Monday, October 28, 2024

Somewhere, you will find Love - Kahin Prem milega kaheen ....

Kaheen milega Prem - to kaheen sneh ka abhaav milega 
Kaheen milega apnaapan to kabhi kaheen algaav milega

Kaheen milegi prashansaa aur Kaheen aalochana hogi 
Kaheen milegi sadbhaavna aur kaheen durbhaav milega

Kaheen begaanapan milega kaheen milegi aatmeeyataa 
Kisi kay man mein eershaa hogi kisi kay man mein chaav milega 

Koyi uthaana chaahega aur koyi giraana chaahega 
Koyi dega saantvanaa to kisi say man ko ghaav milega 

Kahin akaaran koi tumhaaray shatru bhee ban jayengay 
Kaheen milegi mitrtaa aur karunaa ka bahaav milega 

Kahin milegi Namrtaa - aur kahin maan Bal-Buddhi ka
Har insaan ka is duniya mein alag alag svabhaav milega 

Chaltaa chal nishkaam bhaav say Sat kay maarg par 'Rajan' 
Jaisaa teraa bhaav rahega vaisaa hee Prabhaav milega 
                                      " Rajan Sachdeva "

                              English Translation

Somewhere, you will find love - and somewhere, a lack of affection.

Somewhere, you will find closeness - and somewhere, feelings of alienation.

Sometimes, you will find praise and sometimes criticism.

Somewhere, you will find goodwill - and somewhere ill-will.

Some people will lift you - and some will bring you down.

Some will console you - and some will hurt your feelings.

Somewhere, you will find alienation - and somewhere, you will find intimacy.

Some will have jealousy in their hearts - some will have a liking for you.

Some people will become your enemy without any reason.

With some, you will find friendship and a flow of compassion.

In some, you will find humility - and in others, the arrogance of their power and intellect.

Everyone in this world has a different nature - a specific nature of their own.

Keep moving ahead on the path of Truth & righteousness with feelings of selflessness - O' Rajan.

In the end - the outcome will be according to your own true sentiments and presumptions.


  1. "IKIGAI" approach invented by Japnese is premised on your poetical lines. Like sails set itself according to wind flow. "ADAPTIVE MINDSET" is key to unlock interpersonal animosity.

  2. Dnji --very nice thoughts

  3. Wah! Very nice poetry.

  4. I love the way did comparison Rajan ji

  5. “ Keep moving ahead on the path of Truth & righteousness with feelings of selflessness”
    That’s truly living!

  6. Very well said. The path of Truth and righteousness has so many smaller paths branching from it which will lead us astray and lost in the ever changing personalities of this Myah filled world. We should try our best to worry about ourselves and focus on our journey on the correct path. Thinking too much about what is right and wrong for others is foolish because the path of Truth and righteousness (salvation) is an individual journey and our final destination will ONLY depend on OUR actions, not the actions of others.

    Thanks for sharing Ji!


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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