Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Saint and the Parrot

A Mahatma (Saint) lived in a village. He had a parrot whom he loved very much. Mahatma ji used to meditate and chant the name of Ram few times every day. The parrot - listening to him reciting the mantra of Ram Ram - also started to repeat it after him. Mahatma ji used to meditate and chant Ram’s name only four or five times a day, but the parrot did not have anything else to do, so he kept on repeating Ram Ram all day long.

One day a cat came inside the house. The cage door was open. The cat quickly grabbed the parrot into his teeth and took it.
Seeing this, Mahatma ji started crying and screaming loudly. Hearing his wails and cries, neighbors gathered at his house. They tried very hard to console him but Mahatma ji kept crying.
People said - Mahatma ji do not cry. We will bring you another parrot. Within a few days he will also learn to recite Ram Rama like the other one.
Mahatma ji said: I am not crying just because of the separation of my old parrot.
They asked: Then why are you crying?
Mahatma ji said: “You know? that parrot used to keep saying Ram Ram all day, but today, when the cat jumped over it, he forgot Ram Ram and started screaming his usual ‘taayn taayn’.

Now I am worried that indeed I also keep saying Ram Ram all day long, but when the death will come to grab me - will I remember the Lord or will I also start screaming taayen taayen or haaye haaye like that parrot?

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