Friday, November 2, 2018

Proper Way of Teaching - Baba Gurbachan Singh ji

During one of his discourses, I heard the following story from Satguru Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji:

After the death of a gemologist (Diamond merchant), his family fell upon hard times. They suddenly found themselves without even enough food to survive.
One day, the deceased gemologist's wife gave a diamond to her son and said: "Son, all these days, I had kept this gem hidden as an insurance for such days. Please take it to your father's friend's gem shop. He is a trustworthy gentleman. And tell him to sell it for us and give us some money in return."
When the son took the diamond to his father's friend, the friend evaluated the diamond, then said,
"Son! tell your mother that the market is slow these days. 
If you can wait a while, you will get a much higher return." 
Then he asked the young man to start working in his shop -to learn the skills to evaluate diamonds 
and this way, he could earn some money for immediate use as well.
The young man complied and started working at the shop -  earning and learning the skills of the trade. 
Slowly but steadily his judgement grew. People from far and away would bring their gems to him for evaluation. 
One day, the gemologist told the young man to bring his mother's diamond to sell, saying that the market is hot now.
 "The gems are in high demand. You might be able to sell your diamond now which might be worth a lot of money". He said.
The young man went home and asked his mother for the stone. 
One look at the stone and he realized that it was fake. He quickly went back to the shop without it. 
When questioned, he replied that he didn't bother to bring it because the stone was fake. 
"Why did you not tell me the first day that this diamond was not real”? The young man asked.
The gemologist replied: “If that day I had told you the truth, you would not have trusted me and would have thought that I was trying to deceive you and take advantage of you when times were hard. Now you have gained that knowledge and experience to realize the truth yourself."
                                     ~   ~   ~     ~   ~   ~     ~   ~   ~ 
After narrating this story, Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji said that in the same way, if you criticize someone's beliefs or convictions - rebuke them or make fun of them for their rituals and traditions - they might also lose faith in you.
You should only try to spread Gyan; the knowledge, and try to show the righteous path and leave the rest up to them. 
According to the Vedas, Shastras and other Holy Scriptures - the Ritualistic Karmas inevitably vanish, once the Brahm-Gyan is attained and understood properly.
That is why it is incumbent upon us not to criticize others or hurt their feelings.  
The ultimate truth lies in the fact that other than Nirankar -the supreme God, everything else in the world is Mithya – impermanent and transitory.
"We are right, and everyone else is wrong..." 
this attitude makes us spoil our relationships with everyone – including the loved ones.
                                        "Rajan Sachdev"
                                (Translated from Hindi by: Mandar Purekar)


  1. Shat Shat Naman Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and this wonderful teaching.

  2. I listen this vichar on that time.
    Sultan Singh

  3. I hope and pray I implement this .... this happens a lot where we look down on others just because they follow certain rituals ๐Ÿ™

  4. This is a true quality of a Guru. Having the humility to allow a seeker to go upon the journey himself. Thank you for not only sharing this teaching but also displaying it.

    1. Aaron ji - Gyan- Bhakti or Spirituality is an individual journey for everyone. Under the guidance of the Guru, we need to walk the path ourselves. No one else can walk or finish our journey for us.


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...