Saturday, November 17, 2018

अब ये ऐलान किया जाए Ab ye Ailaan kiyaa jaaye

मुफ़लिस के बदन को भी है चादर की ज़रुरत
अब खुल के मज़ारों पे  ये  ऐलान किया जाए

Muflis kay badan ko bhi hai chaadar ki zaroorat
Ab khul kay mazaaron pay ye ailaan kiyaa jaaye
                                 (Writer unknown)

Muflis  -----   Poor, Deprived 
Mazaar  -----   Tomb, Grave of a Muslim saint - in this context: all religious places of worship

"The Poor and homeless also need a covering
   May this be declared at all religious places"


  1. Nice. Who wrote these lines?

  2. Bahut khoob...
    Let’s all collectively make that effort to fulfill the need of that covering delivered directly to the poor and needy people, rather than feeding the rich ones. Very rightly said- Ab ye ailaan kiya jaaye...


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...