Sunday, November 19, 2017

अभी से उड़ने लगे हवा में ? Abhi say udnay lagay havaa me?

जो ख़ानदानी रईस हैं - वो मिजाज़ रखते हैं नरम अपना 
तुम्हारा लहजा बता रहा है - तुम्हारी दौलत नई नई है 

ज़रा सा क़ुदरत ने क्या निवाज़ा कि आके बैठे हो पहली सफ़ में 
अभी से उड़ने लगे हवा में ? अभी तो शोहरत  नई नई है 
                                                  " शबीना अदीब "

Jo khaandaani raees hain - vo mijaaz rakhtay hain naram apnaa 
Tumhaara lehjaa bataa rahaa hai - tumhaari daulat nayi nayi hai 

Zaraa saa qudrat nay kya nivaazaa ki aakay baithay ho pehali saf me
Abhi say udnay lagay havaa me? Abhi to shohrat nayi nayi hai 
                                               " Shabeena Adeeb "

Those who are hereditarily rich, (have inherited richness) they keep their attitude soft and gentle. 
Your attitude shows that your wealth is quite new...Recent!!
 (Your egotistical attitude to show it off is an evidence that you have acquired your wealth quite recently)

It’s the grace of the Heavens - Divine providence that you are able to sit in the front row.
And… You have already started flying high with ego (but remember) your reputation; 
name and fame are still quite new (which may not last for long)

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Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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