Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sakaar vs Nirakaar # 3

Few very important facts beautifully pointed out by Mr. G. Taneja – briefly and precisely …                                                            
"The Sakaar is bound in space-time continuum and Nirankar is beyond that...the Guru is the medium through which we begin the path to the realization of such wisdom at which point there is no separation between me and Guru ... it's all ONE"                                                                                                                          

This statement is in fact very deep. I see that in a very subtle way, Taneja ji has touched on three very important factors. 

1.  The Guru is the medium through which we begin the path to the realization.
2. The Sakaar is bound in space-time continuum
3. The wisdom at which point there is no separation between me and Guru ... it's all ONE...

I think these three points are central and vital facts that every seeker should keep in mind while embarking on the spiritual journey… the path to Realization.

I believe Sakaar Guru is not a just a medium, but very important and essential medium in order to attain the knowledge of Nirankar.

Even in the physical world there are three stages from desire to fulfilment.
Everything happens in three steps; from formless to form and then again to formless. 
1.    Desire
2.   Object
3.   Satisfaction (Or Anger and Frustration in case of failure to get it)  

First – desire and the third or final … satisfaction or frustration -are Nirakaar or formless. 
However, the second or the middle one is a medium – a vital object in the physical form, without which, the final stage cannot be achieved. 
For example, Hunger is formless, but to satisfy the hunger, we need food that is in some kind of form. Ultimately that food turns into energy, which is Nirakaar or Formless.

 Hunger –  Food – Energy
(Formless– Form–Formless)

A child wants to get a toy and becomes happy when he gets it.
Wish – Toy – Happiness … that is Formless- Form - Formless

Similarly, we as ‘Atman’ are formless. We take on a physical form and then, after leaving the body, turn into formless again.

But this cycle in the physical world never ends.
Just like we get hungry again and consume more food, similarly when the Kaamna, (desire) arises again, we take up another body, another physical form and the cycle continues.

To end this cycle, Holy Scriptures explain another similar three-step process.

Jigyaasa – Guru – Gyana

Jigyaasa, the desire (to know the Self) is formless.
Guru is needed in a physical form.
Through the Guru, a physical form, we can achieve the Gyana which is formless.
But unlike the physical world, where this cycle of hunger-food and satisfaction, or desire- object and happiness never ends, the ultimate goal of spirituality is to break this cycle and achieve Moksha, the ‘Ultimate Freedom’.

As Taneja ji said: “At which point there is no separation between me and Guru ... it's all ONE”

In the end, I and Guru and Gyan or Nirankar – all should become Formless. 
Moksha is achieved when we rise above the boundaries of 'Naam-Roopa'; the ‘name and form’.

But to rise above the boundaries of Naam-Roop or Name and Form is not easy. Because meditation upon Nirankar; the abstract Formless Supreme God, is extremely difficult, we tend to focus our attention on some physical form - even though the Gurus and sages have repeatedly told us to meditate upon Formless.

Baba Avtar Singh ji quite often used to say “I am just a medium. I have connected you to Nirankar. Now you must stay connected to Nirankar and pray directly to Nirankar. Do not get attached to my body. 
Kal eh shreer chalaa jaasi, phir kay karoge? Nirankar naal judo jehda hamesha naal rehsi

(Tomorrow this body will be gone. What will you do then?” Stay connected to Nirankar which is and will be there forever.)

This is exactly what Vedanta says. There is a beautiful analogy in Vedanta that a person (father, mother or a guru) pointed his finger towards the moon and said “look. That is moon”. But, instead of looking at the moon, the child or the ignorant kept staring at his finger. He missed the aim and continued to focus on the ‘pointing finger’ instead.
‘Truth’ is realized only when we rise above the boundaries of Naam-Roop; the ‘name and form’.
‘Brahm-Gyan means freedom from the form.

                                     ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Waaah Ji.... This balances the topic very well... Dnj

  2. jad tak banda ban jigyaso sharan guru de aunda nahi
    kahe avtaar dilan de wichon bhav "dusra" janda nahi ....

  3. Very Nice. Thank you for sharing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. beautiful ! Space-Time continuum is a perfect way of explaining the relationship of Sakar and Nirankar ..... by definition the "space-time continuum" represents Sakar .... imagine a thread which has no beginning and no end but to understand it at any instant i.e to bind it within space and time, we will have to slice the thread at that one instant, that represents the "sakar" at that instant .... thanks for sharing Rajan ji 🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...