Friday, November 3, 2017

'Destiny' or 'Free Will' (Little Humor)

Destiny or Free Will?

It's a common debate among the intellectuals.

Most people think it's one or the other.

In fact, it's a combination of both.

A disciple went to his Guru for a clearer understanding.

Disciple:  Guru ji ! What is the difference between 'Destiny' and 'Free Will'?

Guru ji:  To make it easier for you to understand - let me put it this way:

    Your height is your 'Destiny' 

                  and your weight is your 'Free will'   


  1. Very nice, another story comes from the Jewish Tradition. One disciple asked the Rabbi, what is determined and what is not. The Rabbi said lift one leg and the disciple lifted his left leg. Then the Rabbi said lift the right leg also at the same time. The disciple said that is not possible....the Rabbi said this is Free Will because you chose your left leg when I asked you to lift your leg, I didnt ask you which one you chose the left leg. But this is determined or destiny that you could not lift both legs at the same time !


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...