Thursday, November 9, 2017

Janm-Maran Vidhi Haath - Garuda and the Sparrow

In my childhood, my grandmother used to tell a story written in some Purana.
The stories of Puranas are written in the style of metaphors. These stories seem to have been formed not to be based on true incidents but to explain their ideology in a fascinating and stimulating way. It is easier to remember a lesson through the stories than a deep & long philosophic article. So instead of thinking of ‘is it even possible? 'Can this happen or not', try to understand the meaning or message behind these stories.

The story was like this -

Once Lord Vishnu sat on Garud and went to Kailash Mountain. He left him at the door and went inside to meet Lord Shiva.
Garuda was sitting outside and admiring the enchanting natural beauty of Kailash when his eyes fell on a small beautiful sparrow and he started talking to him. Soon they became very good friends.

Later, on another day, Garud came to Kailash Mountain with Lord Vishnu again. As always, Lord Vishnu went inside to meet Shiva and Garuda stayed outside. He found his friend and started talking to him. During the conversation, the sparrow said that you are thousands of miles away from here. How can our friendship last long? Garuda suggested that he would bring him to a forest near the Ksheer Saagar, close to Lord Vishnu's place - where he can live, and they would be able to meet more often. The sparrow agreed. Thinking, that he can take and leave the sparrow in that forest and come back before Lord Vishnu comes out, Garuda picked the sparrow with his feet and flew towards the Ksheer-Saagar. On the way, the sparrow said to Garuda that Lord Shiva and Mata Paarvati were passing through here a little while ago. Mata Parvati pointed her finger towards me and said something to Lord Shiva - he laughed and said something back to her and they both laughed. I wonder why they were making fun of me.
Garuda said that he will ask about this to Lord Shiva himself.
After leaving the sparrow at a safe place in the forest, Garud came back to Kailash, where Lord Vishnu and Shiv were waiting for him. Garuda mentioned this incident to Lord Shiva and asked him the reason for his laughing.
Lord Shiva looked around in each direction and said “First, tell me where that sparrow is?
When Garuda told that he had left him at a safe place in a forest near the Ksheer Saagar, Lord Shiva laughed again and said that he did not ridicule that sparrow. "Mata Parvati had said: look – that small sparrow is so beautiful. I said yes - it is very beautiful - but in a little while, a cat who is sitting in a forest near the Ksheer Saagar will eat it. Parvati said that how could this happen? It does not seem possible. Neither this small sparrow can fly to the Ksheer Saagar which is thousands of miles away, nor can the cat travel that much distance to come here. I laughed and said “believe me - whatever is supposed to happen - will happen. We’ll wait and see how the destiny brings the sparrow and the cat together.
Now it seems that you have already put them together".
Upon listening to this, Garuda ran towards that forest to see if his friend is alright but it was too late. The destiny had already struck and done its work.
Because as soon as Garuda left him in the forest and went back to Kailash, the sparrow came on the ground to pick a grain. The cat, sitting beside the tree jumped on it, grabbed it between his teeth and promptly ate it.

Garuda started crying out of remorse that he himself became the cause of death of his friend. He thought “I wish I had not gone to Kailash that day... I wish I had not brought the sparrow here ... I wish I had left him there…. I wish I had taken him somewhere else ... I wish ... I wish ... I wish .......

Seeing him crying in grief, Lord Vishnu said that it was useless to blame himself or anyone else for that matter, as it was destined to happen. No one can escape death by any means.

        After narrating this story, my grandmother used to add a Doha:
                  "Janm - Maran Haani aur Laabh 
                    Yash - Apayash Vidhi Haath"

That these six things; 
             Birth and Death - Loss and gain - Fame and defame - 
                 are in the hands of Destiny or Karma.

Destiny- Various people, according to their own beliefs and thoughts, translate it into different meanings like Bhaagya, Karma or Lord’s Will.
In other words, these theories are meant to convince the mind that whatever is supposed to happen, will happen. That certain things are beyond our control. Therefore - accept them by considering them as destiny or Karma - God’s or Divine Will - and go on with your life.
                                                              'Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Sir can u. Give reference. Which. Puran. Has this story. Feel to read more curious.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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