Thursday, September 29, 2022

Purpose of Satsang - Sat-Sangatvay Nis-Sangatvam

          Sat-Sangatvay Nis-Sangatvam
            Nis-Sangatvay Nir-Mohatvam
            Nir-Mohatvay Nischal-Tatvaam
           Nischal-Tatvay Jeevan Muktih
                                (Adi Shankaracharya)

While explaining the stages to attain liberation, Adi Shankaracharya says that the first step is Satsang.
To acquire the Gyan - that is, to know the Truth - and then to grasp and imbibe the Gyan in life, it is necessary to have Satsang - to keep the company of enlightened saints.

While doing Satsang - while living in the company of saints, the devotee eventually becomes Nisangtva. 
Meaning: without association - free from the association of illusions and trivial thoughts and unnecessary and excessive worldly desires, expectations, and cravings.
By keeping the company of Saints, noble and righteous people - one becomes free from delusions.

The state of being 'Nis-Sangatavam' - free of all company can also be interpreted as the thoughtless state of mind. - beyond or free from the mind - a state of mind without thoughts.

When one becomes Nisangtvam or free from trivial thoughts and unnecessary desires, the false attachments from the mind are destroyed, and the devotee attains the state of Nirmohatva. 
A state - free from undue attachment to the world and worldly objects – free from expectations, wrong beliefs, assumptions, and dogmas. 
And thus, continues the spiritual journey without getting confused and going astray from the desired destination of achieving the Truth. 

This state of mind - being free from the attachments - further results in the union with the 'Unchangeable Truth' - the one and only Reality.
By attaining the above state of mind, one becomes settled in the Nishcal Tattva - the immovable element - the almighty Nirankar Brahm.

Absorbed, immersed in the Nishchal Tattva - the immovable element or the Absolute Truth - ultimately results in achieving the Jeevan-Mukti; Liberation while living in the world and from the repetitive cycle of birth and death.
Being free from any kind of binding is the Jeevan-Mukti - the Living-Salvation - the True Liberation.

As long as we are attached to an object - a person or personality - to certain dogmas, situations, or environments - we are bound and cannot become Jeevan-Mukta.
To be free from any bondage is called Mukti or Moksha.
                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Sat -- Eternal Truth
Sangatwam -- Keeping the company of
Nis-Sangatvam -- Not having any company
Nis-Sangatvay -- By not having any company
Nir-Mohatvam -- Free of attachments
Nischal -- Unchangeable
Tatvam -- Basic Element, Reality, The Truth
Jeevan -- Life
Mukti -- Salvation, Liberation.
Jeevan-Mukti -- Living Salvation or Liberation


  1. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐💐💐🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Bahut hee sunder bachan on purpose of sat sang ji.🙏

  3. Buddha bless you 🙏

  4. Beautiful explanation 🙏🙇🏽‍♀️🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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