Friday, May 31, 2013

Be Happy in front of .....

lol > < lol

Description: Photo

Good for Nothing ?

"There is hardly anybody good for everything,
and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing."        

                                                                     "Lord Chesterfield "

"The weak can never forgive. 
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
                                                    "Mahatma Gandhi"  (1869 - 1948)

The Beauty of Life does not depend on

But how happy others can be…Because of You!!!

Attitudes are more important than facts.

What happens to a man is less significant than what happens within him.

It is how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.

Attitudes are more important than facts.

Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude toward us.

Remember, it’s the thought that counts!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Zindagi kya hai

ज़िन्दगी दो दिन की है
एक दिन आप के हक में, एक दिन आप के खिलाफ
जिस दिन हक में हो, तो मत करना ग़रूर
जिस दिन खिलाफ हो तो सबर करना ज़रूर


Maturity is when a person hurts you
& you try to understand his situation instead of hurting him back.

Kuchh to majbooriyaan rahi hongi
yoon hi koi bevafaa nahin hota

उसकी कुछ मजबूरियाँ रही होंगी
यूं ही कोई बेवफा नहीं होता  

Time can turn at any time.

When snake is alive, snake eats ants.
When snake is dead, ants eat snake.
Time can turn at any time.
Don't neglect anyone in your life.....

1. "Jitna koi vinamra hota chala jata hai, uske jeevan ka kadd bhi utna ooncha hota chal jata hai." ( Baba Ji  April 5th 2010, Delhi)
      जितना कोई विनम्र होता है, उसके जीवन का क़द भी उतना ऊंचा होता चला जाता है।
The more we become humble, the more we rise in life.
2. "Andhiyon ne badhe-2 pedho ko to gira diya par wo chhoti si ghaas apni jagah par kayam hai. To mara gaya wahi, jisne kaha main badha, par jo vinamra hota hai usko koi gira nahi sakta. Jo pehle hi daas bana hua hai, use koi kya keh sakta hai." ( April 5th 2010, Delhi)

     आँधियों ने बड़े बड़े पेड़ों को तो गिरा दिया पर वो छोटी सी घास अपनी जगह पर कायम है। तो मर गया वही जिसने कहा मैं बड़ा, पर जो विनम्र होता है उसको कोई गिरा नहीं  सकता। जो पहले ही दास बना हुआ है, उसे कोई क्या कह सकता है।                           (बाबा हरदेव सिंह जी )
Tall trees fall in heavy storm but grass remains intact. So as, one who claims to be supreme suffers whereas no one can harm the humble. Nothing disturbs a humble person.                                                ( Baba Hardev Ji)

Nice Quotes

Every king was once a crying baby & every great building was once a map.

Its not important who you are today, but where u will reach tomorrow is important.

                                                                                                         "Unknown "

"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."

  "Rishi Vyas Dev ji of Mumbai" (There is a similar quote from Mahatma Gandhi)

Do not worry if you have to go five miles but the flash light you have covers only 20 feet.

Walk 20 feet and the flash light will still be 20 feet ahead of you.

                                                                " Baba Hardev Singh ji"

Excerpts from Baba Hardev Singh ji's Vichars

1) Some people can make everyone happy by entering a room
     and some people can make others happy by leaving the room.
     Choose in what category you want to be.          (02.10.09)

2)    एक बूँद भी न ले सका मगरूर सर बुलंद
        जितना भी हो सके  --  सर झुका के पी 

       Ek boond bhi na le saka magroor sar buland,
       jitna bhi ho sake -- sar jhuka ke pee.

     A proud person does not get to drink even a single drop, but a humble always quenches his thirst.

3)    ज़ख्म तो एक बच्चा भी दे सकता है  लेकिन ज़ख्म को सीने और मरहम पट्टी करने का काम हर कोई नहीं कर सकता

         हम ने ये कठिन कार्य करना है

      Zakhm to ek baccha bhi de sakta hai,
      Lekin zakham ko silne aur marham-patti karne ka kaam har koi nahi kar sakta.
      Humne yeh kathin karya karna hai – Gurudev Hardev- II

   Even a small child can give wounds. But not all can heal those wounds. We need to work on this difficult task.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 - Baba Hardev SinghJi Maharaj

Truth is to be experienced.

Truth is to be experienced.

We can get inspiration from the experience of other inspired and enlightened people from the past and present time but ultimately, it is our own experience that sets us free.

No one else can eat, drink, take shower or do exercise for me. The food eaten by someone else on my behalf or in my name, cannot fill my stomach.

No one else can walk my path.

The path is clearly shown by the Sadguru. His teachings are clear. He even tells us about the landmarks.

If our hearts are filled with love, acceptance and oneness, then we are on the right path.

But, instead of looking at ourselves, if we are judging and criticizing others, then we are going towards wrong direction.

By calculating our 'ego', objectively .... we can know where we are and how far we are from our goal of achieving Moksha.

The farther we are from the " I ,  Me and  Mine', closer we are to God.

Spirituality is not controlling others, but one's own mind.

                                                                 ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

As we think, So we become.

DNA  makes us what we are.

Our thinking, learning and circumstances make us who we are.

What we are, never changes,

Who we are … never stops changing. 
                                     (By: unknown)

Environment and circumstances have a great influence on our thinking.
Favorable conditions make us happy and optimist, while unfavorable conditions tend to make
us sad, depressed and even angry. Most of the times, 'positive or negative thinking' depends
mainly on the circumstances.

However, a Gyani or the enlightened person chooses to reverse this course.
Instead of letting the circumstances influence his thinking, he tries to change the circumstances
with his thoughts and Karma.

" किंवदन्तीह स्त्येयम, या मति: सा गतिर्भवेत "  ( अष्टावक्र गीता १ :११ )

"Ya mati, Sa gatirbhavet "  As we think, So we become. (Ashtavkra Gita 1:11)

Rajan Sachdeva

Monday, May 27, 2013

"Dukh Daaru Sukh Rog Bhayaa"

                          "Dukh Daaru Sukh Rog Bhayaa"


A beautiful verse from Gurubani    ( Guru Nanak Dev ji)

          "Dukh Daaru Sukh Rog bhayaa, jaa Sukh Taam na hoi"

दुःख दारु सुख रोग भया , जा सुख तामि  ना होइ 

ਦੁਖੁ ਦਾਰੂ ਸੁਖੁ  ਰੋਗ ਭਇਆ ਜਾ ਸੁਖੁ ਤਾਮਿ  ਹੋਈ  (ਸਲੋਕੁ : 1 )

  A Bitter but true statement.

The common or popular meaning of this verse is :

" Suffering is the medicine, and pleasure is disease,
because where there is pleasure, there is no desire or remembrance of God. *

Though bitter, it is a true assessment.

Suffering is medicine, because it reminds us of our helplessness. We remember God when we are sad or in pain, and usually pray more and do more Simran, while we tend to forget God when we are enjoying the luxuries and pleasures of life.

But if you place the coma or pause at a different place, then it would mean that:

The pleasure, which keeps us away from God and His remembrance,  is disease. **

*  Jaa Sukh -- Taam na hoi"           Where there is pleasure, Oh God ! You are not there.

**  Jaa Sukh Taam - - na hoi"     The pleasure, in which you are not there ... The kind of pleasure that takes us away from God.

In other words, pleasure is a disease, only if or when it pushes us away from God. 

As long as we remember God, living a comfortable & happy pleasurable life may not be wrong or a disease.

"Tu hi Tu hi Nirankar karo te pal pal ehnu yaad karo"

We should not need 'dukh' (sufferings) as a remedy to remind us to remember God.

However, Dukh may not become medicine for everyone and all the time. I have seen that many a times, when we cannot handle the sufferings, we start to blame God and question the very reason for having faith.

We ask..........

"What is the use of doing Seva, Simran & Satsang if we are still going to suffer?"

Why should I pray if my pain and sufferings are not going to be eliminated? 

We seem to lose the faith in both situations...... whether it’s too much pleasure or too many sufferings.

But love and faith has to be (should be) unconditional. We should have faith in the Almighty in any situation.

As the 4th Guru says:

ਜੇ ਸੁਖੁ ਦੇਹਿ ਤੁਝਹਿ ਅਰਾਧੀ ਦੁਖਿ ਭੀ ਤੁਝੈ ਧਿਆਈ 
ਜੇ ਭੁਖ ਦੇਹਿ ਇਤ ਹੀ ਰਾਜੇ ਦੁਖ ਵਿਚਿ ਸੂਖ ਮਨਾਈ  " (ਸੂਹੀ ਮਹਲਾ 4) 

Je sukh de tan Tujh hi Araadhi, dukh bhi tujhe dhiaai
Je bhukh dehi ta ita hi raje, dukh vich sookh manaai   (Soohi mehla 4 )

"If you bless me with happiness, I will worship you, and even in pain, I will meditate upon you.
Even if you give me hunger, I shall feel satisfied and even in the midst of sorrow, I will stay joyful."

This is a very powerful statement. Not everyone can do that. Only a few great saints with unshakable faith can make such powerful statement and follow it.

Nevertheless, we should try to follow the footsteps of such great Saints.

 If we find ourselves unable to make such strong commitment, then we can certainly pray...........

"Sukh saare duniya de paa de meri jholi vich

Pher vi milaai rakhin Santaan di toli vich.”

“Oh Lord! Bless me with all kind of happiness,
 and yet keep me in the company of great & faithful Saints."

Because by keeping the company of saints, consciously or unconsciously, we will slowly adopt their virtues too.

Happy or sad, in joy or sorrow, in comfort or pain.......

 Remember Nirankar / Almighty God at all times.

                                          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Nature doesn't always act as expected

It is end of May and is supposed to be summer and hot.
Yet here in Michigan, it is a day like mid-winter...... so cold.

But what can we do?
What is there to do but to accept it?

We cannot always expect the seasons to occur precisely according to our calendar.

Similarly, we cannot always expect everything to occur according to our desires.

The ways that circumstances will actually develop, is beyond our control.
We should always try to be flexible and adaptable to the circumstances.

When there is a strong desire to achieve something and proper plans have been made, we should always prepare ourselves to accept the outcome, even if it turns out to be unfavorable.

Knowing how to put aside personal priorities, and accept and adapt to the current circumstances, is one of the greatest skills.

May Nirankar / Satguru help us achieve this goal.

                                   'Rajan Sachdeva'

Friday, May 24, 2013

Purpose of the Religion

To follow a religion does not mean going to a religious place

and follow some rituals or giving some donations.

It's purpose is to improve our own self.

We need to do a constant check on our thoughts and actions on a daily basis.

May God bless us all.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Holding on to Anger

By holding on to anger, we hurt ourselves, not others.

The longer we hold it, the longer we suffer.

By letting it go, we can set ourselves free.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wisdom vs Ignorance

After hearing a good advice, the wise Person will analyze and follow.

The clever, mediocre sometimes follows sometimes not. He will follow if it benefits him in some way.

The ignorant foolishly argues and refuses to accept.

The egotistic person does not have any desire for learning. He argues just for the sake of argument. 

That is why it is said:

"The ignorant doesn't appreciate the enlightened one.
A good advice is seen worthless; a good path to follow is ignored."

Saakat Hari Ras Saad na jaaneaa, Tis antar haumay kandaa hay
Jyon Jyon chalahi, chubhai, dukh paavahi, Jam kaal Sahehi sir danda hay

साकत हरि रस सादु ना जानिआ तिस अंतर हउमै कंडा हे
ज्यों ज्यों चलहि चुभै दुख पावहि जम काल सहहि सिरि डंडा हे   (SGGS)

An ignorant person, because of his false sense of ego, cannot enjoy God's bliss.
It's like having a thorn inside his shoe which pierces deeper when he walks (on the path of life).
The ' Kaal', the time hits him on the head, constantly challenging his ego from time to time, so he constantly keeps on suffering.

Gurmukh Aagya sat kar manne, te manmukh inkaar kare 
                                                                    (Avtar Bani 166)
                   (गुरमुख आज्ञा सत कर मन्ने , ते मनमुख इनकार करे )

An enlightened devotee accepts the will of God and thus enjoys the bliss,
while the ignorant refuses to accept, goes against it and suffers constantly.

" Jehra manne, naale challe, oho mukti paanda ae."   
                                                                 (Avtar Bani 74)
               जेहडा मन्ने नाले चल्ले, ओहो मुक्ति पांदा

The salvation is achieved by those who accept the will of God and live accordingly.

                                                                          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I love all

I guess people have different ideas about ' loving all'.

I was talking to a friend.

 I was quite impressed when he said he loves everyone,

until he explained how ..........................

          It's definitely not my idea of " loving all "

Monday, May 6, 2013

A beautiful dialogue between Two babies in the mother's womb
Momastery shared Allison Anne's photo.

In a mother's womb were two babies.
One asked the other: "Do you believe in life after delivery?"

The other one replies, "why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”

"Nonsense," says the other. "There is no life after delivery. What would that life be?"

"I don't know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths."

 The other says "This is absurd! Walking is impossible. And eat with our mouths? Ridiculous. The umbilical cord supplies nutrition. Life after delivery is to be excluded. The umbilical cord is too short."

"I think there is something and maybe it's different than it is here."

The other replies, "No one has ever come back from there. Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery it is nothing but darkness and anxiety and it takes us nowhere."

 "Well, I don't know," says the other, "but certainly we will see mother and she will take care of us."

"Mother?" You believe in mother? Where is she now?”

 "She is all around us. It is in her that we live. Without her there would not be this world."

"I don't see her, so it's only logical that she doesn't exist."

To which the other replied, "Sometimes when you're in silence you can hear her, you can perceive her. I believe there is a reality after delivery and we are here to prepare ourselves for that reality”.

The Wise Person (Gyani)

The wise person sees the depth, not only the surface.

He sees the potential fruit in a flower.

Along with the art, he appreciates the artist.

In every creation, he sees the creator. 

Though everything in the world seems like duality,
by using his wisdom, he sees the reality.

                                     'Rajan Sachdeva'

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tiger and the Fox

                     Tiger and the Fox

A fox who lived in a deep forest had lost its front legs. No one knew how: perhaps escaping from a trap.
 A man who lived on the edge of the forest, seeing the fox from time to time, wondered how in the world it managed to get its food. One day, he saw the fox
not far from him.... crawling, dragging herself on her two legs. The man decided to watch her, But he had to hide himself quickly because a tiger was approaching. The tiger had fresh game in its claws. Lying down on the ground, he ate all he could, leaving the rest for the fox.

Again the next day the great Provider of this world sent provisions to the fox by the same tiger. The man began to think: "If this fox is taken care of in this mysterious way, its food sent by the unseen Higher Power called Almighty God, why don't I just rest and have my daily meal provided for me too?"

He sat in a corner waiting for his food. Nothing happened.

Because he had a lot of faith, he let the days pass, praying and waiting for food.
Still nothing happened.
But He did not lose his faith, hoping God will provide for him soon. He just went on losing weight and strength until he was nearly a skeleton. Close to losing consciousness, he heard a Voice which said: "O you, who have mistaken the way, see now the Truth!
You should have followed the example of that tiger who not only worked for his own food but provided to others also ........
 instead of imitating the disabled fox."

Rajan Sachdeva                                                                

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Vampire

The Vampire

The concept of a Vampire is that he sucks out the blood, and thus the life out of the body. Prior to modern medicine, we did not know the concept of many fatal diseases such as cancer. If someone had a similar disease, their energy was being drawn out slowly; they were becoming weaker and sicker by the day. So people came up with the idea that some invisible evil force was sucking the life out of the person and called it a Vampire. Now we know that the cause of such symptoms is fatal diseases such as cancer.

There is another invisible evil force like the Vampire that works in our mind. This evil force is "Negativity". Negative thoughts also suck out energy from our brain, as well as from our body.

We all, at one point or the other, become a victim of this "Mind Vampire". However, we must not give into its evil power. We must focus on positive thoughts, and not allow negativity to take over.

Thoughts not only have a great influence on our minds, but also on our surroundings. Just like a small stone thrown into the still waters of a lake causes ripples up to a great distance, our thoughts can also create a similar effect in the universe. In the book The Secret, they explain that whenever we have a thought or desire, whether negative or positive, the whole universe begins to work towards fulfilling that desire.

Long time ago, I heard a story from Shehanshah Baba Avtar Singh ji, that once there was a man traveling through the desert. It was a very hot day and he soon became exhausted. He yearned for a tree so he could rest under the shade, and suddenly he saw a tree in front of him. He sat down in the shade and wished for some water as he was thirsty, and suddenly a glass of water appeared under the tree. He then thought how great it would be to have some food as he was hungry, and in matter of seconds a plate of food appeared under the tree. While eating, he began to wonder, since there is no one else around, who fulfilled all of my wishes? 'There must be a ghost around here' he thought, and 'what if he appears?' With that thought, suddenly a ghost appeared. Fear overcomes him and he thinks, 'what if the ghost eats me?' At which point, the ghost proceeds to eat him.

Shehanshah Ji explained that our thoughts, even though invisible, are very powerful. Whether they are negative or positive, they have a strong influence in our life. When we think negative, negative happens, and when we think positive, positive happens. So we must control our thoughts at all times, which can be accomplished by changing our thinking process in the subconscious mind, by constantly reminding ourselves to stay positive. With positive thoughts, we can find the solution to every problem, and cause for every effect. Our thoughts can heal our illnesses, troubled minds, and broken hearts.

As explained in the book The Secret, our subconscious mind works in accordance with the law of faith. First-most, you must believe that your mind is powerful. All experiences, events, conditions, and actions that happen are indeed the reactions to our thoughts. It’s the believing in something that brings the results.

At the same time, we must be careful about what we believe in. Believing in myths and superstitions, or fears that are widespread in the world may lead to negative impact on us. Therefore, we should only believe in the Eternal Truth.

Our mind is an empty ground, and our thoughts are the seeds. The thoughts we sow in our mind, leads to the outcome of our life. Holy scriptures and great philosophers have repeatedly proclaimed, 'change your thoughts and you can change your destiny'.

 Ye yatha maam prapadyante, Tanstathaiv Bhajaamyaham: (Howsoever people approach me, So I approach them.)
                                                                      Bhagvad Gita 4:11

If our approach is negative, then negative will come back to us, and if our approach is positive then positive will happen. By accepting God's will without complaints, we can find peace within ourselves, as well as with our surroundings and situations.

I would like to narrate another story here.

There was a potter in a small village who used to make clay pots. One morning, when he was getting ready to start his work, his neighbor came and asked him what he was going to make that day. The potter said he was planning to make an angeethi, a small clay stove. The neighbor stood there to watch him work. The potter took some clay, placed it on the moving wheel, and with his hands started to give it shape. When he was done, the neighbor saw that what the potter had made was not an angeethi, but rather a suraahi, a long jar to hold water in the summer. Surprised, the neighbor asked 'you said you were going to make an angeethi, but this is a suraahi'. 'What happened?'

The potter replied 'I know, but while working on it, I changed my mind'.

According to the story, the suraahi said, 'my dear potter, by simply changing your mind, you have changed my whole life ... my destiny. Had you made me a stove, then I would be burning inside myself, and all those who would come in contact with me. Now that I am a Suraahi, I will always stay cool and keep others cool by providing cold water to everyone else.'

So remember. By changing our thoughts, we can change our destiny.

                    ' Rajan Sachdeva'

Traveler / Visitor

About a century ago, a tourist from the United States visited the Polish Rabbi Hafez Hayyim. 
He was astonished to see that the Rabbi's home was just one simple room filled with books. 
The only furniture in the room was a small table and a bench, that served as a bed also.

"Rabbi, where is your furniture?" asked the visitor.
"Where is yours?" Asked Hafez.
"Mine? But I'm only a visitor here."
"So am I," said the Rabbi.
                          (A story taken from the web) 

Now, in the 21st century, we live in a modern society. We have so many things in our homes and yet we are not satisfied. 
Our wardrobes are overfilled with clothes and yet, if we need to go to someone's home, a function or a party, or even for a special Satsang, we complain "I have nothing to wear for this occasion". And we go for more shopping.

Our pantries and refrigerators are over flowing with food, and yet the children complaint "There is nothing for me to 
eat here in this house"

The more we have, less satisfied we are. The more we get, the more we complaint.

 What is happening to us ?

                      'Rajan Sachdeva'

Thursday, May 2, 2013

जीवन है इक उड़ता पंछी, The life is a flying bird

जीवन है इक उड़ता पंछी, ज्ञान - कर्म इसके दो पंख
कैसे उड़ पायेगा पंछी , अगर न होंगे दोनों पंख
अध्यात्म के आकाश में उड़ना संभव  तब होगा
जब पूर्ण सामंजस्य में  'राजन' होंगे दोनों पंख

Jeevan hai ik udhta panchhi, Gyan - Karam iske do Pankh
Kaise udh Paayega Panchhi ,  agar na honge dono Pankh
Adhyaatam ke Aakaash me udhnaa  sambhav tab hoga,
Jab pooran Saamanjasya me "Rajan" honge dono Pankh


The life is a flying bird - Gyan and Karma, each is a wing.

Both are equally important, a bird cannot fly on one wing.

The synchronization between the two is also important.

To fly higher up in 'spirituality', both have to be in perfect sync,

                           ' Rajan Sachdev "

Great Minds

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Most of us consider ourselves to be givers and sevadaars, to be in the service of whole humanity without any prejudice. However upon reflection, we probably still fall into the trap of serving  with some strings attached. We tend to give most to those who give us something in return whether that be love, friendship, security or pride. We tend to serve those whom we know or in our community so, if nothing else, we may at least get some recognition and appreciation.
Seva should be performed without agenda, without expectations.  
Seva means unconditional service.  Serve those also who may have nothing to offer in return. 

Baba Gurbachan Singh ji used to say that a farmer, after spreading the seeds on the ground, covers them with dust. The seeds that are visible above the ground, never grow.
Similarly, good deeds and Seva should be covered with humility and not publicized to receive appreciation. 
           " Neki kar kooen me daal"      
नेकी कर, कूएँ में डाल 

Do some work of charity and forget about it. 
"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.      (Matthew 6:2) 

In other words, since we have settled for the appreciation from people, there may not be any other reward from God. 

                                                                            ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...