Thursday, June 27, 2019

If you board the wrong train

If you board the wrong train, would it help if you start running in the corridor in the opposite direction? 
Obviously, not. 
Running, complaining, shouting, or stamping on the floor is not going to help at all - in fact, it may irritate the other passengers. 
Therefore, sit and relax - and calmly try to find a solution.
It's easier to find a solution with a calm and rational mind than being in an anxious or angry state of mind. 
Anxiety will bring more anxiety and restlessness - within your mind and in the surroundings as well. 
Enjoy the trip and go wherever the train takes you. 
And if you have the power and ability to steer the train, then turn it around and take it in the right direction.
Or find a safer way to get off - without upsetting others - and try to find the right train that suits you. 
                                                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Sakaar or Nirakaar? Form or Formless?

                   साकारमनृतं विद्धि निराकारं तु निश्चलम 
                   एतत्तत्वोपदेशेन न पुनर्भव सम्भवः 

     Saakaaram-Anritam viddhi Niraakaaram tu Nicshchalam
     Etat-Tattvopadeshna Na Punarbhav-Sambhavah 

“Know that which has ‘form’ - to be false - And the Formless to be changeless. 
Through this ‘Tattva-Gyaana’ (true knowledge), You shall escape the cycle of Re-birth.”
                                  (Ashtavakra Gita’  Shloka 18 - Chapter one)

That, which remains changeless in the past, present and future, is the Real - and that - which was not from the beginning and will not be in the future, but seems to exist temporarily - is unreal. 
Regardless of how much physical and emotional value we place upon an object - that, which has a physical form is changeable and perishable. 
Whereas only Nirankar, the Formless, remains unchanged and constant.

We should seriously ponder upon the message of the above and other such Shlokas and verses from the Holy Scriptures and do some soul-searching.
We should ask ourselves: 
As the followers of the Nirankari (Formless) Mission, what do we believe in - Nirankar or Sakaar?  Formless or Form?
The very first Shabad of Avtar Vani - which is the fundamental and core philosophy of the Mission - says:
             Roop Rang tay Raikhon Nyaaray - Tainu lakh pranaam karaan
Millions of salutations to You - which is free of Form, color, and dimensions.
We should ask ourselves what we value more - The ‘Formless or a particular physical ‘Form’?
Undoubtedly, the Guru is the medium through which a seeker can endeavor to know the Truth. 
However, we must remember that our goal is to realize the Truth - The Truth, which is Constant, unchanged, and beyond any physical form or appearance. 
To achieve the final goal of life - The Moksha - the Ultimate Liberation, the mind must get detached from any form, shape, frame, or physical structure whatsoever. 
                                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

When the motor is running - it gets heated

While the engine is running, and the car is moving, then it's natural for the silencer to get hot. 
However, the engine remains cold when the car is parked in the garage and not running. 
If the cow that gives milk kicks, we stay quiet. 
We ignore the harsh words and sarcasm of the clients who provide monetary benefits to us. 
Similarly, If we take the harsh or bitter words from the father who works hard and runs the household with his earnings - from the Gurus and teachers from whom we got wisdom and are still getting it - the relatives and friends who guide us to move in the right direction - then we can succeed in life much faster. 
Although it is natural for everyone to lose temper sometimes, however, that does not mean that it's OK for the parents or elders to get angry all the time - or them being angry all the time is justified in any way.
It simply means that it will help us in the long run - that we should try to understand their timely or untimely rage; their anger calmly, and keep moving forward with their help. 
We must not lose regard for parents and elders and create distance and fractures in the relationships.
                         ' Rajan Sachdeva '

मोटर चलती रहे तो गर्म हो ही जाती है

यदि कार स्टार्ट हो - इंजन काम रहा हो और कार चल रही हो तो स्वाभाविक है कि इंजन एवं साईलेंसर गर्म हो ही जाते हैं 
जबकि गेराज में खड़ी हुई अथवा बेकार पड़ी हुई मोटरों के साईलेंसर (Silencer) ठंडे ही रहते हैं। 
दूध देने वाली गाय अगर लात भी मारे तो हम चुपके से सह लेते हैं। 
जिस से लाखों का फायदा होता हो उस ग्राहक की कठोर वाणी और कटु-शब्दों को हम अनसुना कर देते हैं। 

इसी तरह जिस पिता की कमाई से घर चलता हो या चलता रहा हो - 
जिन गुरुजनों से हमें ज्ञान मिला, और मिल रहा हो - 
जिन संबंधियों और मित्रों से सही दिशा में बढ़ने की प्रेरणा एवं उत्साह मिलता हो - 
उनके कठोर अथवा कटु शब्दों को भी अगर सह लें तो हमें जीवन में सफलता की ओर अग्रसर होने में सहायता मिलेगी। 

लेकिन इसका अर्थ यह नहीं कि माता-पिता अथवा गुरुजनों को क्रोध करना ही चाहिए - अथवा उनका हर समय क्रोध करना उचित ही है।  
बल्कि इसका अर्थ केवल इतना ही है कि उनके समय-असमय के क्रोध अथवा कटुशब्दों को सह लेने, और जो उन्होंने हमारे लिए किया और कर रहे हैं उसे ध्यान में रखते हुए उत्साह-पूर्वक आगे बढ़ते रहने में हमारी अपनी ही भलाई है।  
माता-पिता, गुरुजनों एवं बड़ों का आदर करना कभी न भूलें 
और अगर वो कभी डाँट भी दें तो उसे सह लें और रिश्तों में दरार न पड़ने दें।
                                                           ' राजन सचदेव '

Monday, June 24, 2019

कहाँ पर बोलना है और कहाँ पर बोल जाते हैं

कहाँ पर बोलना है और कहाँ पर बोल जाते हैं
जहाँ ख़ामोश रहना है वहाँ मुँह खोल जाते हैं

कटा जब शीश सैनिक का तो हम ख़ामोश रहते हैं
कटा एक सीन पिक्चर का तो सारे बोल जाते हैं

कुर्सी मुल्क खा जाए तो कोई कुछ नहीं कहता
मगर रोटी की चोरी हो तो सारे बोल जाते हैं 

ग़रीबों के घरों की बेटियाँ अब तक कुँवारी हैं
कि रिश्ता कैसे होगा जबकि गहने बोल जाते हैं

नई नस्लों के ये बच्चे ज़माने भर की सुनते हैं
मगर माँ बाप कुछ बोलें तो बच्चे बोल जाते हैं

बहुत ऊँची दुकानों में कटाते जेब सब अपनी
मगर मज़दूर माँगेगा तो सिक्के बोल जाते हैं

अगर मख़मल करे ग़लती तो कोई कुछ नहीं कहता
फटी चादर की ग़लती हो तो सारे बोल जाते हैं

हवाओं की तबाही को सभी चुपचाप सहते हैं
चिराग़ों से हुई ग़लती तो सारे बोल जाते हैं

बनाते फिरते हैं रिश्ते जमाने भर से अक्सर हम
मगर घर में ज़रुरत हो तो रिश्ते 
बोल जाते हैं 

कहाँ पर बोलना है और कहाँ पर बोल जाते हैं
जहाँ ख़ामोश रहना है वहाँ मुँह खोल जाते हैं
                  ✍ अज्ञात 

Kahaan par bolnaa hai aur kahaan par bol jaatay hain

Kahaan par bolnaa hai aur kahaan par bol jaatay hain
Jahaan khaamosh rehnaa hai vahaan munh khol jaatay hain

Kataa jab sheesh sainik ka to hum khaamosh rehtay hain
Kataa ek scene picture ka to saaray bol jaatay hain

Kursee mulk khaa jaye to koyi kuchh nahin kehtaa
Magar rotee kee choree ho to saare bol jaatay hain

Gareebon kay gharon kee betiyaan ab tak kunvaari hain 
ki rishtaa kaisay hoga jab ki gehnay bol jaatay hain

Nayi naslon kay ye bachay zamaanay bhar kee suntay hain
Magar maan baap kuchh bolen to bachay bol jaatay hain

Bahut oonchi dukaanon mein kataatay jaib sab apnee
Magar mazdoor maangega to sikkay bol jaatay hain

Agar makhmal karay galtee to koyi kuchh nahin kehtaa
Phatee chaadar kee galtee ho to saaray bol jaatay hain

Hawaaon kee tabaahi ko sabhee chup chaap sehtay hain 
Chiraagon say huyi galtee to saare bol jaatay hain

Banaatay phirtay hain rishtay zamaanay bhar say aqsar hum 
Magar ghar mein zaroorat ho to rishtay bol jaatay hain

Kahaan par bolnaa hai aur kahaan par bol jaatay hain
Jahaan khaamosh rehnaa hai vahaan munh khol jaatay hain

                               Writer unknown 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Saint and a Thief

In my childhood, I heard a story from my grandmother.
Once upon a time, there was a great saint who used to walk through the villages teaching Vedantic philosophy and helping needy people. As it was the tradition in the olden days, people would respectfully offer him food and a place to stay overnight or for a couple of days.
On one occasion, he had to choose between staying in the home of a scholarly Brahman or the home of a thief. 
He chose to stay in the home of the thief.
Everyone was surprised and asked why he chose the home of a thief over the home of a well-respected scholar from an upper class. 
The Saint replied: 
Undoubtedly, the learned Brahman is a great scholar, but he also has a huge ego, and wherever there is ego, there's no room for God. 
On the other hand, I found that the thief was very humble and remorseful. Even though he steals, which is wrong, I felt he was better because he is repentant and wants to mend his ways. He is willing to learn how to improve his life. Since he has no ego, he has the room for learning. 
But a person who thinks he has all the answers - does not feel the need to change or to learn anything new. 

This story has always been one of my favorites - because it illustrates an important lesson for those who want to travel on the path of Spirituality. 
Knowing everything is not a prerequisite for gaining wisdom - or a requirement for living a spiritual life. 
If we think that we have all the answers - if we believe that we have all the spiritual knowledge that there is - then obviously we have not learned the meaning of Spirituality. 
To become a Lighthouse - or a vessel - a container of Light - we have to become humble. 
We must get rid of our ego. 
We must recognize that in some way, every person in our life is a messenger of Light.
But it would only be possible if we are open to listening to everyone. 
However, listening to everyone does not mean that we have to agree with everything and follow everyone else. 
We must use our wisdom, judgment, and logic to see what is right or wrong and proceed accordingly. 
If we believe that God gave us everything for a reason, then He must have given us a brain for a reason too - to think. 
He provided us the faculty of choosing and the ability to make decisions as well. 
Now, it is our responsibility to use this faculty carefully and wisely. 
Surrendering the mind means - instead of stubbornly holding on to our procured concepts - we should be willing to listen to the fresh ideas - the views of the wise, and enlightened people - to learn and adapt from their experience to enrich our lives. 
But at the same time, we must remember to stay humble and polite - and keep a watch on ourselves not to accumulate ego in this process.
                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Law of Attraction

                                The Law of Attraction:
It is said that we can attract whatever we wish for - if our desire is strong enough.
However, I believe we don't always attract what we want - We attract what we are. 
Just like we attract like-minded people - people who are similar to us - we attract things and sensations that are similar to our nature - to our lifestyle. 
If we are angry all the time, then how can we attract and create peace in our surroundings?
If we are angry, we will attract more anger - not peace. 
How can we attract love and respect if we continually keep complaining about everything - and keep criticizing everyone all the time? 
If we want to attract respect, then we must stop complaining and nagging all the time. 
Become what you wish for, and you will attract the same from the universe. 
                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, June 21, 2019

Becoming Wise

We become wise when we know -
That we don't have the answer to all questions. 
The Vedas proclaim:
"One who thinks he knows all - knows not".

Only a fool thinks that he knows everything.
The wise know that everyone may know something, but no one can know everything 
- that it's not possible for any individual to know about everything that there is. 

Therefore, instead of living in a false state of ego - 
let's keep our mind open to welcome new, fresh ideas and to gain more knowledge.
                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Principle of Balance

There is a principle of Balance that governs the universe.
Nature keeps everything in perfect balance. No more - no less. 
No light without darkness - No qualities without defects - 
No goodness without evil - No happiness without sadness.
If there is something in abundance at one place, then there must be less of it somewhere else. 
If there is light in one place, then it's dark at another. 
If someone has more of one thing, then they must be lacking something else. 
Divine Order is always there - although we may not notice it. 
Moving to a new state of consciousness means to accept this truth and learn to be Grateful. 
                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Gap

The gap between what we say and what we do,
- Between what we promise and what we deliver is like a drain in the road. 
The drain is where water escapes.
The same way our power will seep away if there is a difference between our words and our actions.
Ask yourself every day -
Are my thoughts, words, and actions aligned?
If not - if they contradict each other 
- then we need to think and try to align them if we want to live in peace.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

तू माने या न माने Tu maanay ya na maanay

शिकवा किसी से क्या और किसी से क्या गिला 
हंस के क़बूल करले तू  किसी से जो मिला 
तू चाहे या न चाहे  -  तू माने या न माने  
चलता रहेगा यूँ ही इस दुनिया का सिलसिला 
                  (जगन्नाथ आज़ाद)

Shikvaa kisi say kya - aur kisi say kya gilaa
Hans kay qabool kar lay tu kisi say jo milaa
Tu chaahay ya na chaahay-Tu maanay ya na maanay
Chaltaa rahegaa yoon hi is duniya ka silsilaa
                         (Jagan Nath 'Azaad')

ज़िंदगी का सफ़र Zindagi ka Safar

कुछ पाने की बेचैनी - और खोने का डर 
कटता है  इसी  में  ज़िंदगी  का  सफ़र 

Kuchh paanay kee beachaini, aur khonay ka dar
Katataa  hai  isee  may  zindagi  ka  safar 

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Best Ornament

The Best Ornament is Humility
The Richest wealth is Wisdom
The Strongest weapon is Patience
The best Security is Faith
The Strongest Faith comes from Knowledge
Real Knowledge comes from Experience
The Best tonic is Laughter
And The Best state of mind is Silence

Sunday, June 16, 2019

बहुत ग़ुरुर था छत को - Bahut guroor tha chhat ko

बहुत ग़ुरुर था छत को - छत होने का 
एक मंज़िल और बनी - छत फ़र्श हो गई 

Bahut guroor tha chhat ko - chhat honay kaa
Ek manzil aur bani - chhat farsh ho gayi 

Chhat          =   Roof
Farsh          =   Floor

विज्ञान और धर्म

हालांकि विज्ञान और धर्म के बीच कई अंतर हैं - लेकिन दोनों में कुछ समानताएं भी हैं।
दोनों का प्रयोजन किसी विशेष लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करना एवं मानव जीवन को सुलभ, शांत और चिंतामुक्त बनाना है।
दोनों की शुरुआत पहले किसी कल्पना पर आधारित होती है और फिर इस विश्वास के साथ आगे बढ़ती है कि उस कल्पना को साकार करना सम्भव हो सकता है।
प्रत्येक वैज्ञानिक खोज और आविष्कार शुरु में केवल चंद लोगों की कल्पना थी - जिनके मन में यह विश्वास था कि उस कल्पना को पूरा करना संभव हो सकता है।
उदाहरण के लिए, जब लोगों ने पक्षियों को उड़ते हुए देखा तो उनके मन में भी आकाश में उड़ने की इच्छा पैदा हुई। शताब्दियों तक उन्होंने इसकी कल्पना की और आकाश में ऊँचा उड़ने के सपने देखे। कुछ लोगों ने इस सपने को पूरा करने के लिए कई अलग-अलग तरीके आज़माए। बहुत से लोग उन पर हँसे - उन का मज़ाक भी किया गया - लेकिन वह विश्वास के साथ निरंतर प्रयास करते रहे और अंततः प्रकृति के नियमों का अध्ययन और विश्लेषण करते हुए उन्होंने अपने लक्ष्य को हासिल कर ही लिया। जैसे ही वे जमीन से ऊपर उठने में सक्षम हुए - चाहे कुछ ही मिनटों के लिए और केवल थोड़ी सी दूरी के लिए ही अपने विमान को हवा में उड़ाने के क़ाबिल हो सके - उनकी कल्पना और विश्वास ज्ञान में बदल गए।
लेकिन वे वहाँ रुके नहीं - वे अपने ज्ञान को बढ़ाने और इससे भी ऊँचे लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए निरंतर अध्ययन और प्रयास करते रहे।

इसी प्रकार धर्म भी एक कल्पना और विश्वास के साथ प्रारम्भ होता है। लेकिन सनातन धर्म एवं वेदांत के संस्थापकों और गौतम बुद्ध इत्यादि कुछएक को छोड़कर - जो साधकों को जांच करने और सवाल पूछने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करते रहे - अधिकांश धर्म बिना किसी तर्क या प्रमाण के उनके सिद्धांतों पर विश्वास करने पर जोर देते हैं - और उन्हें पूर्ण समर्पण के साथ शब्दशः पालन करने का निर्देश देते हैं । वे न तो सवाल करने की इजाज़त देते हैं और न ही किसी तर्क का जवाब देना चाहते हैं।
यहीं से विज्ञान और धर्म एक दूसरे से अलग हो जाते हैं।

इसके अतिरिक्त, विज्ञान और आगे सोचने और समझने की वकालत करता है। यह हमेशा नई खोज - नए ज्ञान की प्राप्ति अथवा पुराने सिद्धांतों में सुधार के लिए भी तत्पर रहता है - नए सिद्धांतों की जानकारी मिलने पर अपने पुराने सिद्धांतों और विचारों को बदलने में भी संकोच नहीं करता। जबकि प्रचलित धर्मों के नेता ये चाहते हैं कि आप सोचना बंद कर दें और आँख मूँद कर केवल अनुसरण करते रहें।

अंततः, वैज्ञानिक ज्ञान का उपयोग पूरी दुनिया को लाभ पहुंचाने के लिए किया जाता है - पूरी मानवता के लिए - कुछ विशेष व्यक्तियों या किसी एक ही पृष्ठभूमि के लोगों के समूह के लिए नहीं।
जबकि तथाकथित प्रचलित धर्मों के आगू केवल अपने अनुयायिओं की ही तरक्की की पैरवी करते हुए दिखाई देते हैं।

जहां विज्ञान भौतिक जीवन की उन्नति के लिए नई खोज और नए आविष्कार करने का प्रयत्न करता रहता है - वहीं धर्म या आध्यात्मिकता का संबंध आंतरिक, अर्थात मानसिक एवं आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्र से है।
ज़रा सोचिए कि यदि हम धर्म और विज्ञान दोनों के गुणों को अपने विचारों में समन्वित कर पाएं - दोनों की अच्छी बातों को अपना सकें तो कितना अच्छा होगा। दोनों के संयोजन से जीवन में एक नई प्रतिभा का उदय होगा - एक नया विश्वास जागेगा जो कि अंध-विश्वास पर नहीं बल्कि ज्ञान पर आधारित होगा जो जीवन में एक नई स्फूर्ति पैदा करेगा।
पहले किसी सिद्धांत में विश्वास के साथ अपनी यात्रा शुरु करें - फिर निजी अनुभव से उसकी जांच और तर्क के साथ इसकी पुष्टि करें और जब तक पूरी तरह संतुष्टि न हो - जब तक कि विश्वास ज्ञान में न बदल जाए, तब तक खोज जारी रखें।
किसी प्रश्न अथवा शंका को मन में दबा देने से मन कुंठित रहता है।
कई बार मैंने बाबा अवतार सिंह जी निरंकारी को यह कहते हुए सुना कि जो ज्ञान मैंने दिया है उस पर सिर्फ इसलिए विश्वास मत करो क्योंकि मैं तुम्हें दे रहा हूं। कल अगर मैं भी तुमसे कहूं कि यह ठीक नहीं है, तो मेरी बात भी मत मानना। और फिर इसके साथ ही कहते थे कि 'गुरुमुख होए सो चेतन' - अर्थात एक गुरुमुख - एक वास्तविक साधक या भक्त को हमेशा सचेत रहना चाहिए और केवल सही बातों पर विश्वास करके अपने ज्ञान का उपयोग करना चाहिए।
जब तक ज्ञान स्वयं का अनुभव नहीं बनता - यह केवल विश्वास है - ज्ञान नहीं।
                                         ' राजन सचदेव '

Saturday, June 15, 2019

शौक़ ज़िंदा रखिए

लेकिन शौक़ भी कई किस्म के होते हैं - 

पढ़ने पढ़ाने का - सीखने सिखाने का  - 
गिरते को उठाने का - भूले को समझाने का -
सतसंग जाने का एवं सेवा करने का -
ग़रीब और लाचार की मदद करने का -
धर्म पर चलने और सुमिरन करने का शौक़  इत्यादि 

मन में सही शौक़ हो तो शरीर भी कुछ न कुछ साथ ज़रुर देता है 
इसलिए शौक़ ज़िंदा रखिए  -

             उमर को हराना है अगर तो शौक़ ज़िंदा रखिए 
            घुटने चलें या न चलें - मन उड़ता परिंदा रखिए 

उमर को हराना है तो - Umar ko haraana hai to

उमर को हराना है अगर तो शौक़ ज़िंदा रखिए 
घुटने चलें या न चलें - मन उड़ता परिंदा रखिए 
                            'अज्ञात '

Umar ko haraana hai agar - to shauq zindaa rakhiye
Ghutnay chalain ya na chalain man udtaa parindaa rakhiye 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Science and Religion

Though there are many differences between Science and Religion - there are some similarities as well. 
Both start with some imagination and faith that it would be possible to achieve some specific goals. Every scientific discovery and invention was merely a faith in the beginning that it might be possible to accomplish. For example, some people saw birds flying and wished if they could also fly. For centuries, they imagined and dreamt about flying high up in the sky. They tried many different ways to fulfill their dream. They were laughed at - made fun of - but they had faith. They invariably kept on trying until they achieved the goal by investigating and understanding the laws of physics. Once, they were able to leave the ground - and maintain their aircraft airborne for just a few minutes, and only for a small distance - their imagination and faith turned into Gyana- the knowledge. 
And yet, they did not stop there - they kept on investigating and studying more - to further improve their knowledge and to achieve even higher goals.
Religion also starts with some imagination and faith. However, except for a few like the founders of Vedanta and Gautam Buddha - who encourage the seekers to investigate and ask questions, most religions insist upon believing their doctrines without any logic or proof - and obeying them word by word with complete faith and absolute surrender. They don't want any reasoning or questioning whatsoever. 
That is where science and religion fall apart from each other. 

Besides, science advocates investigating further. It continues to improve and gain more knowledge - whereas religion wants you to stop thinking and follow blindly. 
Furthermore, scientific knowledge is used to benefit the whole world - for humanity in general - not for a few individuals or a particular group of people from the same background.

Since science works for the advancement of physical life, and religion or spirituality deals with the inner - mental and spiritual realms - wouldn't it be wonderful to combine both - Religion and Science?
Starting the journey with faith in the doctrine, then investigating and confirming it with scientific reasoning and questioning until we are satisfied - until the faith turns into Gyana, the knowledge. 
A couple of times I heard Baba Avtar Singh ji Nirankari saying that don't believe in this Gyan just because I am giving it to you. Tomorrow, even if I tell you that this is not right, then do not listen to me. And then he would add a phrase - 'Gurmukh hoye so chetann' - that a Gurmukh - a real seeker or devotee should always stay alert and use his knowledge and judgment in believing and doing the right things.
Until we experience it ourselves, it is merely a belief, not the Gyana.
                          'Rajan Sachdeva '

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Even in death, we find disagreement

                                The Funeral
The black vehicle of worn enamel
The hired band playing tunes.
The family - 
Some tears - some whispers 
Some friends with cigarettes between fingers
Some crying, some tiresome, 
Some only thinking of themselves.
           -- Even in death, we find disagreement. 
                                                                              (Writer unknown)

After a person is dead, we start calling it a body. 
We don't call it by their name anymore - even though they might look the same as before. 
We say they - their spirit or soul has left this place - this body.
Have they flown to heaven? 
Have they entered a cycle of transmigration - reincarnation? 
There would be so many speculations, 
but no one would be able to say it for sure - with any vital proof. 
-- Even in death, we find disagreement. 

Some will say they are in heaven now - with God.
Some will say they have taken another body.
And yet, some will say there is nothing after death.
--- Even in death, we find disagreement. 

Eulogies are delivered - Tributes are given. 
Their good qualities and virtues are shared.  
Speakers talk about how wonderful that person was.
Some people in the audience would nod their heads in approval 
- while some others might disagree in their heart. 
--- Even in death, we find disagreement. 

Agreement and harmony are transient states. 
Its duration and quality depend on our resolution. 
Without determination, we cannot maintain the connections we want. 
We may find apparent sympathy and unity at the funerals, 
but Death does not bring love and unanimity in the hearts of all. 
--- Even in death, we find disagreement. 

Therefore, We must do what we need to do while we are alive. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Sign of Success and Greatness

Is a large crowd of followers a sign of success? 
When a Madaari (stunt man) goes with his monkey to a village, all children in the area start to follow him and gather around him. 
Is that a measure of his success
Are the recognition and money he gets symbols of his greatness
The real measure of success is what one feels within his heart and mind - What he has achieved in his own life. 

Moreover, the children do not follow the Madaari for what he is - they follow him because of his monkey and the dance or tricks it performs. 
Similarly, People follow someone either because of their knowledge, money, or power - or their charismatic personality and leadership qualities. Nevertheless, some people may follow someone simply because of blind faith. Just because they see a multitude of people following someone, they also start following them. 
However, it's not the number of followers that makes one great, nor it's the applause, acknowledgments, and awards one gets. 
It's what they have actually done for society or humanity in general, which makes them exceptional and Great.  

Do not follow someone blindly. 
Find the real heroes - and try to follow - not just them but their deeds as well.
                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, June 10, 2019

अपनी भाषा और संस्कृति का आदर करें

कोयल और कौआ अपनी अपनी भाषा बोलते हैं 
                                  इसलिये आज़ाद रहते हैं 
किंतु तोता दूसरों की भाषा बोलता है, इसलिए गुलाम बन जाता है
और जीवन भर के लिए एक पिंजरे में क़ैद हो जाता है।
अपनी भाषा और संस्कृति का त्याग करके कोई भी स्वतंत्र नहीं रह सकता। 
यदि स्वतंत्र रहना चाहते हो तो अपनी भाषा एवं संस्कृति का त्याग न करें।
अपने विचार, अपनी विरासत और अपने आप पर विश्वास रखिये !
                                 ' राजन सचदेव '

Respect your Language

Cuckoos and crows speak their own language - so, they stay free.
But the Parrot speaks the language of others and becomes a life-long slave and remains in a cage. 
No one can remain free after abandoning their language and heritage.
Therefore, if you want to enjoy freedom, then never abandon your language and your ideology. 
Keep faith in yourself and never be ashamed of your heritage.
                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, June 3, 2019

Man kay jeetay jeet hai - Mastery over the Mind

We, humans, are emotional beings by nature. 
Most of the times, we are controlled by our emotions.
Emotions need energy from our consciousness to sustain. 
However, the energy which is not controlled and regulated by the consciousness confuses and upsets the mind. 
We become unhappy and disturbed.
The ancient Hindu scriptures provide a scientific, psychological solution to solve this problem. 
It is called 'Saakshi-Bhaav - The Witness or the detached observation - meaning watching our emotions objectively, as an observer or bystander. If we observe our anger, it dies. When we witness emotions, they vanish. 
But if we don't detach from them, they become our master - we become slaves and suffer. 
So the solution is to detach from the inner storms - to stand back and observe them pass. 
It is not about killing the mind and becoming emotionless. 
It's about becoming - not a slave but the master of our mind. 
                                'Man kay jeetay jeet hai'
Those who have mastery over their mind are the real victorious.
                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...