Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Shooting at School-children and innocent people

This morning, while going through the current incidents, 
I remembered these lines that I wrote after the shooting in a school in Texas earlier this year, killing ten innocent children.  
While it is very shocking and astonishing, it is certainly frustrating as well to see that some people do not have any empathy 
or compassion for the fellow human beings – they don’t have any consideration for the pain of others.
It seems there is no consideration in their mind to ponder upon what will happen to the families and relatives of those unsuspecting 
people whom they are about to kill?
What will they gain by killing young children and innocent people who are going about their normal routine work, is beyond comprehension?
All saints and sages, and Holy Scriptures have been trying to awaken the humanity – 
to generate the feeling of love and empathy and sensitivity towards others, 
while removing the Animosity, jealousy and hatred of others –so that humanity may prevail. 
Would it ever happen? 

                  " Shooting at School-children "

Maasoom thay, kamasin thay,vo kachee umar kay thay
Vo raahi nayi zindgi kay naye safar kay thay

Maar daala toonay jin ko gair samajh kay
Zaalim! vo bachay teray apnay shehar kay thay

Kisee kee bagiyaa kay vo mehaktay phool thay
Chiraag vo shayad kisee muflis kay ghar kay thay

Aankh kay taaray kisi kay dil kay noor thay
Vo raushnee kisee ma'zoor kee nazar kay thay 

Aaj kee muskaan thay - kal kee ummeed thay
Vo alam-bardaar ik nayee sehar kay thay

Lakhtay-jigar thay vo ik bilakhtay baap kay
Tukday vo 'Rajan' kisee maan kay jigar kay thay

                    " Rajan Sachdeva "

Shajar                             Tree
Muflis                             Poor
M'azoor                          Weak, Frail, Feeble, Handicap 
Sehar                              Morning, New day
Alam-bardaar               Leader, Flag-carrier in the front 
Lakhtay-jigar                A piece of the heart
Bilakhatay Baap kay    Of a crying father

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