Sunday, May 26, 2024

फूल तोड़ना मना है Picking flowers is prohibited

एक बाग़ में बोर्ड लगा था ' फूल तोड़ना सख्त मना है '
आंधी तो 'राजन' अनपढ़ थी -
वो सब उखाड़ के -- तोड़-ताड़ के चली गई
                                  " राजन सचदेव "

Ek baag mein bord lagaa thaa "Phool todnaa sakht manaa hai
Aandhi to 'Rajan' anpadh thee -
Vo sab ukhaad kay -- tod-taad kay chali gayi "
                                           " Rajan Sachdeva "

                        English Translation

A sign was posted in the garden - 
'Picking flowers is strictly prohibited '
But the storm was illiterate - 
It uprooted everything - broke all flowers, and went away.


  1. Mein bhi anpadh hu ji. Please elaborate.

  2. The enlightened know how to respect life and environment because they realize that’s the only way for harmony and sustainability. The unenlightened exploit and destroy with abandon because they don’t realize the disastrous long term consequences.

  3. The enlightened gained knowledge to beautify and able to write with the help of the same power the unenlightened destroyed. Both did their job well what they are supposed to do. But the enlightened understand the the path, vidhi and remains stable, never deviates and start working again to beautify.
    Enlightened never keep on chanting that he is enlightened or feel pride or be arrogant that others are unenlightened. After getting the knowledge they become more stable, polite, humble, and respectful towards unenlightened because they know that everything is done with the help of the same electricity with which all these instruments are connected. Heater will definitely give heat it’s not instrument’s fault, it is the maker’s fault. Also air condition is not required every time too.
    Vivek Shauk ji once said, if a parent praises one of their child that he/she is very brilliant, it is automatically understood that the other is not, they don’t have to say anything about the other child.
    Similarly if we say we are Gyani, enlightened, it automatically differentiates that others are agyani, unenlightened. It generates a sense of arrogance, segregation and differentiation.
    The real beauty is when the unenlightened ones say that we are enlightened.
    At the end we have to stop creating this difference of enlightened and unenlightened ones as both are the creations of the same father.
    If one child gets good education, well settled and lives away from the his farmer parents and the other child remained uneducated and stays with his parents to serve; and the educated one feels pride and arrogance of his achievements, this is not admirable.
    Real admiration will come from the parents who is enlightened and who is unenlightened.
    In man made movies if the hero as an actor didn’t do well but the villain as an actor did best, PEOPLE will praise the work of the villain (not the actor).
    Aandhi did the work what was expected and similarly maali did the work what was expected from him. The real capable will remain stable and will restart what is expected.
    And it is the vidhi ka vidhan, ho hi hai vahi jo Ram rachi rakha. Thanks.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...