Friday, November 23, 2018

After Thanks-Giving Day

The traditional festivities of Thanks-Giving day are over now.
Yesterday, everyone was forwarding 'Happy Thanks-Giving' messages to their families, friends, and colleagues. 
First of all - did we really mean what those pre-written messages said? 
And now, when the official holiday is over, are we still thankful for the things or blessings that we have? 

            "दस वसतू ले पाछै पावै - एक बसतु कारनि बिखोटि गवावै 
            एक भी न देई दस भी हिरि लेइ - तऊ मूढ़ा कहु कहा करेइ " *
           "Dus vastu lai paachay pavai - Ek vast kaaran bhikhot gavavai
            Ek bhi na dayi dus bhi har layi -Tau moodhaa kahu kahaa karayi"

Just because we don't have one thing that we want, we usually forget the ten others that we have. We start complaining about what we don't have, or what our friends or loved ones didn't do or don't do for us - but we forget all the other things that they have done, and still continue to do for us.
The Guru asks O', foolish man! what will happen if you don't get that one thing which you want and all the other ten things that you have are also lost? 
Usually, we keep on worrying and chasing after what we don't have and keep on thinking about it - but forget to appreciate and enjoy what we already have. 
'Giving-Thanks ' should not be only on special occasions - a once a year thing only on the official Thanksgiving holiday - rather, every day should be a Thanksgiving day and every moment should be a moment of Thanksgiving. 
The attitude of Gratitude is what all scriptures teach. 
                                'Rajan Sachdeva'

            दस वसतू ले पाछै पावै  - एक बसतु कारनि बिखोटि गवावै 
            एक भी न देई दस भी हिरि लेइ - तऊ मूढ़ा कहु कहा करेइ
            जिस ठाकुर सिउ नाही चारा - ता कउ कीजै सद नमस्कारा 
            जा कै मनि लागा प्रभु मीठा - सरब सुख ताहू मनि वूठा
            जिसु जन अपना हुकमु मनाया - सरब थोक नानक तिनि पाया 
                                          ' सुखमनी साहिब ' 

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely Rights!
    I also like to believe that !
    Thank you for sharing ji!
    Anil Gambhir


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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