personal choice - based upon their family and social background. 

There is no reason for us who like a particular type of food to criticize those who do not like the food we like. 

Similarly, we should not criticize those who want to reach their destination with a different approach than us. 

Those who are inclined towards intellect are always interested in learning more and want to understand everything rationally - with logic. And some people are emotional types. They just like to chant and enjoy listening to devotional songs and do not want to think about any reasoning.

And yet there are some who don't want any of the above. 

They are action-oriented and simply like to serve - do the Seva.

There is no reason for anyone to criticize or complain about others. 

One can follow the path that suits them - as long as the path they choose will lead to the Truth. 

                                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Each of your word lead metoward right direction.
    Thank you so much for these posts.

  2. Dhan Nirankar.
    Very well explained Guruji.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  3. Resp. Rajan Ji, Dhan Nirankar
    As far as I know you are from Faridkot area but you also spent a lot of time in Patiala. In early 1972 when I was transferred on promotion to Pathankot you were in Jammu and we used to often hear announcements that Prof. Rajan Sachdeva Ji of Jammu would be blessing Pathankot Sangat. I humbly request you to kindly consider writing in your blog as to i) how and why did you move from Patiala/Faridkot to Jammu, ii) about your experiences in Jammu, iii) on topics e.g. how Mission started in J&K iv) about visits of ShehnShah Ji, Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji, Baba Hardev Singh Ji and other top Preachers to J&K. In fact, it would be a big service if you could write a book also as to how Mission spread in that area. I think coming generations would like to know about it. Details with pictures of Baba Ji and other preachers and incidents of those days will help validating the contents. It will take time but then such things do take time. I realize it will be a lot of work but I also think we owe it to the posterity. Please do consider this humble request.
    RL Minocha, Toronto, Canada


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...