Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Statue and the Flower

Once, a flower, which was offered to an idol on the altar in a temple angrily said to the priest:
" I do not like that you offer me as a sacrifice, while you worship this stone idol every day. You should worship me instead - because I am beautiful, tender and fragrant. The one you worship is only a lifeless stone.
 The priest laughed and replied... 
"O flower, you are indeed soft, beautiful and fragrant, but don't forget that God - the nature has made you this way. These qualities were bestowed upon you and you did not have to do any effort for them. However, getting a Divine status is a very difficult task.
You see -This statue was constructed with great difficulty. A hard stone must endure thousands of blows and strikes from chisels and hammers to become an idol - an image of God. If it breaks down due to the blows and assaults, it would never become an icon of God. Once the hard stone is turned into a statue, and it's established in the temple, only then it becomes an object of worship. 
It's the tolerance of the stone that has made it auspicious and venerable in the form of God". 

Hearing this, the flower smiled. 
It understood that the only one who goes through a hard and long process of refinement and purification, and successfully passes the test of patience and tolerance - attains Divinity.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...